Jason Cosper, Author at Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge DreamHost Thu, 06 Jun 2024 20:18:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 Common WordPress Image Upload Issues And How To Fix Them (5 Methods) https://www.dreamhost.com/blog/how-to-fix-wordpress-image-upload-issues/ Mon, 13 May 2024 13:00:00 +0000 https://dhblog.dream.press/blog/?p=30706 Take care of WordPress image upload issues with our guide. Find out why errors occur & get solutions.

The post Common WordPress Image Upload Issues And How To Fix Them (5 Methods) appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

Images are a super duper important part of any website. We process visual content way faster than text, and pictures can help us understand complex ideas.

As a site owner, this means spending a lot of time with photos. And when you’re regularly uploading images to your WordPress website, it’s only natural to stumble upon the occasional error message.

Fortunately, there are ways to diagnose even the fuzziest image upload issue. After running through a checklist of common fixes, you should have no problems adding beautiful, eye-catching visuals to your website.

In this article, we’ll look at why image-related errors can be tricky to diagnose. We’ll then share five solutions for you to try the next time the WordPress Media Library doesn’t want to cooperate with your creative vision. Let’s get started!

An Introduction To WordPress Image Errors (And Why They’re A Problem)

Beautiful visuals aren’t just pretty to look at. If you’re running an e-commerce store, product images are particularly important for driving sales, because they let people see what they’re purchasing. Maybe that explains why images make up around 40% of the median web page.

However, uploading images to WordPress isn’t always straightforward. Sometimes, this popular Content Management System (CMS) displays a failure to upload error. These issues are notoriously difficult to diagnose, as a number of factors trigger them. This can make it difficult to know where to start to address the problem.

WordPress Media Library dialog box showing an error while uploading an image: "The server cannot process the image."

The good news? We’re going to walk you through the steps we take to identify and fix image upload issues in WordPress.

We’ll Fix Your Image Upload Issue

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Common WordPress Image Upload Errors And How To Fix Them (5 Methods)

The last thing you want is your workflow interrupted by a vague error message. Below are five ways to fix upload errors, so you can start adding stunning images to your website. Pronto.

1. Adjust The Image File Name And File Size

If you’re only encountering issues with a specific image file, you can start by looking at the file name. If you’re using special characters ($, *, &, #) or accent letters (ñ, á, é), these can cause issues with the WordPress media library.

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File Manager

A file manager is a software application that enables users to manage their files. It typically provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) where people can browse through their files, open them, edit them, and save them.

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The image may also be too large — both, in terms of dimensions and file size. You can change an image’s dimensions using your favorite editing program. If you’re trying to upload a particularly high-resolution graphic, you can squeeze the size without impacting the quality, using a compression tool such as TinyPNG.

TinyPNG's website landing page with a call to action to optimize images and a panda chewing on a bamboo stick.

If you regularly encounter issues due to file size, then WordPress’s limit may be set too low. You can raise the maximum upload size by adding code to your site’s php.ini file:

upload_max_filesize = 128M
post_max_size = 128M
max_execution_time = 300

If your site doesn’t already contain a php.ini file, you can create it inside the PHP folder for the current PHP version your site is running. Then, simply add the above code at the end of the file.

2. Increase The Memory Limit Of Your WordPress Site

When you try to upload an image, you might encounter the WordPress HTTP error. This can sometimes be caused by low server resources or unusual traffic. For this reason, it’s always worth waiting a few minutes and then attempting to re-upload the image.

If the issue doesn’t resolve itself, then you may be exceeding the WordPress memory limit. You can increase the amount of memory that PHP can use on your server by connecting to your site over SFTP.

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Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a safer version of the FTP protocol that uses a secure shell data stream.

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Next, open your wp-config file. You can then add the following, which will increase the limit to 256MB:

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

You can also define your WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT in the same way, should you want to try overriding the memory limit specifically for backend tasks.

If you’re still unable to upload visual content, your problem might be related to threading. WordPress processes images using either the GD Library or Imagick module, depending on which one is available.

Imagick was designed to use multiple threads to accelerate image processing. However, some shared hosting providers limit Imagick’s ability to use multiple threads, which can result in an HTTP error. You can often resolve this issue by adding the following to your .htaccess file:


Remember to check with your host if you can change thread limits.

Related: How To Fix The WordPress Memory Exhausted Error By Increasing Your Site’s PHP Memory Limit

3. Deactivate Your Plugins

Third-party software can sometimes interfere with your image uploads. If you’re using any plugins, it’s always worth deactivating each one individually and testing to see whether this resolves your image upload issue.

WordPress dashboard open to the Plugins tab. Button "Deactivate" is selected from the drop-down menu at the top.

If a plugin is to blame, you can double-check to make sure you’re running the latest version. If you’ve fallen behind on your updates, you may be struggling with a problem that’s already been resolved in recent updates.

However, if you are in fact running the latest version, we recommend contacting the plugin’s developer to make sure that they’re aware of the issue. This can also be an opportunity to ask whether they plan to solve this problem in their next release. If the plugin is critical to your site and there’s no fix on the horizon, it might be time to look for an alternative solution.

Related: The Beginner’s Guide To WordPress Plugins

4. Clear Your Site’s Cache

If you’re using a caching plugin, then clearing the cache may be enough to resolve your image upload issues. We should mention, however, that it’s incredibly rare for the cache to prevent a file upload, so we’re including this fix out of an abundance of caution.

If you think that caching could be causing the error, the steps you take will depend on your chosen caching solution. For example, if you’re using the W3 Total Cache plugin, you can clear the cache by selecting Performance > Purge All Caches from the WordPress toolbar.

WordPress toolbar showing the "Performance" tab selected and an option to "Purge All Caches" as first in the drop-down menu.

If you’re unsure how to clear the cache in your specific tool, the plugin’s settings menu is often a good place to start. You can also check the developer’s official documentation for more details.

5. Try The Browser Uploader

Still having issues? If you’ve tried all of the above fixes but the problem persists, you can use your browser’s built-in file uploader. Unlike WordPress’s image uploader, the browser uploader doesn’t support multiple file selection or drag and drop. However, it can be a useful workaround when you need to upload an image quickly.

To access the native image uploader, navigate to Media > Add New Media File. You can then select the browser uploader link.

WordPress toolbar showing the "Performance" tab selected and an option to "Purge All Caches" as first in the drop-down menu.

Next, click on Choose File. This launches the familiar file selection dialog, where you can upload the image as you normally would. If this workaround succeeds, we recommend trying to upload an image using WordPress’s standard image uploader afterward — just to check whether it resolved your issue.

FAQs About Fixing Image Upload Issues In WordPress

Have more questions? Luckily, we have an endless supply of answers. Here are some of the most common requests!

Why am I getting an HTTP error when uploading images?

In most cases, HTTP errors are caused by one of the following issues:

  • The images you’re uploading exceed the file size limits
  • Plugin conflicts are interfering with uploads
  • There are problems with your browser’s cache

Why are my image files taking so long to upload?

A slow internet connection, a large file size, server performance, or high traffic on your website could all be contributing factors. Here’s a detailed guide to fixing slow image uploads.

What is the “Unable To Create Directory” error?

Normally, this problem occurs when a plugin or script can’t create a new directory within your website’s file system. This can happen if the program has insufficient permissions to write to the target location, or is using a file path that doesn’t exist. Also, it can happen when your storage is full.

Additional WordPress Error Tutorials

Once you’ve solved your image upload error, the adventure isn’t over. There’s always more to learn about WordPress! We’ve put together several tutorials to help you troubleshoot other common WordPress errors:

Want more information on managing a WordPress site? Check out our WordPress Tutorials, a collection of guides designed to help you navigate the WordPress dashboard like an expert.

WordPress Images Made Easy

Visuals are crucial for catching (and holding) your visitors’ attention, but image upload issues are frustratingly common. By following our simple steps, we’re confident that you can get your site back on track — even when the error message itself doesn’t provide much information.

Let’s quickly recap five ways to resolve common WordPress image upload issues:

  1. Rename, resize, and re-upload the image
  2. Increase the memory limit
  3. Deactivate your plugins
  4. Clear the cache
  5. Try the browser uploader

Tired of troubleshooting WordPress errors on your own? All of our DreamPress hosting packages include 24/7 customer support, so you’re always covered.

We also offer unlimited traffic, automatic WordPress updates, and daily backups to keep your site running smoothly — and plans that start at just $2.59 per month.

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The post Common WordPress Image Upload Issues And How To Fix Them (5 Methods) appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

How to Create a WordPress Child Theme https://www.dreamhost.com/blog/how-to-create-wordpress-child-theme/ Mon, 12 Feb 2024 15:00:09 +0000 https://dhblog.dream.press/blog/?p=33538 When you have specific requirements, selecting a WordPress theme is no easy task. Your choice needs to look the part and provide all the functions you need — Some compromise is almost inevitable. Customizing your chosen theme is one way to get around this issue. However, WordPress themes need to be updated periodically. When the […]

The post How to Create a WordPress Child Theme appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

When you have specific requirements, selecting a WordPress theme is no easy task. Your choice needs to look the part and provide all the functions you need — Some compromise is almost inevitable.

Customizing your chosen theme is one way to get around this issue. However, WordPress themes need to be updated periodically. When the developer of your theme releases a new version, all your customizations could be reset.

The solution?

Create a WordPress child theme that inherits the original theme’s functionality but maintains your styling. Even if you apply a theme update, your customized child theme will remain intact.

In this post, we’re going to take a closer look at WordPress child themes — from why you need one to how to create your own. Let’s dive in!

What Is A Child Theme?

DreamHost Glossary

Child Theme

A ‘child theme’ is a WordPress theme with the same appearance and functionality as its ‘parent theme’. However, you can customize its files separately from its parent theme’s files.

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WordPress allows you to make a lightweight copy of any theme for the sake of customization. The original theme becomes the parent theme, and the copy is known as a child theme.

The child is dependent on the parent, drawing on the functions and design of the original theme. When the parent theme receives an update, so does the child.

But much like a teenager, the child theme does have some independence. When you customize the child theme, the changes are applied on top of the original parent theme. Those additions remain, even when the parent theme is updated or changed in some other way.

It’s also worth noting that customizations to your child theme don’t affect the parent theme. In fact, they are stored separately. This means you have freedom to experiment, without worrying about breaking the underlying code. You can even delete your child theme completely, and it will have no effect on the original parent theme.

Using a child theme makes it easier to maintain and update your site. It will also help you avoid the risk of editing the parent theme directly, which could be overwritten and lost.

Differences Between Child And Parent Themes

DreamHost Glossary

Parent Theme

When working with WordPress child themes, there’s always a parent theme. It’s the theme that the child inherits its style and functionality from. Any changes to the child theme won’t impact the parent’s code.

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There are several technical differences between a parent theme and a child theme. For example, a parent theme folder typically includes:

  • A style.css file that determines the look and feel of your website.
  • A functions.php file that enables you to add features or modify the default behavior of WordPress.
  • Several template files that define how different pages on your site are displayed.

In contrast, a child theme folder only needs two essential files: style.css and functions.php. You will add these files within the /wp-content/themes/ directory.

You can use a child theme to make stylistic changes to your website, such as changing the default color palette, fonts, and layouts.

For example, let’s say you want to change your site’s color scheme. You can do this by creating a new style.css file in the child theme directory and adding the following code:

body {



h1 {

color: #000


We’ve changed the background color and H1 color in the code above. These edits will override the parent theme’s styling and update the colors on your site. You can make as many changes as needed in the child theme’s style.css file.

A child theme inherits everything from the parent theme. This includes all template files, functions, and assets such as images and JavaScript files. If you want to make changes to these elements, you need to copy them into the child theme directory from the parent theme. You can then edit the files.

Why You Should Use A Child Theme

There are several advantages to using a child theme on your WordPress site, including:

  • Protecting theme changes against automatic updates.
  • Adjusting visual elements of your theme.
  • Learning how to edit themes, which is a step toward developing your own theme.

Using a child theme also requires minimal coding experience. In most cases, you only need to add a few lines of code to the style.css file. This makes it easy to get started with a child theme, even if you’re not a theme developer.

If you do want to dive deeper, you can add new elements and functions to your child theme via custom code.

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How To Create A WordPress Child Theme Using A Plugin

Using a plugin is probably the easiest way to create a WordPress child theme. The plugin can walk you through the entire process in simple steps, meaning you don’t need any technical knowledge.

In this tutorial, we’ll be working with the Child Theme Configurator plugin. This user-friendly tool can help you analyze your theme for issues, create a child theme, and edit it to meet your web design layout and style specifications.

