Getting Started Archives - Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge DreamHost Thu, 06 Jun 2024 20:14:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Become A WordPress Contributor In Just 3 Steps Fri, 05 Apr 2024 08:00:00 +0000 Discover the straightforward path to becoming a WordPress contributor with our easy three-step guide. No prior experience required.

The post How To Become A WordPress Contributor In Just 3 Steps appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

We’re not ashamed to admit it.

We freakin’ love open source!

Open-source software encourages collaboration, transparency, and inclusivity in the website creation world — something that we need more than ever now that most of the digital community is based behind far-flung computer screens.

WordPress, the behemoth that powers 43% of the internet’s websites, is the ultimate open-source project.

That’s why we’re obsessed with WordPress, too!

WordPress is an open-source platform developed and maintained by a dedicated community of contributors made up of awesome people like me and (soon) you!

Becoming one of these stalwart WordPress contributors and shaping the future of the platform is easier than you might imagine. Plus, there are many excellent avenues for contributing. Along with the obvious coding and development roles, you can get involved in design, translation, community outreach, photography, and more.

So let’s first talk about what contributing to WordPress actually means and why you should do it. Then, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of finding your niche and jumping into the community.

(Note: & are different! is free, open-source software that anybody can use to create a self-hosted website. is a site-building and hosting platform from for-profit company Automattic. The basics are free, but there are plenty of paid upgrades. This article is all about OK, back to it!)

What Is A WordPress Contributor?

Funnily enough, “WordPress contributor” has more than one meaning.

For people who run their websites on WordPress, the term may already be familiar. It’s the name of one of the core user roles. Inside a WordPress installation, a contributor is someone with permission to log in and edit or delete their own blog posts, but not publish anything or make any changes to others’ posts.

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User Roles

Users in WordPress can be one of five default roles: Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, or Subscriber. WordPress provides a user role management system that defines what users are allowed to do on your website.

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However, that’s not what we’re talking about today.

This article is all about people who actively contribute their time and skills in documentation, development, design, and more to help build and advance the user-driven, open-source WordPress project.

user role is a WP user that drafts and edits but can't publish and a WP contributor is someone who volunteers time to work on the WP platform

With that cleared up, let’s dive into the benefits.

Why You Should Consider Contributing To WordPress

WordPress’ community is ultimately what made it the flexible, powerful platform it is today.

As a free and open-source site builder, WordPress is totally developed and maintained by a dedicated community of users. And it relies on this community to keep it updated, add new features and functionality, provide testing and support, and much more.

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Open Source

In software development, open source projects are free for anyone to download, use, modify, and distribute. WordPress is one great example of open source software, although it’s far from the only one.

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Of course, you don’t need to know anything about the larger world of WordPress to use the platform for your own websites. You can literally build a WordPress website in just a few minutes.

However, it may be worth your while to get involved in the platform’s development if you’re a fan and user. Here’s why:

  • You get the chance to give back to the community providing you with an invaluable resource.
  • Working as a contributor helps you learn more about WordPress and other areas related to web development and design.
  • It’s a perfect way to exercise or develop new skills.
  • You’ll gain valuable experience, which may help you beef up your resume or attract freelance clients.
  • Immersing yourself in the WordPress community enables you to connect and build professional and personal relationships with other contributors.

Altogether, there’s a compelling case for trying your hand as a WordPress contributor. What’s more, you have the flexibility to put as much or as little time into the endeavor as you’d like, and there are plenty of different ways to get involved (which we’ll explore shortly).

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How To Become A WordPress Contributor (3 Easy Steps!)

Just like when you walk into a real-life party, you’ve got to find your place in the WordPress herd, whether it’s on the development dance floor or hashing out ideas with the community-building crowd in the kitchen (where the snacks are!).

Regardless of your particular niche and skill set, these three steps can help you start off on the right foot as a WordPress contributor.

1. Research WordPress And Its Community

Whether you’re a relative noob or you’ve been using WordPress for years, learning more about the platform and its community is a smart first step.