Step 1: Download And Install The Child Theme Configurator Plugin

To start, you’ll need to download and install Child Theme Configurator. You can do this by navigating to the plugin’s page and clicking on the Download button:

Child Theme Configurator by Lilaea Media screenshot of download button

Your computer will download the theme files in a ZIP file. Then, navigate to your WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins > Add New to upload the files.

Click on Upload Plugin > Choose File, and select the downloaded folder:

Add plugins "upload plugin" screenshot where you can upload a .zip file

Once the plugin is installed, you’ll just need to activate it. Keep in mind that you’ll also need to choose a WordPress theme from which to make your child theme.

Step 2: Analyze The Parent Theme

Next, navigate to Tools > Child Themes:

wordpress menu showing the nav bar where you can find "child themes" in "tools"

The plugin will walk you through the steps to create a child theme. Simply select CREATE a new Child Theme to get started:

screenshot of the first step: select an action with "create a new child theme" selected

You’ll be prompted to select your parent theme from the dropdown menu. If you have multiple themes on your WordPress site, make sure to choose the one you want to customize:

step 2: select a parent theme showing a search bar which "Twenty Twenty-Four" entered all all four versions of Twenty Teenty displaying as search results

Now hit Analyze to check the parent theme for any potential code issues:

step 2: analyze parent theme

If the plugin finds any compatibility or coding issues, it will list them here. Otherwise, you’ll see a green success message telling you it’s fine to proceed with making the child theme:

screenshot of the analysis page showing a check mark that this theme appears OK to use as a child theme and the relevant code

Once you’ve determined that your parent theme will be suitable for a child theme, you can move on to the next step. (You can also show a raw data analysis or submit support requests to the plugin’s creator from this page.)

Step 3: Name Your Child Theme Directory

Next, you’ll be prompted to create a child theme directory name. This is the name of the folder within your website’s files.

You can name it anything you like as long as it’s unique to your site and contains acceptable characters. We’re using “twentytwentyfour-child” for simplicity’s sake:

You can name child theme anything you like as long as it's unique to your site and contains acceptable characters.

Keep in mind that naming the theme directory is not the same as naming your child theme or adding a theme description. Those steps will come later.

Step 4: Select The Child And Parent Theme Stylesheets

Next, you’ll need to choose the new stylesheet for your child theme. If you select the primary stylesheet (style.css), your custom CSS styles will override the existing theme content.

DreamHost Glossary


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is an essential coding language used for styling webpages. CSS helps you create beautiful pages by modifying the appearance of various elements, including font style, color, layout, and more.

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This is the default option, and we recommend choosing it if you’re new to child themes:

step 5: select where to save new styles with "primary stylesheet" selected instead of "separate stylesheet"

You’ll now be prompted to choose your parent theme stylesheet handling method. There are various options, but we recommend sticking with Use the WordPress style queue for most use cases:

step 6: select parent theme stylesheet handling with "use the wordpress style queue" selected

As a beginner, it’s better to use the default option until you’re more familiar with how the parent theme handles the stylesheet. The other options aren’t always compatible with all themes.

Step 5: Name Your Child Theme

The next step is to name your child theme and write a description for it.

step 7: customer the child theme name, description, author, version, etc. with respective text boxes in the attributes editor

Child Theme Configurator will pull the default information from your parent theme and display it here. If you’re simply making a child theme for personal use, you can leave the data as-is.

However, if your parent theme will serve as the basis for a new theme you’re developing, you might want to add a brief description and a unique name.

Step 6: Copy The Parent Settings To The Child Theme

The plugin will now ask you to confirm that it can copy the parent theme’s settings to your child theme:

step 8: copy menus, widgets, and other customizer settings from the parents theme to the child theme with the checkbox selected

This step will ensure that your child theme pulls its functionality and appearance from the parent theme. Note that if you’re working with a premium or restricted theme as the parent, you may not be able to perform this step.

Step 7: Create Your New Child Theme And Preview It

The final step is to make your child theme. Click on the Create New Child Theme button and wait for the plugin to do its job:

step 9: click to run the configurator and "create new child theme" button

You should get a notification that your child theme was created successfully:

child theme twenty twenty-four child has been generated successfully

Always preview your child theme before activating it on your website. This step will help you verify that everything is working as it should. Then, hit Activate & Publish to get started with your child theme.

How To Manually Create A WordPress Child Theme

If you’d rather not use a plugin to create your child theme, you can use the manual method. You might prefer this route if you’re already using too many plugins on your website.

Additionally, manually creating a WordPress child theme lets you make all the changes you want at a granular level. Just keep in mind you’ll need an intermediate knowledge of CSS code.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Develop A Plan For Your Changes

First, find a parent theme you like and list the changes you want to make. You can view the developer tools and see the theme’s code to make the correct changes.

To view the developer tools, right-click anywhere on your site while running the theme and select Inspect Element. You’ll then see a page of data that looks something like this:

blue screen of code with "background-color" highlighted in three places

Here, you can search for background colors, font information, margin size, and more. Then, you can make a list of features you’d like to adjust in your child theme.

Step 2: Back Up Your Site

It’s essential to back up your current site before making any changes to avoid losing your settings. You can always revert to this backup if needed. You might also consider utilizing a staging website in case you make critical mistakes.

There are a couple of different ways to back up your site. You can do it manually using a backup plugin, which is probably the easiest method for most people.

Alternatively, you can partner with a WordPress hosting provider that takes care of website backups. Our DreamPress managed hosting plans include automatic and on-demand backups to safeguard your data.

Step 3: Create A Folder For Your Child Theme

You’ll need to create a folder to store your child theme files. To achieve this, first access your files via a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client such as Filezilla and navigate to the themes folder:

files showing where theme files live under wp-content>themes

Here, you can create a new directory for your child theme. Make a new folder that carries the parent theme’s name and add “-child” to the end.

For example, if your parent theme directory is named “twentytwentyfour”, your child theme directory will be called “twentytwentyfour-child”.

Step 4: Make A Stylesheet For Your Child Theme

Now you’ll need to make a new text file and name it “style.css”. This file will form the basis of your child theme. It will need some basic header information, including its name, URL, description, and more:

style sheet with 8 lines showing each written out line of the theme name, URL, description, author, author URL, parent theme, version, and text domain

Now save and add the style.css file to the directory folder you just made.

Step 5: Enqueue The Stylesheets

Next, you’ll need to enqueue the parent and child theme stylesheets.

The enqueue function ensures that your child theme will take its style data from the parent theme. It also allows you to edit the child theme without affecting its parent.

Make a new functions file in your child theme directory and name it “functions.php”. You can then tell your child theme to reference the base theme by adding the following code:


add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_parent_styles' );

function enqueue_parent_styles() {

wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri().'/style.css' );



Save the text file and navigate to your WordPress dashboard to activate the theme.

Step 6: Activate The Child Theme

Finally, it’s time to activate your child theme. You can upload it manually by going to Appearance > Themes > Upload. Then, choose a .zip version of your child theme directory:

wordpress sidebar nav showing you can find themes under appearance

Activate your child theme. It should now be live!

How To Customize Your Child Theme

Once you’ve activated your new child theme, it’s time to take it for a spin. There are several different ways you can customize the design and functionality.

One principle to bear in mind is that WordPress automatically looks for files in the child directory before scanning the parent theme files. This means any stylesheet or template you add to your child theme will take precedence over the same file in the parent folder.

The child-before-parent system gives us loads of options.

Creating Custom Styles

For basic design changes that aren’t covered by the Theme Options panel, you can create your own custom styles. In most cases, you can simply rewrite existing parent styling rules in a new stylesheet.

The best way to find the CSS you want to modify is by using the Inspector Tools in your browser. You can look at the CSS and the HTML behind any webpage by right-clicking on it and selecting Inspect Element.

At the bottom or the right side of your screen, you’ll find the code for the page. Hover your mouse over the code and highlight the HTML in sections:

inspect code showing the various HMTL sections

As you hover, it will also display the CSS rules. You can edit the CSS directly with the developer tools to see how it looks.

inspect page HTML code showing the span class and background color in HTML

In this example, we changed the background color from “#9888fd” to “#9888fe” to see how it would look. The background color will change instantly, but it’s not permanent.

You now need to copy the CSS rule and add it to the style.css file of your child theme like this:

body {

Background-color: #9888fe;


Save these changes in the style.css file and return to your WordPress dashboard to preview the theme. This process might require trial and error, so take your time to perfect the style.

Override Parent Templates

Just as we can create a new stylesheet for custom CSS, it’s possible to override parent templates with new content. This allows you to make wholesale changes to the structure of specific parts of your website — such as the header and navigation menu, the footer, or the single posts template.

Let’s imagine that you want to change the blog post layout in your child theme, so the title of each post appears above the featured image.

This section of your site is controlled by the content.php template file. To start making changes, download a copy of content.php from the parent folder via SFTP.

Next, open the child template in your text editor. You might see something like this:


<!-- Title and other header info here -->

To adjust the layout of your header, you might change the code to read:

<!-- Title and other header info here -->

// Post thumbnail

Finally, save the file and upload it to the child theme folder. Make sure to retain the original name of the file, otherwise WordPress won’t recognize your edited template.

Custom Page Templates

Want something totally different? You can also add brand new templates to your child theme.

The process is exactly like developing templates for a regular theme, except you may also need to create custom header and footer templates. These files need to be referenced in your new custom template — and don’t forget to add some new CSS via the existing child stylesheet.

Creating New PHP Functions

If you want to introduce new features in your child theme, you can create a child functions.php file. This works in tandem with the parent functions file, rather than replacing it.

As such, you don’t need to make a copy of the original file — simply write any additional scripts you want to add on top. The child functions file will run first, followed by the parent version.

Adding a functions file to your child theme opens up a whole range of possibilities. For example, you could:

  • Register new widgets and shortcodes.
  • Add custom post types and taxonomies.
  • Create new theme options.
  • Hook up external stylesheets and JavaScript files.
  • Lay the groundwork for translating and localizing content.
  • Override certain parent theme functions.

You can learn more about creating these functions in our complete guide to functions.php.

Using Theme Hooks

The most efficient way of adding features to your new functions file is by using hooks.

Hooks are part of the core functionality of WordPress. They allow you to alter various parts of your website without having to edit individual templates.

Instead, you simply assign your code to the relevant hook in the functions file. WordPress will then automatically apply this code to matching elements in the parent theme.

In WordPress, hooks come in two varieties:

  • Action Hooks: Used to “hook” custom code into specific parts of your WordPress theme, such as a new widget area or a custom message to be displayed after each blog post.
  • Filter Hooks: Used to modify content generated either by WordPress or a parent theme, before it’s sent to a browser or stored in the database. In terms of child themes, they are most often used to adjust the length of excerpts.

Most hooks only require a small code snippet. For example, here’s the code you would need for adding some content to the footer of your site:

function my_custom_footer_content() {
echo '<div>Custom footer content here</div>';
add_action('wp_footer', 'my_custom_footer_content');

You see that ‘wp_footer’ bit? That’s the hook, and it tells WordPress where this code needs to go. In this case, your custom function should come straight after the footer template — wherever that is invoked within your theme. Neat, huh?

WordPress Child Theme FAQs

We’d like to think this guide has been pretty comprehensive so far. But if you still have questions hanging, we have answers:

Should I activate parent or child theme in WordPress?

There’s a simple rule here: activate the theme you want to use.

If you want to revert to the original design as your active theme, activate the parent. But if you want to enable those glorious customizations, be sure to activate the child theme.

What are the disadvantages of using a child theme?

There aren’t many disadvantages to using a child theme. It’s a little more technical than customizing your site via the Dashboard. To make bigger changes, you will need at least some basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and PHP.

It’s also worth noting that a poorly optimized child theme can slow down your site, and you’re always going to be reliant on the parent theme.

Can a child theme exist without a parent theme?

Nope, a child theme doesn’t work without a parent theme.

The concept of a child theme is inherently dependent on a parent theme. Remember that the parent supplies everything other than the custom styles and templates you add. What’s more, the whole folder structure of your site would be messed up if you removed the parent folder.

If you want to separate out your child design, consider converting it to a standalone theme.

Can you have multiple child themes for one parent theme?

Yes, you can. This means you can craft multiple versions of the same site to suit different audiences. You could even run A/B testing this way.

What are the best WordPress child theme creator plugins?

Along with Child Theme Configurator, which we worked with earlier, check out WP Child Theme Generator and Child Theme Wizard.

WordPress.org has its very own experimental child theme plugin, too. It’s called Create Block Theme.

What is the difference between a child theme and a custom theme?