For one, you’ll need more in-depth knowledge about WordPress as a contributor than you ever did as a user. Plus, spending some time immersed in WordPress can help you figure out where you’ll fit into the picture.

Start out by reading up on (or watching) the history and development of WordPress. This will provide you with a solid grounding in the platform’s mission and goals and will give you some idea of how far it’s come over time. WordPress has followed a long road from its beginning as simple blogging software to its current iteration as a multifaceted content management system (CMS), and there have been plenty of twists and turns along the way.

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Content Management System (CMS)

A Content Management System (CMS) is a software or application that provides a user-friendly interface for you to design, create, manage, and publish content.

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Once you have a better sense of how the platform came to be and the ways it’s changed since its inception, you can begin to learn more about its present-day form, focusing on whatever areas catch your interest. This step can take as much or as little time as you’d like, depending on how much you already know.

There are plenty of ways to learn about WordPress, but some excellent places to start include:

  • Online courses: You can find a ton of options out there, from free half-hour tutorials to longer, more pricey options.
  • YouTube videos: There’s lots of free, quality information available on YouTube, especially through channels such as WPBeginner and WPCrafter.
  • Podcasts: You can tune in to your favorite podcasting app and find shows like WP Briefing, WP Minute, and the WP Podcast.
  • News sources: Of course, you’ll want to keep your eye on the official news page. However, there are also other sites devoted to the latest WordPress happenings, such as WP Tavern and Post Status (membership required).
  • Forums: The web is packed with forums devoted to WordPress in general and to specific themes, plugins, and more. Start with WordPress’ own forums and Reddit, then if you’re looking for more a simple Google search should surface further discussions.
  • Blogs: There are blogs for WordPress beginners, experts, developers, and just about every niche you can think of. For example, WPMU DEV’s blog features lots of tutorials for WordPress developers. And our own DreamHost blog offers a free resource to learn much of what you’ll need to know — from simple set up and optimization tips to fixing specific WordPress errors.

Throughout the course of your research, take note of your favorite sources. You’ll want to keep visiting them over time to stay up to date and continue your WordPress education. When you feel like you have a solid understanding of WordPress and know what aspects interest you most, it’s probably time to move on to the next step.

roadmap of the WP journey online classes to youtube videos to forums to news sources to blogs

2. Choose Your Area Of Contribution

Think all WordPress contributors are developers or programmers?

Gee, stereotype much?!

Just kidding! Lots of people make this assumption.

It is true that many people in the WordPress community are developers and programmers. However, there are so many more options available when it comes to getting involved with the platform.

A project as big and complex as WordPress needs many kinds of people to keep it running. This is fortunate because it means you’re likely to find an area of contribution perfectly suited to your personal skill set and goals. Whether you’re interested in design, writing, or working with people, you can easily find a role to match your desires.

The research stage should have given you a few ideas for where you might fit into the WordPress community. There are a lot of options available.

Core Development And Beta Testing

This is the area that probably comes to mind first when you think about WordPress contributors.

Plenty of coders are required to work on the project. They’re responsible for adding new features, improving existing functionality, creating updates and patches, beta testing, and fixing bugs and other issues. Some developers stick to one or two areas of expertise, while others try their hand at just about everything.

You don’t need to be an expert or have a lot of experience, WordPress is a beginner-friendly project and has some simple ways to get you started even if you’re a relative novice. You can get your feet wet with the WordPress Beta Tester plugin, then work your way up. Plus, experienced developers are always around to help you out and answer questions.

The best place to start if you’re interested in joining the WordPress core development team is with the Core Contributor Handbook. This resource will tell you just about everything you need to know about the project’s organization, workflows, best practices, and more. Then, you can get started with some tasks earmarked for beginning contributors here, such as handling basic bugs and testing patches.

Design And User Interface

If you’re more interested in web design, you may choose to help improve the platform’s look and user interface (UI). These are key elements that impact the user experience of every person on WordPress. A solid UI streamlines the workflow for experienced users and makes their lives a little easier. And it definitely plays a major role in whether or not newcomers stick around.