Dependency is probably the biggest difference. A child theme leans on the core files of a parent theme, whereas a custom theme stands alone.

That independence means that theme developers can introduce new core features and more customization. On the flip side, you need to be comfortable with code to create and maintain a custom theme.

It requires way more development time to build a complete theme from scratch, as well.

Protect Your Theme Customizations And Updates

Using a child theme helps you avoid the complications of editing a parent theme directly. A child theme is easy to adjust, enabling you to make sweeping design changes to an existing website. Plus, it isn’t affected by automatic theme updates.

Here’s a quick recap of how to create a child theme manually:

  • Make a plan.
  • Back up your current site.
  • Create a folder for your child theme using an SFTP client.
  • Make a style sheet and upload it to your site.
  • Enqueue the child and parent theme stylesheets.
  • Activate and preview your child theme.
  • Make changes using CSS.

Having a beautiful theme is just one part of running a successful website. You’ll also need a hosting provider that fits your needs. Check out DreamHost’s shared hosting packages for affordable plans that prioritize website performance, with 100% uptime guaranteed!

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How To Create A WordPress Plugin (Beginner’s Guide) https://www.dreamhost.com/blog/how-to-create-your-first-wordpress-plugin/ Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:00:46 +0000 http://dhwordpress.dreamhost.com/dreamscape/?p=11300 One of the main reasons that WordPress is so popular is its open-source nature. Because of that, at the time of this writing there are over 60,000 WordPress plugins that have been developed for the internet’s favorite content management system (CMS). And you can join in on the fun by creating your own WordPress plugin. […]

The post How To Create A WordPress Plugin (Beginner’s Guide) appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

One of the main reasons that WordPress is so popular is its open-source nature.

Because of that, at the time of this writing there are over 60,000 WordPress plugins that have been developed for the internet’s favorite content management system (CMS).

And you can join in on the fun by creating your own WordPress plugin.

Fortunately, WordPress makes the process pretty easy. Some coding knowledge will be needed, but it’s not terribly hard to learn how to create a basic plugin to add additional functionality to your website. And if it goes really well, you may even be able to sell it to others and turn your project into a side hustle!

Ready to learn more about why you might want to create a WordPress plugin, as well as how to develop your own?

You’re in the right place!

A Quick Intro To WordPress Plugins

WordPress has a market share of nearly 63% among all CMSes, making it the most popular option by a landslide.

DreamHost Glossary


WordPress is an open-source Content Management System (CMS). Since it is free and accessible, WordPress is used to power almost any type of website, from blogs to e-commerce businesses.

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As mentioned earlier, WordPress is an open-source software platform. That means its source code, plugins, and themes are available for anyone to work with and modify as they see fit.

Note: There’s a difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org. The .org version is the open-source option that’s free to download and use to create a custom site. It’s the version we’ll cover in this post. The .com version is a hosted site builder with which you can create a limited site for free.

WordPress plugins are packages of code that extend the functionality of a WordPress site. They’re created by different developers all around the world and are designed for a variety of purposes.

For instance, in the existing plugin library you’ll find options for adding social media share buttons, adding newsletter signup forms to your sidebar, improving website search engine optimization (SEO), turning WordPress into a full-blown ecommerce site, and much more.

The WordPress plugin ecosystem empowers those without coding knowledge to create and customize powerful websites. Additionally, it offers almost limitless opportunities for pro developers and web enthusiasts alike.

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Why Develop A WordPress Plugin?

WordPress has one of the largest markets for developers. This means you’ll find plenty of resources to help you develop the exact plugin you need to optimize your website. (But don’t worry, we’ll also detail the process here soon!). You won’t find that level of support on many other website-building platforms.

The magic of WordPress is that you can develop a solution for your own site and you don’t have to share it on the plugin market. However, many developers choose to make their plugins available to others to help them work around similar issues as those the developers encountered.

If you do choose to offer your plugin to others, there’s some earning potential associated with WordPress plugins because of the massive user base.

While there’s no shortage of competition, if you have a new or better solution to a common problem, you could find your plugin downloaded for thousands of sites. With a great plugin, the right pricing strategy, and some marketing efforts, a plugin could turn into a nice passiveish income stream.

hypothetical math showing how much one could make by developing a plugin assuming 10,000 active users times 2% conversion equals 200 sales/year times $50/annual subscription equals $10K

Lastly, WordPress is an ideal platform for learning how to code. Because it has been around for over 20 years, there’s a seemingly limitless number of resources both on and off WordPress to help you get the hang of development.

Speaking of resources, let’s dive into everything you need to know to create your very own WordPress plugin.

How To Create a WordPress Plugin (6 Steps)

While different plugins will require different amounts of coding and know-how, they all tend to follow this same general development process.

Step 1: Do Your Research And Planning

Like we said, there are numerous tools in the WordPress plugin directory — tens of thousands of them in fact. Therefore, the first thing you’ll want to do is do some research to see if your idea already exists.

Even if it does, you could still proceed with your plan, provided that you make some tweaks so that you’re not creating an exact replica. Explore similar plugins and find out how you might be able to improve upon them. Alternatively, you could complement what’s already available with something like your own custom post type — say, to help keep a diary of your media consumption — or additional features.

You might also want to check the status of existing plugins. For instance, if a plugin hasn’t been updated in some time or isn’t compatible with the latest version of WordPress, there might be an opportunity to provide a better solution.

You can also look at the number of active installations to see if there’s a big market for the type of plugin that you have in mind. This can help you decide if it’s worth the effort if you’re looking to earn money. It’s also a good idea to test the plugin on your own site to see what it does well and what could be done better.

Finally, before diving into the build, you’ll want to read up on the WordPress Coding Standards. This is particularly important if you’re planning to share or sell your plugin. These coding standards are a set of guidelines and best practices that developers should try to adhere to when creating themes and plugins for WordPress.

Related: Want To Learn WordPress? Start With These Resources

Step 2: Set Up A Testing Environment

The next step is to set up a testing environment.

As a beginner, you’re likely to learn (and maybe break) a few things along the way. You don’t want to experiment on your live website that any internet user can see. A local environment — a staging website — will enable you to test your plugin privately as you work on it.

We endorse using Local to create a WordPress site on your computer. It offers a straightforward, user-friendly development environment that offers powerful yet flexible tools for most people.

You can also create an online staging environment. With DreamHost web hosting, you can easily create a staging WordPress site where you can test your plugin without breaking your live site or interrupting your visitors’ user experiences.

Step 3: Create Your Plugin File

Once you have your staging environment set up, it’s time to use it to create your plugin.

The first step is to create a folder for it in your site’s directory.

You can use an FTP/SFTP client like FileZilla to access your site’s files and folders. Or, you may be able to tap into your site via the file manager provided in your hosting account. For DreamHost users, our guide to using the website file manager will help you use our built-in file manager.

Once you’ve connected to your site’s directory, navigate to wp-content/plugins and create a new folder for your plugin.

Next, you’ll need to create a PHP file to add to this folder. To do this, open your preferred text editor and enter the following information:

* Plugin Name: test-plugin
* Plugin URI: https://www.your-site.com/
* Description: Test.
* Version: 0.1
* Author: your-name
* Author URI: https://www.your-site.com/

Of course, you’ll need to change the above information to match your details. When you’re ready, you can save your file. Remember to use the file extension “php” (e.g., my-first-plugin.php).

Then, you’ll need to upload this file to the plugin folder that you just created at wp-content/plugins. Once you’ve done this, navigate to your test site’s WordPress dashboard and go to the Plugins page.

screenshot showing the plugins option on a wordpress menu

Here, you should be able to see your new plugin!

This plugin won’t do anything yet if you were to activate it. However, WordPress will recognize it as a functional add-on from this point forward.

Step 4: Add Code To Your Plugin

Every plugin is different. However, they all share common components. For instance, all plugins use hooks to interact with WordPress.

DreamHost Glossary


WordPress hooks are pieces of code that allow you to modify the CMS and add new features to it without tinkering with core files. Hooks make this possible by enabling you to “hook” custom code into pre-defined spots in WordPress.

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A hook is how a plugin connects to the pre-existing code of WordPress’s core programming. In other words, the hook is the anchor point where a plugin inserts itself in order to add or change the functionality of a site.

Hooks are an important part of WordPress development. There are hundreds of hooks that can be used as triggers for a plugin, and you can even create new ones if needed.

But for now, there are two types of hooks that you’ll need to consider when creating your plugin:

  1. Actions: These add or change WordPress functionality and make up the majority of hooks.
  2. Filters: These are used to modify the functionality of actions.

To code your plugin, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with hooks and how they work. Fortunately, the Plugin Handbook from WordPress can help you get started.

For this guide, we’ll use the following code (source) as an example:

function modify_read_more_link() {
    return '<a class="more-link" href="' . get_permalink() . '">Click to Read!</a>';
add_filter( 'the_content_more_link', 'modify_read_more_link' );

As you might be able to see, this code uses a filter to modify the standard “read more” link by replacing it with a different value: “Click to Read!”

If you add this snippet to your PHP file and activate the plugin on your site, you’ll end up seeing the following anchor text below your post excerpts:

example of this plugin at work with a header image, some text, and a "Click to Read!" call to action

Feel free to experiment with the code and try using a different function.

Note that you could also add this code to your theme’s functions.php file. This file contains code that adds functionality to your site and works in a way that’s similar to how a plugin adds functionality. However, if you switch to a different theme in the future — or your theme is upgraded to a new version — you’ll lose these changes.

This kind of code works only for Classic themes. Block themes work differently and often require no PHP code since everything is built using Blocks using only the Site Editor.

Also note that the code in the example plugin above works only for sites utilizing classic themes. If you’ve been using the site editor built into WordPress — which has been in the core software for several years now — to lay out your site using blocks, the code above won’t do much for you.

Related: How To Install A WordPress Theme (Tutorial)

Step 5: Test Your Plugin

As you continue developing your plugin, it’s important that you save your work often and test your changes on your staging or development site.

Once you’re satisfied with your plugin, you should try it on a live site. Again, you’ll want to make sure that you’ve already thoroughly tested your plugin for any bugs and vulnerabilities.

It’s also a good idea to create a backup of your live site before testing your plugin on it. This way, if anything does go wrong, you can restore your content.

If you’re happy with the performance of your plugin at this point, you could offer it to other developers for them to use and test. This can earn you valuable feedback. You could also ask them to put your plugin through its paces and try to break it to prove its stability.

To do this, you’ll want to export your plugin to a zip file for easy distribution and installation. Locate your plugin’s folder in the site’s directory, then right-click on it and follow the steps to create a zip file. For example, on Microsoft Windows select Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder.

Choose a destination, and the files within your folder will be compiled into a zip folder that you can easily share. If you’re developing on a live site, you may need to first download the plugin folder from your SFTP client before compressing it.

To install your plugin on a WordPress site, simply navigate to Plugins > Add New Plugin from the sidebar in your WordPress admin panel.

screenshot of the "add new plugin" option on a wordpress navigation menu

At the top of the page, you’ll see a button to Upload Plugin. Once selected, you’ll be prompted to choose a zip file to upload to your site.

screenshot showing "if you have a plugin in a .zip format, you may install or update it by uploading it here" with a choose file to upload button

Upload the compressed file you just made and select Install Now. WordPress will then unpack and install the plugin on your site.

Once that’s complete, just click on Activate Plugin.

Your new plugin is now live!

Step 6: Distribute Your Plugin (2 Options)

Now, you can start distributing the plugin you’ve created. Let’s look at the best ways to do this.

A. Publish Your Work To The WordPress Plugin Directory

By adding your plugin to the WordPress plugin directory, you can share your work with the community and gain exposure. You can take advantage of the WordPress user base to attract new clients.

However, you’ll need to make sure that your plugin complies with best practices and the Detailed Plugin Guidelines before uploading it for review. Keep in mind, it might take a while for your plugin to be reviewed and accepted.

Once your plugin is approved, you’ll need to add your files to the Subversion directory.

When this is all done, WordPress users will be able to install your plugin on their sites.

B. Share The Plugin On Your Own Website

In addition to uploading your plugin to the WordPress directory, you could also create a website for it.

You can use a site like this to market and provide more details about your plugin. You could also include documentation, tutorials, support options, links to other plugins you’ve made, and so on.

Developers often use websites to promote their premium plugins while providing a free or “lite” version in the WordPress directory. That way, users are able to easily find and download the product via WordPress before upgrading to a paid option.

You can lock certain advanced features behind a paywall, which can all be explained on a plugin website. Additionally, you can offer a multi-tiered membership model that offers a variety of feature sets depending on a user’s needs and budget.

Set Yourself Up For Plugin Success With DreamHost

As an open-source platform, WordPress enables you to develop your own plugin and share it with other users. While some coding knowledge will certainly be helpful, you can easily create a simple plugin and vastly improve your site’s functionality by following the steps above.

Once you’ve gained enough experience, you may even want to start selling premium versions of your plugins for a rewarding and mostly passive income stream!

But to really set yourself up for success, you need to be able to spin up an affordable plugin testing site — DreamPress can help you with that — as well as one or more marketing sites to display and sell your premium plugins. Use our AI-powered business name generator, affordable domain name finding and registration service, and WordPress-specific website builder to go from plugin idea to viable side hustle with ease!

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The post How To Create A WordPress Plugin (Beginner’s Guide) appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

WordPress 6.5 is in the Works: Here’s What We Know So Far https://www.dreamhost.com/blog/wordpress-6-5/ Wed, 06 Dec 2023 15:00:17 +0000 https://dhblog.dream.press/blog/?p=42630 The digital landscape is ever-changing, with web development at its forefront. WordPress, the titan of content management systems, has always managed to keep its users on the edge of their seats with its triannual updates. The upcoming WordPress 6.5 release, slated for March 2024, is no exception. This version will — no doubt — promise […]

The post WordPress 6.5 is in the Works: Here’s What We Know So Far appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

The digital landscape is ever-changing, with web development at its forefront. WordPress, the titan of content management systems, has always managed to keep its users on the edge of their seats with its triannual updates. The upcoming WordPress 6.5 release, slated for March 2024, is no exception. This version will — no doubt — promise a slew of improvements and new features designed to supercharge the performance, customization, and collaborative capabilities of the platform.

Although there has yet to be a complete list of improvements and new features released as of November 15, 2023, there are several key areas of development that we do know we can look forward to seeing. We dig into those below.

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So, What’s On the Drawing Board?

Performant Translations

Arguably one of the most anticipated enhancements in the pipeline is the introduction of performant translations. This feature is a brainchild of the WordPress Performance Team, who have set out to turbocharge the performance of sites that utilize translations.

The performant translations feature encompasses a novel, streamlined internationalization (i18n) library. This powerhouse not only provides lightning-fast speed but also economizes on memory usage while loading the binary MO files used for translations in WordPress. The result? A seamless, efficient experience for site users and developers alike.

The library is also engineered to support the simultaneous loading of multiple locales, thus accelerating the process of locale switching. Additionally, it extends support to translations housed in PHP files. This innovative approach sidesteps the need for a binary file format and leverages server level caching, if available, to further enhance site speed and memory efficiency.

Font Library

Typography plays a pivotal role in shaping a website’s aesthetic appeal and user experience. Recognizing this, WordPress 6.5 will feature a revolutionary Font Library. This feature, initially slated for WordPress 6.4 but subsequently postponed to 6.5, promises to redefine typography management across WordPress sites.

The Font Library will empower users to peruse an extensive repository of open-license fonts in the admin panel, offering an experience akin to managing media. It’s worth noting that this library will not be constrained by theme dependencies, but will be extensible for plugin developers, providing greater flexibility and customization options.

The Font Library will also pioneer server-side @font-face CSS generation and printing. All in all, this groundbreaking feature is forecasted to significantly enhance the visual appeal and overall aesthetics of any WordPress sites that decide to leverage it.

Focus on Collaboration Features

WordPress 6.5 is also gearing up to place a heightened emphasis on collaboration features. This focus is part of Phase 3 of the Gutenberg project, which is dedicated to bolstering collaborative capabilities within WordPress.

These collaboration-centric features are set to be a key highlight of the 6.5 release and future versions throughout 2024. Users can anticipate a more cooperative and user-friendly WordPress platform, making web development and content creation a more engaging and streamlined process.

Improvements to WordPress admin accessibility

Admin notices inform WordPress users when something goes right — or wrong.

This new version of WordPress aims to provide mechanisms to assist users with accessibility needs navigate through the notices in a standardized way, outside of the existing than visual indication.

Along with this improvement, work is in progress regarding the focus styling in form inputs, buttons, and links to use a higher contrast. This continues with the previous work introduced in WordPress 5.3 to include some focusable elements that were previously missing.

Automate the workflows for testing WordPress

Build package installations for new releases (such as wordpress-6.5.zip) are manually tested by WordPress.org core developers and release party attendees when a new version is released — but they don’t usually cover an extensive range of PHP, MySQL, and older WordPress versions. With over 60,000 plugins and hundreds of different hosting configurations, it’s kind of hard to account for everything!

For this next version of WordPress, these tests could include more areas of focus programmatically to help avoid incompatibilities.

There is also a proposal to include links to WordPress Playground to automatically generate a testing environment for every new piece of functionality or patch without having to install a copy of WordPress locally. This could mean more people with non-technical skills could test and provide feedback.

Disable autoload for large options

WordPress is dazzlingly fast out of the box, but as a website grows with content and new functionality being added, it can become slow. Especially when unoptimized plugins bloat the database with options that load on every visit.

The proposal for this new version of WordPress is to prevent these options from being autoloaded if they grow past a specific size to help with speed.

Automatic Update Rollbacks

A key feature generating buzz is the ability to rollback auto updates for plugins and themes. This feature, already accessible as the “Rollback Auto Update” plugin, is a game-changer in website management. It automatically reverts plugins to a prior version if an auto-update fails, enhancing update confidence, site security, and reducing support dependency. While it adds a layer of security, regular site backups remain essential. The inclusion of this feature in WordPress 6.5 signifies a significant step forward in making website management more seamless and user-friendly.

Read more: Will “Rollback Auto Update” Be Included in WordPress 6.5?

Digital Eyes Open, More to Come

WordPress 6.5 is poised to usher in a wave of significant improvements and features that promise to elevate the user experience for experienced developers and new users alike. With a keen focus on performance, customization, and collaboration, this release marks a major step forward in web development.

Stay tuned for more updates on WordPress 6.5, coming soon!

The post WordPress 6.5 is in the Works: Here’s What We Know So Far appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

How To Fix “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS” In WordPress (13 Tricks) https://www.dreamhost.com/blog/how-to-fix-redirect-loop-wordpress-error/ Wed, 15 Nov 2023 15:00:00 +0000 https://dhblog.dream.press/blog/?p=31942 URL redirects are necessary when you need to change the addresses of a website page permanently or temporarily. However, as a result, sometimes your website can get stuck in a redirection loop. If this happens, you may face the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error, preventing you from accessing specific pages. The problem usually lies within your website, browser, […]

The post How To Fix “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS” In WordPress (13 Tricks) appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

URL redirects are necessary when you need to change the addresses of a website page permanently or temporarily.

However, as a result, sometimes your website can get stuck in a redirection loop.

If this happens, you may face the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error, preventing you from accessing specific pages.

The problem usually lies within your website, browser, server, or third-party plugins or programs. Fortunately, redirection issues can typically be fixed by following a troubleshooting workflow.  When you know what to do to diagnose the cause of the error, you can solve it relatively quickly.

In this article, we’ll look at common causes of the “too many redirects” error, both on-site and off-site, and how to fix each. Plus, we’ll explain how to prevent the problem from happening again in the future!

What Causes ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS In WordPress?

The “too many redirects” error happens when your WordPress website gets stuck in an infinite redirect loop.

A redirect loop is when a web server repeatedly sends a browser to the same page over and over, preventing it from loading the intended page.

When this continues, your browser may trigger the error and fail to load the site.

This error looks different depending on the browser you use.

For example, in Google Chrome, it usually says something like “This page isn’t working,” stating too many redirects as the issue and showing the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS code.

screenshot of "this page isn't working" try clearing your cookies, ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

If you use Mozilla Firefox, the error usually reads as “The page isn’t redirecting properly.” It usually displays as “Safari Can’t Open the Page” for Safari users and will let you know the reason is because of too many redirects.

Unlike some other common WordPress errors, the “too many redirects” issue doesn’t usually solve itself.

So you’ll need to troubleshoot the origins of the problem to fix it. Here’s how.

How To Solve The “Too Many Redirects” Error (13 Methods)

Various factors can cause the “too many redirects” error. Some may be within your WordPress site, but you’ll likely need to go down a few different paths before you track down and eventually solve the issue.

So with that in mind, let’s take a look at a comprehensive list of most of the possible solutions.

1. Force A Page Refresh

The first solution is a very simple one. You can force your browser to refresh and retrieve a new version of the page. This method overrides any stored data and displays the latest information available for the WordPress website.

You might like to try this method first because it’s quick and won’t interfere with any other strategies. You’ll also know straight away if it has fixed the problem or not.

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to force a refresh in your browser:

  • Google Chrome (Windows): Ctrl + F5
  • Google Chrome (Mac): Command + Shift + R
  • Safari: Command + Option + R
  • Firefox (Windows): Ctrl + F5
  • Firefox (Mac): Command + Shift + R

That’s all you need to do. If this simple method doesn’t work, you can continue through the troubleshooting guide.

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2. Delete Cookies On Your Site

Cookies are small blocks of data that enable websites to remember information about your visit. Then, the sites use that data to speed up and customize your experiences.

For example, an e-commerce platform might send you on-site recommendations based on your previous purchases and searches. This way, you’ll be able to save time when looking for related products.

However, cookies can sometimes hold onto incorrect data. In turn, this can cause the “too many redirects” error. When this occurs, you should try deleting cookies from the WordPress site.

In Google Chrome, click on the three dots across from your address bar and go to Settings.

close-up of Chrome menu nav with the Settings option highlighted

In the left sidebar, go to Privacy and security (the sidebar may be collapsed, hit the three-line menu to open it). On that page, select the Third-party cookies option.

Close-up of the privacy and securities menu with "Third-party cookies" highlighted

On the next page, select See all site data and permissions.

close up of the third party menu cookies options calling attention to the option to "See all site data and permissions"

This will open a list of all the different sites storing cookies. Search for your website and use the trashcan icon next to it to delete the data it’s storing.

Once you’re done, refresh the WordPress site to see if the error is fixed.

Related: WordPress Settings Overview

3. Clear WordPress Site Or Server Cache

Caching stores information about your site so it can load faster the next time you access it.

The downside is your cache can hold onto outdated data and cause a redirection error. Therefore, you can try clearing out the stored information to see if it fixes the problem.

If you can access your WordPress site, you can try to clear your WordPress cache with a dedicated caching plugin like WP Super Cache.

However, the redirection error will likely prevent you from getting to your dashboard. Therefore, you might need to try clearing your server cache.

If you’re a DreamPress customer and have a shell account, you’ll need to log into your domain with Secure Shell (SSH) protocol.

Then, you can enter the following code to purge your cache:

curl -X PURGE “http://yourwebsite.com/.*” ; wp cache flush

Once you’ve cleared out the cache, try reloading your site. If that doesn’t work, you may need to try another method.

4. Clear Browser Cache

Your browser also stores cached information about the websites you visit, including your own. If your browser is holding onto outdated data, you may need to clear it out to fix the redirection error in WordPress.

If you’re working with the Chrome browser, you can head back to Settings > Privacy and security. Here, click on Clear browsing data.

close up of the privacy and security settings box we saw before, but this time with "Clear browsing data" highlighted

This will bring up a new window that enables you to choose the data you want to delete including browsing history, browser cookies, etc. Select each item by checking the box next to it and then click on Clear data.

You’ll need to use slightly different methods if you’re working with a different browser.

When you’re done, try reloading your site to see if the “too many redirects” error has gone.

5. Determine The Cause Of The Redirect Loop

If the earlier methods didn’t solve the redirection error, you need to try and diagnose the underlying problem. Otherwise, you might spend a lot of effort on more time-consuming strategies that still may not fix the error.

There are a couple of different methods you can use to determine the cause of redirect loops.

Firstly, you can enter your site’s URL into the Redirect Checker tool.

This free online application lets you enter multiple URLs and check their statuses. You can also specify the user agent, such as your browser, search engine bots, and mobile devices.

Once you enter your URL, you can see any status or error codes associated with your site at the bottom of the page.

Alternatively, some browser add-ons can show you the nature of redirects on different sites. For example, the Redirect Path Chrome extension flags redirect error messages in real time.

Unfortunately, these tools might not always tell you why your redirect error is happening. If this is the case, you can continue with the other strategies in this troubleshooting guide.

6. Temporarily Disable WordPress Plugins

WordPress plugins are helpful tools that can introduce new functionalities to your website. However, these add-ons can also cause issues, such as the “too many redirects” error.

Anyone can develop and share WordPress plugins. As such, you may accidentally download one that contains faulty code. These add-ons also have frequent updates. If you haven’t updated your plugins, they may also be causing problems on your site.