WordPress’ design and UI are constantly evolving as developers and users find better ways to organize information and handle common tasks. Just as with core development, the team behind this niche is open to anyone who wants to help out. Some design experience will certainly enable you to get up and running more quickly, but you don’t need to be an expert.

There are a number of ways to start contributing to WordPress’ UI and design. You can deal with design-related tickets, work on mockups, or help out with whatever the team’s current primary focuses happen to be. Before jumping into any of these projects, check out the Design Handbook and then follow the recommended first steps for getting involved.

steps to contribue to the WP design team: log in, use Slack, subscribe, and explore ways to contribute

Plugin And Theme Development

This area of contribution is a little different from the rest. Developing WordPress themes and plugins isn’t exactly part of the main WordPress project, even though it’s a crucial aspect of the platform’s development. The wide availability of free and low-cost themes and plugins is a big part of what makes WordPress so popular, and what keeps it relevant year after year. Adding to that collection helps expand the CMS capabilities, so this is a vital function.

If you want to jump straight into building plugins and themes, you’ll need some experience with coding and development. If you are a complete beginner, though, you’ll simply need to spend some time beefing up your skills. Put in the effort to learn about how themes and plugins work, then start out by creating something small and simple. Let other people test the results and use their feedback to improve.

For plugin and theme development, you may want to start with a dedicated course. There are free options as well as premium tutorials from services like Udemy. You’ll also find relevant information about theme development and plugins on the WordPress site. If you run into any trouble along the way, have questions, or want to find a team to collaborate with, check out the WordPress forums. Chances are, you’ll find lots of developers there who are willing to help you out.

screenshot of the WP developer course on Udemy


Perhaps you’re more of a writer than a developer. Where do the word people fit in the WordPress community?

On the Documentation Team.

WordPress is a complex CMS with lots of moving parts and plenty of resources are required to teach people the ropes and keep everything straight. That means writers and editors are needed to add new content and make sure existing materials are up to date.

WordPress contributors who work on documentation are responsible for a number of projects. They add articles to the Codex and make changes to it when necessary. In addition, they work on the contributor handbooks, the WordPress developer website, and inline documentation for the platform itself. All of these resources are invaluable for new WordPress users and veterans alike, so they need to be accurate and current.

If you have some writing, proofreading, fact-checking, or editing skills under your belt, this is a perfect way to contribute to the platform. Check out the Make WordPress page for the Documentation Team on tips for getting involved.

Plugin And Theme Review

If you’re interested in working with themes and plugins, but don’t want to get involved in development, there’s another avenue to consider — reviewing them.

Not just any theme or plugin is allowed into the official WordPress directories. Each submission must go through a vetting process to ensure it meets basic requirements and is safe for people to use on their sites.

There are two separate teams involved in the review process, one for themes and one for plugins. Both check all new submissions against basic guidelines. If you join one of these teams you’ll be given specific review procedures to follow, although it will still help to have some solid knowledge about how themes and plugins work.

You can check out the Themes Team Handbook and Plugin Directory Reviewer’s Handbook on the Make WordPress website and follow the instructions for getting involved.

Translation And Accessibility

One of the best things about an online community is that it can easily transcend barriers such as location, nationality, and ability. Just about anyone can contribute to WordPress and make their voice heard, no matter who they are or where they’re from. Similarly, people from all countries and walks of life use WordPress to create and run their websites.

This means the platform needs to be as flexible and accessible as possible, to meet the needs of various types of users. Two teams in particular help to achieve this goal: the translation and accessibility groups.

The translation team, also referred to as the “polyglots,” works on adding more languages to WordPress. The Accessibility Team is focused on making the platform as useful as possible for everyone “regardless of hardware, software, or any sensory or physical impairment,” per the WordPress Codex on Accessibility.

If you’re interested in joining the polyglot team, begin with the How to Translate guide. As for the Accessibility Team, the Get involved section of the Handbook will start you off on the right foot.

Community Outreach

If you want to get out from behind your computer screen and make professional and personal connections, it might be worth checking out the WordPress Community Team.