Try this method if you recently added new plugins to your WordPress site. Even if you don’t suspect a particular plugin, you can use the following steps to address the issue.

If you can’t access your WordPress site, you’ll need to access the plugin files via a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) application like FileZilla.

(You may also be able to access your site files via your host’s file manager.)

Once you’ve connected the SFTP client to your site, you’ll need to find the folder that holds your plugins. You’ll usually find it under domain of your site > wp-content > plugins.

Here, you’ll see a series of folders with the names of your installed plugins.

screenshot of plugin folders showing a range of 11 plugins

Rename the plugins folder to “plugins-off”. This will deactivate all of your plugins. You should now be able to access your WordPress admin dashboard.

Next, rename your plugins folder to its original title. Then go through the process of reactivating each add-on from your WordPress dashboard (Plugins > Installed Plugins) to see which one throws the “too many redirects” error.

If you find a problem plugin, keep it deactivated and find an alternative option for your website in the WordPress plugin directory.

7. Check WordPress Site Settings

Sometimes an error in your WordPress site settings can cause redirect loops.

For example, your website might be pointing to the wrong domain name for your site files. This more commonly happens if you’ve recently migrated your website.

You can check your site settings in your WordPress dashboard.If you can access it, log in and head to Settings > General.

close up shot of WordPress lefthand nav with the "General" option selected

You’ll then see two fields for WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL).

Close up of the WordPress Address and Site Address fields, both showing: https://tylhak.dream.press"

These two addresses should be identical unless you want WordPress to have its own directory.

If the URLs don’t match and they should, you can change the settings manually. To do this, you’ll need to edit your site’s wp-config.php file.

Access your website using SFTP as you did previously. Then, locate and open the wp-config.php file in a text editor.

Next, you’re going to paste the following code into the file:

define( 'WP_HOME', 'http://example.com' );
define( 'WP_SITEURL', 'http://example.com' );

Replace the example URLs above with the correct ones and save the file. Then reload your website and see if this solved the problem.

8. Check SSL Certificate

If you’ve recently migrated your site to HTTPS, there are various steps you need to complete.

Unfortunately, if you miss some of them or misconfigure some settings, you could trigger the “too many redirects” error in WordPress.

For example, if you didn’t install your Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate correctly, it could be causing problems. If you didn’t add it at all, your site would automatically get stuck in a redirect loop.

DreamHost Glossary


SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. In short, it’s a protocol for maintaining a secure connection and protecting sensitive data. Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the successor to SSL. It is a cryptographic protocol that provides a safe connection over any given computer network.

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However, there might also be some minor issues with your SSL certificate installation. For example, you might have incorrectly installed the intermediate certificates that work together with your main one.

You can check if your SSL certificate is correctly installed using a tool such as the Qualys SSL Server Test.

This application scans your domain to find any associated SSL issues. This process can take a few minutes, but it will alert you to any problems with your certificate installation.

9. Update Hard-Coded Links

If you’ve just switched from HTTP to HTTPS, you’ll need to redirect your links. Otherwise, these URLs will point to locations that no longer exist on your website.

Many users utilize plugins that can change these links automatically, such as Better Find and Replace.

But it can be risky to use an add-on. If your chosen plugin has any issues with its code or updates, it can misconfigure your redirects and trigger the “too many redirects” error.

We recommend that you manually update your hard-coded links. You can do this with the search and replace method in WordPress.

We have a complete guide on how to change your WordPress URLs. If you’re a DreamHost customer, you can also reach out to our Technical Support team for assistance.

10. Check For HTTPS Redirects On Your Server

HTTPS redirect rules can also cause the “too many redirects” error in WordPress. These server settings may have been misconfigured when you migrated your site.

For example, your HTTPS settings may not be correctly redirecting your links. As such, you’ll need to amend them.

To determine your method, first you’ll need to know which server type your host uses.

If your site uses an Apache server, you’ll need to edit your .htaccess file.

Locate it within your SFTP client and open the file in a text editor. Then, you can enter the following code:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

This code will cause all HTTP links to redirect to HTTPS automatically. Save the .htaccess file when you’re done.

To adjust your HTTPS redirects on Nginx servers, you’ll need to ask support to help you adjust the config file. Have them insert the following code to set up your redirects:

server { listen 80; server_name domain.com www.domain.com; return 301 https://domain.com$request_uri; }

Once that has been put into place, reload your WordPress site.

If it doesn’t fix the problem, you know the drill — keep moving through the troubleshooting steps in this guide.

11. Check Third-Party Service Settings

If you use a third-party service such as a content delivery network (CDN) or web application firewall (WAF) like Cloudflare, its settings may cause the “too many redirects” error.

DreamHost Glossary


CDN is an abbreviation for “Content Delivery Network”. It refers to a geographically-distributed network of web servers (and their data centers). The entities that make up a CDN collaborate to ensure speedy content delivery via the internet.

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Cloudflare can trigger the “too many redirects” error if you have the Flexible SSL setting enabled and an SSL certificate from another source (such as your hosting provider).

In this scenario, your hosting server requests are already redirecting URLs from HTTP to HTTPS. However, with the Flexible SSL setting, all server requests are being sent in HTTP. This causes redirection loops to happen between the different processes.

That’s why we don’t recommend using the Flexible SSL setting if you have an SSL certificate from a third-party source. Instead, change your Cloudflare encryption mode and choose either Full or Full (strict). Doing so will automatically send requests in HTTPS.

Additionally, you may like to enable the “Always Use HTTPS” rule in Cloudflare. This forces your site to send all requests via HTTPS. Therefore, it avoids causing a redirect loop and triggering the WordPress error.

Finally, double-check that you’ve correctly configured your redirects in Cloudflare. For example, you’ll want to ensure that your domain doesn’t redirect to itself. Otherwise, it can trigger a redirect error.

12. Check Redirects On Your Server

We already covered how to check for HTTPS redirects on your server. However, other redirects can trigger an error when loading your WordPress website.

For example, you might have a 301 redirect misconfigured. It might be pointing to the original link, triggering a redirect loop that prevents your site from loading. You can usually find redirects such as this by checking your config files.

If your site uses an Apache server, you may have issues with your .htaccess file. We recommend creating a new one with default settings.

DreamHost Glossary


’Apache’ is the abbreviation of ‘Apache HTTP Server’. This is a free and open-source web server software that delivers content. Its primary function is to establish a connection between a server and a browser via HTTP requests.

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First, you’ll need to access your site via SFTP. Find the .htaccess file and save a copy of it, in case any mistakes are made. You can do this by renaming it to something like “.htaccess_old”.

Next, you’ll need to make a new .htaccess file. Put the following code into it to establish default settings:

# BEGIN WordPress
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress

Save the file and try reloading your WordPress site. If this process works, you can delete the old .htaccess file and keep working with the new one.

If your site uses an Nginx server, you’ll need to follow a slightly different process. This server type uses a variety of different config files, depending on the hosting provider. We recommend reaching out to your host to see which one applies to your situation.

13. Contact Your Web Hosting Provider

If you’ve tried all of these methods and you can’t fix the “too many redirects” error, it might be time to get some help. You might be missing a crucial step, or there could be a deeper issue with your WordPress site.

By contacting your web hosting provider, you can get fast assistance with the error. For example, DreamHost customers can contact our Technical Support team.

Related: The Ultimate Guide To Web Hosting

How To Prevent ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS In The Future (3 Ways)

If you want to prevent the “too many redirects” error, there are a few steps you can take within your browser and site. Let’s take a look at them.

1. Keep Plugins Up To Date

Outdated or faulty plugins are some of the leading causes of the “too many redirects” error.

We already covered how you can deactivate any add-ons that may be triggering the issue, but you can also take preventative steps right now by keeping your current plugins up to date. This is important because updates frequently address security issues, increase compatibility, and fix bugs.

You can tell if a plugin has a new release because you’ll see an alert in your WordPress dashboard.

You can also navigate to Plugins > Installed Plugins.

close up of the wordpress navigation menu with "Installed Plugins" selected under the "Plugins" heading

Out-of-date plugins should have a message telling you there is a new version available. You can choose to update them one time or enable automatic updates.

Additionally, you can report any faulty plugins if they cause the “too many redirects” error. Find the corresponding support forum using the search bar and document your issue to see if there is a known solution. Moreover, this action could prompt the plugin developers to fix the problem.

2. Clear Your Cache And Stored Cookies Regularly

Earlier in the guide, we explained how to clear cache and cookies. These methods prevent your browser or WordPress site from trying to access outdated data.

It’s likely that you won’t need to use these methods, as most browsers are smart enough to remove outdated cookies and cache items. However, you can streamline the process by using a WordPress plugin to clear your site’s cache.

An add-on such as WP Super Cache allows you to remove cached files manually or select a custom time and interval to scan your site for outdated cache files. You can even elect to receive emails when this process happens.

3. Use A Checklist Or Company For Website Migrations

Many of the causes for redirect errors in WordPress arise from migrations from HTTP to HTTPS.

If you’re not familiar with migrating a site, you may miss some of the essential processes needed to make your website redirect and function correctly.

Therefore, we recommend using a dedicated migration service to take care of the process because professionals have experience with every aspect of migrating a site.

If you prefer to do the migration yourself, here’s a checklist to use during the process:

  1. Prepare for the migration. First, you’ll need to make a copy of your site as a backup. You’ll also need to block access to your new site until you can check it for errors and migrate all your content.
  2. Conduct URL mapping. You’ll need to create a redirect map for all your site’s URLs. Then, you’ll need to update them and create sitemaps so that you can transition the links easily.
  3. Create backups. Before starting the migration, you’ll probably want to back up all your individual content. Otherwise, you could lose it if something goes wrong during the process.
  4. Update your DNS settings. You’ll need to change your domain settings so that the URL points to your new address. Usually, your new host can take care of this for you.
  5. Set up your redirects. This step is crucial because misconfiguring your redirects can trigger the “too many redirects” error. Make sure you test each link to see that it works.
  6. Send your URLs to Google Search Console. You’ll need to verify your new site and send sitemaps with your new URLs indexed. This process is essential for search engine optimization (SEO).
  7. Update your links. If other websites link to your site, you can ask them to update those URLs. Additionally, you should ensure that any ad campaigns contain the correct links for your new website address.
  8. Check for problems. Finally, run a site audit. This process can test all your links and identify any issues.

If you’re migrating to a different server, the process might be slightly different. It pays to do your research before the migration to avoid any errors.

Have Another WordPress Error To Fix?

If you need to resolve other technical problems on your site, we’ve put together tons of comprehensive tutorials to help you troubleshoot every common WordPress error:

And if you’re looking for more information and best practices for running a WordPress site, check out all of our WordPress Tutorials. This is a collection of expert-written guides designed to help you navigate your WordPress control panel like a pro.

Solve Your WordPress Issues With A Trustworthy Hosting Company

The “too many redirects” error can happen in WordPress when the site gets stuck in a redirection loop. Although the problem can be frustrating, you should be able to solve it pretty quickly.

You can usually fix the error by clearing out your cache or cookies. Additionally, there may be solvable issues with your server, third-party platforms, or plugins. Finally, if you still can’t troubleshoot the redirection error, your hosting provider may be able to help you out.

Are you looking for a WordPress hosting provider with caring, dedicated professionals who can help you with redirection issues and other common errors?

Check out our DreamHost’s WordPress packages today! We provide personalized technical support to assist you with any WordPress problems.

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The post How To Fix “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS” In WordPress (13 Tricks) appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

WordPress 6.4 Set for November 7, 2023 Release Date; New Functionalities, Improvements Under Consideration https://www.dreamhost.com/blog/wordpress-6-4/ Wed, 18 Oct 2023 14:00:45 +0000 https://dhblog.dream.press/blog/?p=41754 The development cycle for WordPress 6.4 kicked off on June 5, 2023, with November 7, 2023, eyed as the release date for this latest version of the content management system. WordPress users can expect an exciting slate of new features and upgrades — announced on August 22, 2023 — to roll out with the new […]

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The development cycle for WordPress 6.4 kicked off on June 5, 2023, with November 7, 2023, eyed as the release date for this latest version of the content management system.

WordPress users can expect an exciting slate of new features and upgrades — announced on August 22, 2023 — to roll out with the new release, including a new default theme, Twenty Twenty-Four.