As we’ve mentioned, the WordPress community is large, diverse, and geographically spread out. It takes a lot of work to keep everyone on the same page and moving towards the same goals. Plus, as WordPress grows, its community does, too, and contributors need to make connections with new members and get them excited about the platform.

The community team handles official WordPress events, such as Meetups and WordCamps. They also run mentorship programs, work hard to attract new contributors to all the Make WordPress teams, and manage various other initiatives. If you have solid people skills and enjoy working with programs and events, contact the Community Team or attend an event or Meetup to connect with your local members.

wordcamp global icon with people connected all around

Other Opportunities

The fields listed above are just some of the many ways you can get involved as a WordPress contributor. For even more options, check out the main page of the Make WordPress website. You’ll find plenty of other groups looking for members, working on projects such as:

  • Mobile: This team works on iOS and Android apps for WordPress and performs mobile device testing.
  • Photos: This is the directory of publicly-contributed photos. This team moderates every single photo uploaded to the directory, as well as guiding photographers to help their photos get accepted.
  • Support: If you have lots of experience with WordPress, you can help out the community by answering questions in the support forums and IRC channel.
  • Training: This team focuses on creating lesson plans and educational materials for instructors to use.

3. Stay Involved In The WordPress Community

Just as it’s important to keep learning about WordPress while you’re working as a contributor, it’s also crucial to stay involved with the community. You’ve got to (digitally) mix and mingle! This will help to keep you updated about important news and events and makes it easier to find people to collaborate with and to get help from when you need it.

Even if you’re dedicated to a specific area of contribution, such as translation, it can be helpful to occasionally step outside that niche and talk to people involved in other parts of the project.

Meeting new people and encountering new ideas this way will help inform your own work and ensure that everyone is progressing toward the same goals. Here are a few ways to get — and stay — involved in the community:

  • Continue to frequent your favorite research sources, especially forums and blogs.
  • Stay up-to-date on WordPress news.
  • Consider attending dedicated WordPress events, such as WordCamps and Meetups — This is a great way to meet people, share ideas, and start collaborations. If there aren’t any opportunities in your area, you can always start one yourself!

Becoming a WordPress contributor does take time and effort — but we think it’s well worth the investment. You’ll be part of a vast community of people all working towards a common goal, and you’ll have the chance to put your own stamp on the world’s most popular CMS.

Focus On Contributing, Let Us Handle The Rest

If you’ve only ever used WordPress to build your or other websites, it may surprise you to learn how much goes on behind the scenes.

A vast, thriving community is required to keep the platform at its best — including developers, designers, writers, and more. Getting involved in this community is simple and, in exchange, you’ll be met with plenty of opportunities for professional development and growth.

If you’re interested in being a WordPress contributor, you’re likely an active WordPress user. Which means working with a web host that fits seamlessly with WordPress is a top priority. DreamHost is dedicated to providing WordPress hosting that keeps your website online, secure, and speedy. Get back to focusing on the business you run and the contributions you love while you leave managed WordPress hosting in our hands.

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WordPress + DreamHost

Our automatic updates and strong security defenses take server management off your hands so you can focus on creating a great website.

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The post How To Become A WordPress Contributor In Just 3 Steps appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

How To Perform A WordPress Migration (Without Breaking Anything) Wed, 06 Mar 2024 15:00:33 +0000 So you’re planning a WordPress migration. Maybe your hosting company has sub-par service, maybe you found a cheaper hosting option, maybe you’re changing your domain, or maybe you just want to migrate your site… for fun? Whatever your reasons for migrating your site, we have you covered. WordPress migration can be a little daunting. You […]

The post How To Perform A WordPress Migration (Without Breaking Anything) appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

So you’re planning a WordPress migration.

Maybe your hosting company has sub-par service, maybe you found a cheaper hosting option, maybe you’re changing your domain, or maybe you just want to migrate your site… for fun?

Whatever your reasons for migrating your site, we have you covered.

WordPress migration can be a little daunting. You might be worried about losing business opportunities because of site downtime, losing website data, or just losing your mind trying to figure out how to press all the right buttons without breaking anything.

Lucky for you, it’s not actually all that hard if you have the right instructions

In this article, we’re going to:

  • List and detail the three options for WordPress migration
  • Provide a checklist to help you prepare for migration
  • Identify common challenges you may encounter
  • Provide tips on how to avoid challenges
  • Demonstrate (step-by-step) how to migrate your WordPress site to a new host from start to finish

So hold on to your HTML because we’re goin’ in.

But first…

What Is WordPress Migration?

WordPress migration is moving a WordPress installation (a website and all its contents) from one hosting service to another while maintaining the original website function and design. People migrate their WordPress websites all the time, often citing reasons such as better hosting performance, reduced costs, or moving to a new domain.

Or there could be technical problems that require a WordPress migration. For instance, if your current host cannot handle high traffic or lacks crucial features like daily backups.

DreamHost Glossary

Hosting Provider

A hosting provider is a business that charges a fee in exchange for “renting” server space and resources. You can choose any hosting provider that you want to launch a new website.

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In these situations, implementing an organized plan for WordPress migration becomes necessary, just like when packing up for a move. You wouldn’t want items randomly thrown into boxes, either. A structured approach ensures minimal data loss and keeps the site functioning smoothly during the transition.

The entire process typically takes a few hours, has little or no cost, and can typically be accomplished by all skill levels, even beginner web admins with little to no development experience.

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3 Ways To Migrate Your WordPress Website

Having learned the definition and importance of WordPress migration, it is now essential to examine the three main ways this process can be carried out: manually transferring your site through FTP, utilizing a migration plugin, or delegating the task to your hosting provider. Each approach has its specific steps and prerequisites.

1. Manual Migration

The first method of migrating your WordPress site is through manual migration. With manual migration, you will be doing everything yourself.

You will download all your existing website files and database(s) from your current hosting provider and transfer them to your new host. This method requires knowledge of using File Transfer Protocol (FTP), accessing databases, and making changes to files on the site’s back end.

DreamHost Glossary


File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a connection that you can use to transfer files over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/Internet Protocol (IP). You can use FTP to connect to a server you own and interact with its files.

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Sound scary? It’s not.

If you can format a Google Doc, you can do a manual WordPress migration, and we’ll show you the step-by-step procedure in the tutorial below.

Pros for manual migration:

  • It’s free.
  • It’s not that hard.
  • You can do it on your schedule.
  • You will feel like a genius hacker when you pull it off.

Cons for manual migration:

  • You will need to download an FTP client.
  • It can be time-consuming, especially on a large website with several files.
  • It’s the most difficult of your three options.

2. WordPress Plugin Migration

There is a WordPress plugin for virtually everything; website migration is no exception. WordPress migration plugins (such as DreamHost Automated Migration, Duplicator, and All-in-One WP Migration) offer convenient solutions specifically designed for individuals who may not have technical skills in website migration.

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WordPress plugins are add-ons that enable you to extend the Content Management System’s (CMS) functionality. You can use plugins for almost everything, from adding e-commerce features to WordPress to implementing page builders or using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools.

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These automated migration tools have impressive features like compatibility with larger sites and multisite networks, mobile accessibility options, integration with cloud storage platforms, and user-friendly drag-and-drop functionality.

Using a WordPress migration plugin eliminates the need to manually download and migrate all your site files and databases yourself.

Pros for plugin migration:

  • It’s (typically) free.
  • If you’re familiar with WordPress plugins, the process is very easy.
  • Allows you to work mostly inside WordPress (as opposed to an FTP client).

Cons for plugin migration:

  • Possibility of encountering issues with complex websites.
  • Many plugins will only migrate to the main directory (not a subdirectory like

3. Website Migration Services

The last option for migrating your WordPress website is to use the migration services provided by a hosting company or developer. Reputable web hosts often offer free migration assistance through their control panels specifically for transferring WordPress files. Or, they’ll charge a small fee to migrate your site to a host of your choosing.