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New Release, New Theme

The driving concept of Twenty Twenty-Four is to create a universal theme that is adaptable for many types of websites, regardless of the subject matter. Unlike previous years, it doesn’t focus on a single motif. Instead, the developers have decided to explore three distinct use cases: one suited for entrepreneurs and small businesses, another for photographers and artists, and a third one specifically designed for writers and bloggers. Essentially, it’s an amalgamation of templates and patterns that together form a comprehensive theme. These patterns feature various Home templates for diverse use cases such as an About page, project summaries, RSVPs, and landing pages.

The design constituents of Twenty Twenty-Four are immediately distinguishable, drawing influence from current design movements. The theme employs the Cardo font, sourced from Google Fonts, for headlines, lending an air of sophistication, while it uses a sans-serif system font for paragraph text. The primary color scheme of Twenty Twenty-Four is on the lighter side, but it also offers a darker style option that keeps the same typography intact. Furthermore, it comes with two additional sans-serif variations: one in a light mode and another in a dark mode.

As a block theme, Twenty Twenty-Four will be fully aligned with all site editor tools and will introduce several new design instruments like the details block and vertical text. A significant goal of the theme is to effectively showcase complete page patterns and template variations. This feature eliminates the need for users to create whole pages from scratch, thereby simplifying their website-building experience.

Form and Functions

WordPress 6.4 narrows in on improving elements throughout the WordPress journey, from the intricacies of crafting a fresh post to overseeing patterns throughout your website. In the midst of these enhancements, the core WordPress development team is looking to introduce fresh attributes such as font customization and the Twenty Twenty-Four default theme while also addressing any missing aspects in existing features, like additional resources to expand on your designs.

Let’s dive into some of the updates and functionalities you could expect in the pending release that’s still under development.

Revisions for Templates and Template Parts

Expanding on the core development team’s endeavor to incorporate revisions for Styles, the completion of revisions for templates and template parts will enhance the editing journey. This will provide the capability to retract any modifications made to your design, no matter where you’ve made them.

New Blocks

Three new blocks are currently under consideration for version 6.4.

  • Table of Contents block
  • Time to Read block
  • Scrolling Marquee block

Image Lightbox

new Image Lightbox block in WordPress 6.4
Image source: WordPress.org

A WordPress native lightbox functionality, featuring a lightweight standardized JavaScript library, is being explored as an option to toggle on for individual image blocks to start.

Auto-Insert Blocks

In an ongoing quest to enhance user-friendly interactions, the developers are delving into the potential of auto-embedding a block into relevant sections. For example, if you’ve just installed a plugin and are tweaking your navigation, a prompt pops up offering to effortlessly integrate a login/logout option.

Post Formats in Block Themes

Since the introduction of WordPress 3.1, post formats have been a key feature, and even though block themes have worked with post formats, there are several improvements aimed at maximizing the use of post format. These enhancements include:

  • Managing posts without titles within the loop and templates.
  • Initiating a pattern in the process of creating a new post.
  • Enhancing the distinct formatting of the post content block within the query loop.

Making the Best Even Better

Just because a platform like WordPress is already the most popular and most widely used CMS in the world, that doesn’t mean that top-notch features that were implemented in previous releases can’t be made even more effective and useful. Let’s look at what all is under consideration for some spiffing-up in WordPress 6.4.

Writing Experience

Crafting content in WordPress, be it a fresh blog post or a brand new page, ought to be a smooth and pleasurable process. The tools at your disposal should facilitate your artistic flow, not obstruct it. With its multitude of formats, design utilities, and alterations, blocks should instill in you a sense of confidence to shape your vision. This update is devoted to ensuring this experience continues to be the norm.

Interfaces and Tools

The tools available continue to be improved to make creating a site or writing a post more streamlined with the following focus areas:

  • List View iterations with custom naming of Group blocks, media previews for gallery and image blocks, the ability to resize, keyboard shortcut for duplicating blocks, and more.
  • Top Toolbar improvements, including resolving some keyboard navigation issues.
  • Distraction-free improvements.
  • Command Palette: Add new block commands, refine the design, add support for registering commands without icons, improve command palette rendering on smaller viewports.
WordPress 6.4 Command Palette new design
Image source: WordPress.org

Site Editing

Specific refinements and enhancements that improve the broader WordPress user experience are a focus of release 6.4.

  • Add “Show Template” toggle when editing pages.
  • Add discussion settings/detail for pages.
  • Display current modifications in the “Browse styles” panel.
  • Remove coupling of template and template parts when switching themes.
  • Site Editing: Hide page/post title.
  • Site Editor → Page Inspector: Add the ability to switch templates.
  • Align page edit features in Site Editor and Post Editor.
  • Add missing CSS classes to templates.
  • Explore improvements to the Styles panel in Site Editor.
WordPress 6.4 selecting page templates in the WordPress Site Editor
Image source: WordPress.org

Design Tools

To enable more complex designs, various design tooling-related enhancements and additional functionality are being explored. These efforts range from block-specific changes like adding support for background images to the Group block, to larger efforts like extending theme.json to provide spacing size presets:

  • Add box shadow component.
  • Extend theme.json to provide spacing size presets.
  • Add the ability for theme developers to configure their own default min and max viewport widths for calculating fluid font sizes.
  • Expanding and simplifying layout controls, including block support and the UI.
  • Custom CSS Enhancements.
  • Addressing design tooling consistency.
  • Add block instance elements support for buttons and headings as a first step in the broader idea of element sets.
  • Advancing more aspect ratio support.
  • Global Styles: Add support for elements to individual blocks.
  • Site Logo: Add width unit support.
  • Cover: Set custom color when applying the initial background image.
  • Elements: Add support for text-based inputs.
  • Categories: Add a list style type option to the categories block.
  • Group Block: Add support for Background Images.
  • Media + Text: Support featured image.
WordPress 6.4 early design iteration of box shadow component
Image source: WordPress.org

Global Styles

Global styles are both a system and an interface for managing styling across your site, from individual changes to a block to sweeping changes across an entire site. This current effort continues to evolve along the same lines and across a broad range of items, from more technical updates in theme.json, to more UI-centered work around the Style Book tool. To continue to broaden the possibilities with the built-in style system and to make it as easy as possible to use, the following work is planned:

  • Style revisions: Add a side-by-side comparison, add pagination, add a reset to default revision.
  • Style book: Iterate on presentation and design, add the ability to focus on individual block types, and integrate patterns.
  • Theme.json: Enable references to work, add section-specific theme.json capabilities.
  • Styles experience: exploring how best to represent the hierarchy of styles, show inherited styles, and manage style variations.
styles for individual block types in WordPress 6.4
Image source: WordPress.org


After introducing the ability to create patterns directly in the editing experience, more advanced features and various quality-of-life improvements are planned for 6.4, including the following:

  • Add the ability to set categories.
  • Update the inserter experience to ensure consistency between synced and unsynced.
  • Improve compatibility for non-block themes.
  • Iterate on patterns page’s empty category state.
  • Synced Patterns: Not receiving alignment attributes in the editor.
design concept adding pattern categories in WordPress 6.4
Image source: WordPress.org

Navigation Creation and Management

As with every release since WordPress 5.9, the Navigation block and navigation management refinements continue to have a specific focus: to make it more robust and useful, especially when it comes to various responsive needs:

  • Overlay referenced as a template part
  • Add the ability to see where each menu is used.
  • Add the ability to style the current menu item.
  • Allow an option to set a custom icon.
  • Add the ability to set different links on mobile.
  • Explore a bulk add mode.
  • Continued iteration to improve fallbacks.

Query Loop Block

To better enable more complex queries and bring more options for displaying posts, the following items are being worked on:

  • Consider adding a Term Query Loop Block.
  • Add the option to not repeat posts already shown by other Query Loop blocks displayed on the same page.
  • Query block: client-side pagination, powered by the Interactivity API.


Introduced in WordPress 6.3, the Footnotes block continues to evolve with more design tooling available and custom post-type compatibility work:

  • Add typography, dimensions, and border block supports.
  • Add link, background, and text color support.
  • Ensure compatibility with Custom Post Types.
footnotes block support in WordPress 6.4
Image source: WordPress.org

Forward-Thinking Leadership

Harkening back to what we first saw with the release of WordPress 5.6, “Simone,” on December 8, 2020, the development of WordPress 6.4 is being led entirely by a team of self-identifying women, nonbinary, and gender-expansive contributors.

The full inclusiveness of this leadership model is in keeping with the open and collaborative nature of WordPress, where contributions from anyone, regardless of how they identify themselves, are welcomed.

Happy Anniversary

WordPress 6.4 will be the final release of the CMS in 2023, a year that marks the 20th anniversary of the first version, affectionately nicknamed “Davis” after jazz musician Miles Davis, which debuted on May 27, 2003. Version 6.4 will be the 48th release of WordPress, and while this content management system has already come a long way since its inception, its open-source structure and collaborative spirit ensure that it will continue to evolve and improve to empower people to create and manage their own digital presence well into the future.

The post WordPress 6.4 Set for November 7, 2023 Release Date; New Functionalities, Improvements Under Consideration appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

What Is WordPress? Beginner’s Guide To The Most Popular CMS https://www.dreamhost.com/blog/what-is-wordpress/ Tue, 15 Aug 2023 14:00:16 +0000 https://dhblog.dream.press/blog/?p=36649 From the blue dress/white dress controversy to the ongoing saga of the pizza rat(s) — hundreds of moments have purported to “break the internet.” However, there’s just one platform upon which a huge percentage of the entire internet is built. As of right now, in 2023, WordPress powers about 43% of all active websites around […]

The post What Is WordPress? Beginner’s Guide To The Most Popular CMS appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

From the blue dress/white dress controversy to the ongoing saga of the pizza rat(s)hundreds of moments have purported to “break the internet.”

However, there’s just one platform upon which a huge percentage of the entire internet is built.

As of right now, in 2023, WordPress powers about 43% of all active websites around the world.

So, if you want to create or have been tasked with managing a successful website and need to find the best solution on the market, WordPress is your best bet.

While there’s no one perfect platform, WordPress comes pretty close. It’s easily adaptable to all types of sites, from simple blogs to booming online stores. The benefits of using WordPress are numerous, and it’s incredibly easy to get started with.

In this article, we’re going to introduce you to WordPress and explain what it’s all about. We’ll discuss some of its history, the tech that makes it tick, the core elements you should know about, and even the basics of how to get a WordPress site up and running for the first time.

Without further ado, let’s get to know the world’s most popular CMS (And yeah, we’ll cover what that means, too!).

An Introduction To WordPress

DreamHost Glossary


WordPress is an open-source Content Management System (CMS). Since it is free and accessible, WordPress is used to power almost any type of website, from blogs to e-commerce businesses.

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WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that you can use to build and manage a website. The first version was created in 2003 by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little as an alternate version of another program called b2/cafelog.

From the very beginning, WordPress was designed as open-source software. We’ll talk about this concept in more depth later, but in a nutshell, it means that WordPress is maintained by a large community of primarily volunteer programmers and designers. As a result, WordPress has remained affordable while growing more powerful over time, even as new features and functionality are added with every new version.

This summer (2023), World Wide Web Technology Surveys looked at millions of websites and found that WordPress was the CMS for 63% of the websites where they could discern what CMS was in play. It’s safe to say that no matter what you want to build, you can likely do it on WordPress.

But before we dive into all the cool features and how to get a WordPress website off the ground, let’s talk about one interesting caveat newcomers ought to know.

There is a difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org. The former (.com) is a hosting solution and site builder from Automattic that enables you to create a limited site online for free, with upgrades at higher pricing tiers. The latter (.org) is open-source software that you can download (totally free) and use to create a custom site, which requires a web hosting service (not free).

Note: This is why you’ll sometimes see WordPress.org referred to as “self-hosted WordPress.”

Since WordPress.org tends to be a more flexible and powerful platform, we’ll be mostly focusing on it throughout the rest of this article. However, note that both platforms possess several of the same core features and can make many similar end products. Even if you find yourself more interested in the simplicity of a WordPress.com site at the end of the day, we promise that reading this guide won’t be for naught.

The difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org

Psst: If you’re really interested in all the nitty, gritty details, don’t miss our robust guide The Difference Between WordPress.com & WordPress.org

Deepen Your Knowledge: Getting To Know CMS

DreamHost Glossary

Algorithm Update

An algorithm update refers to any changes or upgrades to a pre-existing search engine algorithm. These updates are made to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results and can often result in large ranking fluctuations.

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Content management systems, as a concept, were developed to enable users without a lot of technical savvy to produce, publish, and manage, web content.

For businesses, CMS software grants non-technical people the freedom to execute their content marketing strategies (on the front end) and web developers the freedom from getting mired in content work that takes them away from their technical tasks (on the back end). They also pretty much broke the world of dynamic website building wide open for the masses.