This is a white-glove service; once you sign up for hosting on their servers (or pay their fee if you want to use a different host), they’ll take care of the entire process and ensure everything runs smoothly on your site’s new platform. This option can be particularly valuable if you have complex or multisite migrations.

Pros for migration services:

  • 100% done for you.
  • Expert-level service.

Cons for migration services:

  • You need to use their hosting (or pay a small fee).
  • Lack of satisfaction of doing the job yourself.

So this is the lay of the land. When you’re ready to migrate your site, you’ll choose whichever of the three options is best for you.

But before you do, here’s a quick gut check to make sure you have everything you need for a successful migration.

Before Your Website Migration: Checklist

To ensure your migration goes as smoothly as possible, it helps to know a few things you can do outside of the actual migration that will reduce potential hiccups.

Make sure to check everything off this list before you begin:

  1. Evaluate your new web host carefully to verify it meets all requirements for server performance, support quality, pricing options, and scalability possibilities regarding your specific site needs.
  2. Communicate pertinent details about the migration process (such as potential downtime or additional features/functionality due to platform switch) to your website users. This helps manage expectations.
  3. Update WordPress as well as theme files and plugins before the migration takes place, ensuring they are on their latest versions so potential compatibility issues can be minimized afterward.
  4. Delete all unnecessary content from within WordPress (unused themes, plugins, etc.) to streamline the migration.
  5. Perform a thorough backup of the entire site so there is an available restoration point in case anything goes wrong during or after migration.
  6. Pick a slow day for businesses and high-traffic sites to execute your migration, possibly an evening on the weekend.
  7. Ensure you have login access to WordPress, your existing hosting service, your new hosting service, your domain registrar, and your FTP client (for manual migrations).

Got it? Good; let’s migrate!

How To Migrate Your WordPress Website Manually

If you opt for the manual route, here’s a foolproof plan for migrating your WordPress site from zero to hero.

Step 1: Purchase A Hosting Plan

The first step is deciding where to park your site. While it may seem obvious, it’s important to take stock of your needs (and perhaps why you’re moving hosts in the first palace) so that you can make an informed decision regarding pricing and performance.

At the most basic level, you have three types of hosting:

  1. Shared hosting
  2. Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting
  3. Dedicated hosting

Read this web hosting guide if you’re not sure which is right for you.

Step 2: Download Your WordPress Site Files

Next, go out and get an FTP client; FileZilla and Cyberduck are popular, free options. Once you have an FTP client that you like, follow these steps:

Connect the FTP client to your current web host’s server by logging in with your username/password at the top of the client. You can usually find them in the cPanel of your web host provider. Click Quickconnect.

zoom in on top of cpanel showing the host domain, username, password, and Quickconnect button

Proceed to your WordPress root folder. This contains all of your website files. It’s typically named “public_html” or “www or sometimes “/.” Although it can sometimes be the name of your website. Right-click the folder and choose Download.

cpanel showing the dropdown with download as the first option

Depending on the size of your site, this process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.

Step 3: Download Your WordPress Database

Next, you need to export your website’s database. The database contains all the info about your users, site content, and other back-end info your site needs to function properly.

  1. If you’re using CPanel, navigate to the Databases section and click the phpMyAdmin icon.
  2. Select your database from the list.
  3. Find the Export tab.
  4. Choose the Quick option under Export Method.

Once the download is complete, you’ll have a copy of your website’s database as an .SQL file, which is exactly what you want.

Nerd Note: cPanel even has a handy guide on downloading your database

Step 4: Upload Your Database To New Host

If your new web host also uses cPanel, the instructions for uploading your database are as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Databases section in cPanel and click on the phpMyAdmin icon.
  2. In phpMyAdmin, you’ll see a list of databases on the left sidebar. Click on the database to which you want to upload data.
  3. Click on the Import tab at the top of the phpMyAdmin page.
  4. Click on the Choose File button and select the SQL file of your database on your local machine.
  5. After selecting the file, click Go. This will start the database import process. The time it takes to import the database depends on its size. Wait to close the browser or navigate away from the page until the process is complete.
  6. Once the import is finished, phpMyAdmin will display a success message. You can also check the tables in your database to ensure the data has been imported correctly.
  7. If your website’s configuration files (e.g., wp-config.php for WordPress) include database connection details, ensure they are updated with the correct credentials.