Today, most CMS software makes much of this possible by way of a WYSIWYG (pronounced “wiz-ee-wig”) editor — meaning “what you see is what you get.”

DreamHost Glossary


WYSIWYG is an acronym that stands for ‘what you see is what you get.’ In web design, this typically refers to a web building interface that allows users to edit their website using an interface that instantly shows the end result.

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It’s called this because it displays content much like it will look on the live website, even while it’s still being built. This makes it easy for folks to create blog posts, web pages, and other content-rich elements without knowing coding languages.

WordPress is one kind of CMS software, and there are a great many more out there. There are also different classes of CMS software, from the headless CMS to the much simpler web CMS — which is where our friends over at WordPress.com fall.

While we don’t have the space to go deep into all the nuances of CMS right now if you want to learn more, visit The Comprehensive Guide To Content Management Systems.

Content Management System

When To Use WordPress

While WordPress was originally designed for bloggers, because of its robust capabilities, today it can be used to build a whole host of digital entities.

Not sure a WordPress site will work for you? It probably will if you’re building anything like these various web properties:

  • Marketing website
  • Government website
  • News publishing website
  • Ecommerce store
  • Professional portfolio
  • Forum
  • Online community
  • Blog
  • Job board
  • Educational website
  • Membership website
  • Online marketplace
  • Event website

and beyond.

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Elements That Make WordPress Powerful, Yet Beginner-Friendly

Okay, so what exactly is it about WordPress that makes it such a great choice for spinning up and managing a new website?

I’m so very glad you asked.

Ease Of Use

At first, a CMS like WordPress might seem more intimidating than what you had in mind when the words “website builder” first passed through your head.

DreamHost Glossary

Content Management System (CMS)

A Content Management System (CMS) is a software or application that provides a user-friendly interface for you to design, create, manage, and publish content.

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It’s true that WordPress may have a slightly steeper learning curve due to the plethora of settings and customizable features — so you’ll likely need to put in a little time learning the ropes. However, on the whole, the WordPress user interface is built to be as user-friendly as possible. You don’t need to know any coding to get started, and many of the advanced settings and features are totally optional for building a functional site.

Even 20 years on, WordPress continues to update its editing tools to offer an easy, visual experience similar to most other drag-and-drop website builders on the market. As of 2023, full-site editing and block theme functionality work together to make editing WordPress perhaps the best it’s ever been for non-developers.

As long as you’re willing to invest a very modest amount of time upfront, you’ll find that WordPress is a solid platform for beginners (and one that can keep up as you gain more knowledge and experience).

If you do run into trouble or have any questions though, you’ll also discover that there’s plenty of help available. You can find WordPress tutorials, lots of useful documentation, WordPress community forums, and, of course, WordPress-focused blogs like ours.

Themes And Plugins

Themes and plugins are additional pieces of software that you can download separately and install on your WordPress site. We’ll cover them in tandem, as the best way to use these tools is alongside each other to create the most robust experience.

WordPress themes — of which there are over 11,000 to choose from — enable you to customize the appearance and layout of your site. They sometimes also include useful features. WordPress plugins, on the other hand, add new levels of functionality to your site.

DreamHost Glossary


WordPress plugins are add-ons that enable you to extend the Content Management System’s (CMS) functionality. You can use plugins for almost everything, from adding e-commerce features to WordPress to implementing page builders or using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools.

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Both things let you take the basic WordPress platform and customize it to suit your needs, tastes, and goals. Themes help you make your site look unique, and plugins enable you to add almost any feature you can think of. With over 60,000 free plugins available in the WordPress Plugin Directory, there are plugins that can help you create everything from custom forms, an online storefront, help you share your content with social media, automate tasks, bolster your site’s security, and much more.

You can find WordPress themes and plugins in plenty of places online. However, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, your best bet is to start with the official WordPress theme and plugin directories. Everything in these directories is available for free and has been run through a strict vetting process. Plus, that’s where you’ll find most of the essential plugins that you’ll need to get the most out of your site.

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A WordPress theme is a layout tool that enables you to change the design of your site. A theme is composed of a group of files within a zipped folder that includes page templates, CSS stylesheets, images, and more.

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Open-Source Ideology (Affordable And Powerful!)

As we mentioned earlier, WordPress(.org) is an open-source content management system. This means anyone is free to download and make changes and improvements to the software. But don’t worry, that doesn’t make it the Wild West full of bugs and viruses.

Today, open source is all about collaboration, fast improvements, merit, transparency, and pushing the envelope. In addition, it’s maintained by a thriving, dedicated community of WordPress developers. In other words, open-source WordPress software is probably more powerful than some of the cutting-edge but closed source development software being put out today by huge corporations!

There are a lot of advantages to using open-source software like WordPress.org. For example:

  • There are constant improvements, and new functionality is frequently added.
  • The same people who improve the platform are also WordPress users, so there’s a focus on adding flawless, convenient features.
  • You have a huge community to turn to for help and support. Plus, everyone is welcome to contribute to WordPress if you have a great idea.
  • People make lots of add-on software, such as the themes and plugins discussed earlier, so you can extend performance practically endlessly.
  • The platform is completely free to use without sacrificing power.

Come with us as we expand a little on that last point.

Since WordPress.org is open-source, it won’t cost you anything to download the software and build your site. You will have to choose a domain name and a hosting plan, but these elements can be found for a low cost.

If you want, you can also spend money on premium themes and plugins to add new customization options to your site. However, this is optional because of course there are a lot of great, free plugins and themes available.

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Open Source

In software development, open source projects are free for anyone to download, use, modify, and distribute. WordPress is one great example of open-source software, although it’s far from the only one.

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Security Focus

Because WordPress.org is open source and relies heavily on the practice of plugging in tools from third parties, it’s understandable that nefarious forces often target websites built on the platform.

In fact, at the time of this writing, statistics indicate that only 3% of WordPress’ vulnerabilities resulted from the actual core software. The rest of the risk lies in exploits that are discovered in plugins and themes.

That said, security is crucial for any website — and it’s something you want to start thinking about now. This is particularly important if you intend to make money from your site or handle sensitive data and personal information.

Fortunately, WordPress is equipped with not only a security team but also the aforementioned community of skilled developers who are always looking out for, reporting, and fixing bugs. Regular community-led security releases address risks, which is why keeping your site on the latest version of WordPress — and keeping any add-ons up to date — is one of the best things you can do to keep your website secure.

You can secure your WordPress website even further by doing things like opting for managed WordPress hosting, enabling a web application firewall, hardening your file permissions, keeping the number of admin users limited to a small trusted group, and more.

Usage of WordPress CMS Across All Websites

Money-Making Opportunities

WordPress’ roots as a blogging tool make it ideal for small, personal sites. However, today, it’s also perfect for many larger projects — including money-making websites.

The vast number of features and functionality available through both the base platform as well as add-ons make WordPress the smart choice if you want to create a profitable site.

Here are just a few of the ways to make money with your WordPress site:

Whether you’re looking to move your entire business online or just build a lucrative side hustle, WordPress will enable you to do it effectively with some hard work and patience.

Next Step: Get Started With WordPress

Does WordPress sound like the best platform for your needs?

Then let’s not waste any time. Start developing your website on WordPress today!

The steps to setting up your first WordPress.org website are as follows:

  1. Set up a domain that aligns with the purpose of your website. Use a domain checker to find a name that’s available, and then get it registered to make it exclusively yours. The domain registrar you pick is important for several reasons. Check out our guide on choosing the best WordPress domain name to learn all about that.
  2. Select a web hosting provider and package. Hosting makes the content of your website available on the internet, and the right hosting company can even help you set up, run, and secure your website. As a beginner, you may find one that specializes in WordPress the most helpful. Learn more about this important step in Everything You Need to Know About Hosting And Choosing The Right Web Host.
  3. Now, install WordPress! You can install WordPress manually, but be warned this will require interacting with code. Many web hosts have processes that make it quite simple to set up, including a one-click install method. If that’s important to you, keep it in mind when shopping around.
  4. It’s finally customization time. Visit [yourdomain].com/wp-login.php and log in. Unless you want to build from scratch — totally fine, but it will take a bit of poking around! — pick a WordPress theme to get some design and structure in place. From here you can start filling in content and customizing with blocks and plugins.

WordPress has been around for a long time, but it’s only getting better and better. What used to be a humble blogging platform has expanded into a powerful CMS that’s ready to take on any type of website.

Need help using it to set up your dream site? Find out where DreamHost’s website management, design, development, and marketing pros can assist you.

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The post What Is WordPress? Beginner’s Guide To The Most Popular CMS appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

How To Use WordPress Blocks (+ How To Create Your Own!) https://www.dreamhost.com/blog/how-to-use-wordpress-blocks/ Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:00:06 +0000 https://dhblog.dream.press/blog/?p=41438 Would this be a weird place to mention how my wife is holding onto a mint-condition, unopened, limited-edition Lego Star Wars BB-8 kit? Those things are going for like $500! Okay. It would be weird. Got it, loud and clear… But this will all make a bit more sense in a second. In this post, […]

The post How To Use WordPress Blocks (+ How To Create Your Own!) appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

Would this be a weird place to mention how my wife is holding onto a mint-condition, unopened, limited-edition Lego Star Wars BB-8 kit?

Those things are going for like $500!

Okay. It would be weird. Got it, loud and clear… But this will all make a bit more sense in a second.

In this post, we’re going to cover everything you need to know about WordPress blocks. If you’re an old-school WP user like myself, then you probably still think of blocks as “new” WordPress because you began by using the classic editor.

It’s been over five years since WordPress introduced blocks, but they’re still one of the most misunderstood and underutilized CMS features.

WordPress blocks are sort of like Legos —see, I told you it would tie back in — they allow you to build and customize your website in a way that would’ve required hiring a professional website designer and developer just a few short years ago.

And that’s one of the reasons why people love them so much. Once they understand them, that is.

After I explain how they work, there’s no doubt that you’ll love them too.

What Are WordPress Blocks?

Wordpress Blocks

WordPress blocks are, as the name suggests, like stackable building blocks that you can add to pages and posts on your WordPress site.

They were added to WordPress 5.0 along with the inclusion of the Gutenberg editor that most of us are now familiar with. Blocks are now the standard way to customize your WordPress site — and you can use blocks across your entire site, not just within posts.

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Gutenberg is the name for the Block Editor project in WordPress. A lot of WordPress developers and enthusiasts use the terms Gutenberg Editor and Block Editor interchangeably.

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Think about it sort of like a site or page builder. You can click the “+” button to add a block to a page or post and then select from various block options. The current version of WordPress comes with 90+ options out of the box.

Each block is essentially a widget. They can do various things, like embed content from another site or service, add new functionality like calendars or contact forms to the page, or even add specific content with predefined formatting.

Plus, most blocks have customization options that allow you to adjust how they display or function on your site.

The WordPress block editor is a massive upgrade from the classic editor. In the pre-Gutenberg days, WordPress users could only add text and images to a post before having to dive into custom code.

Nerd note: If for some reason, you don’t have access to blocks from the WordPress editor, it could be for one of two reasons: One is that your WordPress installation could be horribly outdated (like years and years old). Secondly, it’s possible that the block editor has been disabled by the Classic Editor plugin. When active on a WordPress site, this plugin reverts you back to the classic editor experience. Check your plugins page from wp-admin to figure out if that’s the case for you.

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What Blocks Does WordPress Already Have?

By default, the block editor offers a huge number of available blocks. You can use these blocks to customize your WordPress theme, allow writers and bloggers to add rich content to their posts, pull in social media content, and so much more.

Let’s look at some of the most popular and helpful default Gutenberg blocks.

Most Common Blocks

Adding any kind of text or image is done using a block. This means that the most common blocks are generally the different styles and types of text or image elements you might add to a page.

Things like:

  • Text Block — Each paragraph you write in the block editor resides in its own text block, but text blocks aren’t limited to paragraphs. Write a little or write a lot.
  • Image Block — For when you want to show as well as tell, throw an image in the mix for some added flair.
  • List Block — Need to write an outline? What about an ordered list? You can do it all with the list block!
  • Image Gallery Block — Sharing vacation photos or product shots never looked so good. 😍
  • Table Block — Create a pricing table or share some spreadsheet data with ease.
  • Pullquote Block — Want to call attention to a particular observation? Inspired by a quote that’s relevant to the post you’re writing? Highlight it with the pullquote block!

Each of these is an element that you can add to your website with the block editor. Then, you can position and style them within the content section of the page.

Embedded Content Blocks

Blocks make it extremely easy to embed outside content and widgets into your WordPress website without having to add a new plugin or third-party addon.

Some of the most popular embed block types for pulling in outside content:

  • Calendly Block
  • Custom HTML Block
  • Twitter Block
  • YouTube Block
  • Testimonials
  • WooCommerce
  • Contact Forms
  • FAQs

Using these block types, you can go beyond the basic text editor and create interactive content that features all kinds of functionality and features.

Specialty Blocks

Here’s where things get really spicy.

Beyond the basics and embedded content, there are also a huge number ofadvanced blocks that you can use for special cases. Like maybe you want to improve your site’s navigation and UX, or to use WordPress as a full-blown site builder.

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On the web, the term ‘navigation’ represents moving from one website or page to another. Navigation is also a common term in web development and design. There’s an emphasis on making it easy for users to find the pages they need.

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Here are a few to check out:

  • Buttons Block
  • Columns Block
  • Group Block
  • Post Carousel Block
  • Post Content Block
  • Query Loop Block
  • Reusable Block
  • Shortcode Block
  • Table of Contents Block

With these blocks, you can pull in custom content directly from the WordPress database or fully customize the layout, spacing, and flow of each page or post on your website.

That’s all great and dandy.

But what if you need a block that doesn’t come with WordPress by default? 

Luckily, blocks are also customizable. Just like widgets, you can add new blocks and even create your own to fit the needs of your website design and template.

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WordPress widgets can add features to your website’s sidebars, footers, or other areas. Some default WordPress widgets are Categories, Tag Cloud, Search, Navigation Menu, Calendar, and Recent Posts.

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How To Create Custom Blocks With A WordPress Plugin

By far, the easiest way to create a custom block is to use a plugin.

The Genesis Custom Blocks plugin makes building and launching your own custom blocks pretty simple. You will need to have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS to create and style the block to fit your needs.

With those basic skills, the plugin takes care of all of the difficult setup and configuration to implement a new block.

Step 1: Install Genesis Block Plugin

First things first: Pop over to the WordPress plugin directory and install the Genesis Custom Block plugin.

(Don’t forget to go to the Plugins tab and activate it.)

Step 2: Add A New Block

Once installed and activated, you should see a new option from the WP admin panel in the left-hand navigation.

Click Custom Blocks > Add New.

Step 3: Customize The Editor Fields

Now, we’re ready to start building the custom block.

The first step will be to set up the fields and customization options that will appear when you’re using the block on your website.

Screenshot showing the Genesis Custom Blocks Plugin setup screen

You can think of this sort of like a mini version of the block editor itself. You’ll add custom fields and data that will either be pre-filled by the block itself or collected by the editor or user who’s adding the block to a page or post.

For example, if you’re building a custom call-to-action (CTA) block, you might add fields like:

  • Headline text
  • Subhead text
  • Button text
  • CTA button URL

Each field will have a label, name, and type. You can even customize the width or add help text to make it easier for additional editors or writers to use.

Step 4: Customize The Markup And CSS

Now that we’ve set up the back end of the block, we need to tell WordPress how to actually display the content that’s being added.

Here’s where any prior HTML or CSS knowledge that you may have will come in handy.

Customize the Markup and CSS

In this next step, you will essentially be writing the block of code that will be dynamically generated from the inputs configured for the block editor.

You can write this in vanilla HTML and CSS.

You can also pull in the variables from the block editor using double brackets and the field name (slug) from the editor. (E.g.,”{{button-text}}”)

Step 5: Add The Block

Once you’ve set up the block using the Genesis plugin, it should appear in the list of available blocks available in the WordPress Gutenberg editor.

Simply click the “+” and then find the new block by its name.

Once added, you should see the Gutenberg block editor screen with the fields and options you configured.

That’s it!

You can now use your custom block, adding it to pages, posts, sidebars, or wherever you need it.

How To Create Custom WordPress Blocks Without A Plugin

If you want to dive in deeper and really learn how to create new blocks from scratch, you’ll need a bit more advanced knowledge.

In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the basic steps for using the create-block tool that will allow you to spin up fully custom blocks without having to use a plugin.

Fair warning: This is an advanced workflow. It will require you to dig into the command line.

You’ll need to understand PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Don’t say we didn’t warn ya!

Step #1: Set Up Node.js, NPM, And Local WordPress Installation

Before we can use create-block, we’ll need to have the right setup and access.

Here are the prerequisites:

You may also want to use nvm (Node version manager) to install or update a compatible version of Node.js

With this setup, we will use NPM’s command “npx” to execute the create-block package directly from its hosted directory in the cloud.

Step #2: Run The create-block Package

Now, the easy step.

From the terminal, navigate to the /wp-content/plugins directory of your website on your local machine.

Then run the create-block package using NPX:

Run the create-block Package

npx @wordpress/create-block {{block-name}}

This package will run through the process of setting up what’s known as the “block scaffolding”. It will register all of the relevant elements, spin up the correct file and directory structure, and generate default code for the entire block to be both editable and usable.

Step #3: Activate The Plugin

The new block itself will take the form of a plugin.

Once the create-block package is complete, you’ll need to pop over to WP admin.

Go to the Plugins page and activate the new plugin that it created, which should have the name of the block that you used in your npx command.

Step #4: Customize The Block Code

You’ll customize the content and functionality of the block within the /src/ folder inside the plugin directory.

Index.js is where you’ll register the block and code the main output:

Customize the Block Code

Notice that the registerBlockType function is set to handle both the block editor inputs (“edit”) and the front-end display (“save”).

This is just scratching the surface of building a functional block.

You’ll likely want to dig into the complete documentation for writing functional blocks using the WordPress Block API.

Once you have the basics down, you can pull in additional dependencies, tap into outside data sources, and just about anything else your heart desires.

Step #5: Add The Block From The Gutenberg Editor

With the activated plugin, you can add your block to any page or post from the Gutenberg editor.

Access it by using the “+” button or “/” command, just like any other block.

The Sky’s The Limit

Alright, we went from basics to advanced with this one, but the good news is that now you’re unstoppable.

Between the default block options, the Genesis plugin, and the ability to build your very own from-scratch blocks — there’s nothing that you can’t do!

And because blocks are so incredibly powerful and flexible, there’s just about nothing you can’t build. Your WordPress site now has nearly infinite functionality, and you can make the site, app, or project of your dreams.

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The post How To Use WordPress Blocks (+ How To Create Your Own!) appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

WordPress 6.3 Nears August 8 General Release Date; New Features Detailed https://www.dreamhost.com/blog/wordpress-6-3/ Mon, 31 Jul 2023 17:00:27 +0000 https://dhblog.dream.press/blog/?p=40264 Key Focus Areas for WordPress 6.3 Hold on to your hats, WordPress fans! Hot on the heels of a successful WordPress 6.2 release in March of this year, the development cycle for WordPress 6.3 kicked off on April 25, 2023, with an eye toward a general release date of August 8, 2023. The original proposal […]

The post WordPress 6.3 Nears August 8 General Release Date; New Features Detailed appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

Key Focus Areas for WordPress 6.3

Hold on to your hats, WordPress fans! Hot on the heels of a successful WordPress 6.2 release in March of this year, the development cycle for WordPress 6.3 kicked off on April 25, 2023, with an eye toward a general release date of August 8, 2023.

The original proposal for WordPress 6.3, released on April 14, 2023, outlined several key areas of focus, including further full-site editing (FSE) enhancements, performance improvements, and accessibility upgrades. As always, the WordPress community sought volunteers to contribute their skills to various teams. Developers, designers, testers, and content creators were all encouraged to participate.

New Features in Detail

There are some truly exciting new features lined up, which were announced in the WordPress 6.3 Field Guide on the Make WordPress Core blog on July 18, 2023!

First up, WordPress 6.3 is introducing a Command Palette, a nifty feature akin to Spotlight (macOS) or PowerToys Run (Windows) for WordPress. It’s a big step towards getting you where you need to go in your dashboard with nothing more than a few keystrokes.

This feature will provide users with a quick and efficient way to access various WordPress functions and perform tasks without having to dig through menu after menu. By utilizing keyboard shortcuts and a search-style interface, users can find and execute commands, helping make their WordPress workflow more streamlined and productive than ever before.

Next, there are significant caching improvements across various components, targeted at enhancing the overall performance and speed of your websites. This means quicker loading times and a smoother user experience for both you and your visitors. Caching plays a crucial role in enhancing website performance by storing frequently accessed data temporarily, reducing the need to fetch the same information repeatedly from the database. These improvements should lead to faster page load times, reduced server load, and happier visitors.

In terms of media, WordPress 6.3 also promises to boost your media performance. This means quicker-loading images and other media for site visitors — keeping your audience engaged and reducing bounce rates.

By optimizing image loading and employing efficient compression techniques, site owners can expect quicker loading times for their visitors. This enhancement will not only contribute to better user engagement but also positively impact search engine rankings, as page speed is a crucial factor for SEO.

Another major step forward is the introduction of rollbacks for failed theme and plugin updates. So, a “bad” update of a plugin or theme — due to things like library incompatibilities or unknown bugs in new code — should no longer brick your site and send you scrambling to get it back up and running.

WordPress 6.3 will introduce a safeguard mechanism that prevents issues arising from most failed manual theme and plugin updates. In earlier versions of WordPress, a problematic update to a theme or plugin could potentially render a site nonfunctional.

The new rollback feature will automatically revert to the previously installed version of a theme or plugin should an update fail. This mitigates the risk of a “bad” update breaking the site. This enhancement hopes to provide peace of mind to website administrators, as they’ll now be able to confidently update themes and plugins without fearing catastrophic consequences.

The introduction of style revisions is another feature to look forward to. This allows you to roll your theme back to old site styles in just a click, providing you with the flexibility to experiment and change your site’s look without worry. This feature will be especially beneficial for users who frequently modify their website’s appearance and layout.

In case a user wants to revert to a previous design configuration, they can easily do so by selecting their revision from an easy-to-use timeline, avoiding the need to manually revert each change. The style revision history enhances the user experience and provides greater flexibility in managing the visual aspects of your WordPress site.

Last but not least, WordPress 6.3 includes significant accessibility updates. These enhancements aim to make WordPress more inclusive and easier to use for everyone.

Accessibility is a critical aspect of website development, ensuring that all users, regardless of their abilities, can access and navigate a site effectively. WordPress 6.3 will implement its accessibility updates to improve the platform’s compliance with accessibility standards. These updates include enhancements to ensure compatibility with assistive technologies, keyboard navigation improvements, and other features that enhance the overall accessibility of WordPress websites. By prioritizing accessibility, WordPress aims to create a more inclusive online environment for all users.

Overall, WordPress 6.3 promises to deliver significant usability and performance improvements, as well as enhance site security and accessibility, making it a highly anticipated release for the WordPress community.

A Busy Year

With WordPress 6.2 having been released on March 28, 2023, and WordPress 6.3 set for August 8, 2023, it’s safe to say that this year has already been a busy one for WordPress volunteer developers!

As reported in Make WordPress Core on April 14, 2023, the timeline for WordPress 6.3’s release has taken into account two major flagship WordPress events scheduled to take place this year: WordCamp Europe, which occurred in early June, and WordCamp US and the Community Summit in late August.

The developer teams hope to avoid having any major milestones like Beta 1 and RC1 conflict with the WordCamp gatherings, so they’ve proposed fitting the release process, from Beta 1 to the final WordPress 6.3 release, in a 10-week window between both WordCamps.

What’s more, regarding the Gutenberg release cadence, WordPress 6.3 is expected to bring over changes in the block editor from the Gutenberg plugin up to version 16.1, for a total of 10 Gutenberg releases since the release of WordPress 6.2.


In the April 14 proposal announcement on the Make WordPress Core blog, openings were announced for volunteers to lead a number of development teams: Release Coordinator, Core Tech Lead, Editor Tech Lead, Core Triage Lead, Editor Triage Lead, Documentation Lead, Marketing & Communications Lead, Test Lead, Design Lead, and Performance Lead.

Proposed Schedule

WordPress 6.3 development update

Looking Even Farther Out

Even though WordPress 6.3 is nearing completion but is yet to have its general release, the WordPress community is already thinking ahead to the release of WordPress 6.4 and a return to a historic point in the history of WordPress.

Version 6.4’s development will be led entirely by a team of women and nonbinary creators, which harkens back to the WordPress 5.6 release, “Simone.” The release squad will be open to anyone who identifies as a woman, nonbinary, or gender-expansive, but, of course, in keeping with the WordPress collaborative spirit, all contributions from anyone, regardless of how they identify themselves, will be welcomed.

The post WordPress 6.3 Nears August 8 General Release Date; New Features Detailed appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.