Nerd Note: Not all web hosts use cPanel. At DreamHost, we use a custom-built panel to manage your websites, databases, email, etc. However, the overall function is very similar to cPanel, and it’s even more user-friendly. This tutorial explains how to use it. 

Now, let’s add your website files.

Step 5: Upload Your Website Files To New Host

You should have a copy of your website files from Step 2 saved somewhere locally on your computer. Once you find the files, here’s how to upload them to your new hosting service:

Launch your FTP client and enter the FTP credentials (hostname, username, password, and port) provided by your new hosting provider. Click on your FTP client’s Connect or Quickconnect button, just like you did in Step 2.

On the left side of the FTP client, navigate to the folder on your local computer where your website files are stored.

cpane showing the location of the WordPress site files folder under Local site

On the right side of the FTP client, navigate to the root directory or the public_html directory (this name may vary depending on your hosting provider) on the remote server.

cpanel showing the / folder under remote site

Select the files and folders from your local computer to upload to the new host. You can usually drag and drop them to the remote server’s directory on the right side of the FTP client.

Most FTP clients will display the progress of file transfers. Ensure that all files are successfully uploaded without errors.

If your website relies on configuration files (e.g., config.php for certain content management systems), update them with the new server’s details.

So close!

Just one more step to launching your site to the public on your new hosting service.

Step 6: Update Your Domain Name Server (DNS) Records

Last, you need to update the domain name records via your domain registrar (DreamHost, Hover, etc.) The process is generally similar no matter which service you use.

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The Domain Name System (DNS) protocol keeps records of which domain names correspond to specific IP addresses. DNS enables you to browse the web by typing in regular URLs instead of IP addresses.

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Typically, updating nameservers involves inputting their URLs into your domain registrar’s settings. Some registrars may also require a corresponding IP address to each URL.

For example, if different providers are used for hosting and email service, it is possible to direct A records toward the new host while keeping other DNS settings and records (such as MX records responsible for handling emails) unchanged to avoid disrupting any essential functions.


How To Migrate Your WordPress Website With A Plugin

If you’re reading this section, we assume that a WordPress plugin has made your life easier at some point, right?

That will be the case with website migration, as well. No code, no FTP clients, no hassle.

Let’s cover two different plugin options.

DreamHost Automated Migration Plugin

Hey — what do you know!?! It’s our very own plugin

Some web hosts have developed custom plugins to make migration super easy, and DreamHost is one of those. Suppose you’re planning to use DreamHost as your web host. In that case, the DreamHost Automated Migration Plugin will make this entire migration process a total breeze.

There are only a few additional steps to migrate your site completely with our plugin, and we’ve created a crystal-clear tutorial here.


If you’re not using DreamHost, Duplicator is a host-agnostic WordPress plugin that can help you migrate your site. It has 1 million+ active installations and over 4,000 five-star reviews in the WordPress plugin directory.

Note that there is a free version with basic features that will likely work for simple websites and a paid premium version with advanced features you may or may not need.  

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Install the Duplicator Plugin

Go to your WordPress dashboard, click Plugins from the sidebar menu, and then Add New.

wordpress lefthand menu showing the location of plugins and add new plugin

Search for Duplicator – WordPress Migration Plugin and install it. Note that there is a paid version with additional functionality called Duplicator Pro. Click Install Now, and after it’s done installing, click Activate Now.

wordpress plugins menu with duplicator typed into the search bar

Look for the new Duplicator option in your dashboard.

wordpress menu sidebar showing duplicator is now an option in the menu

Step 2: Build Your Package

Click on Duplicator and then Packages.

duplicator drop-down on the sidebar showing the Packages option right under duplicator

Choose Create New in the top right corner.

duplicator screen showing packages > all and No packages are found, click create new or archive site

Name your package and click Next.

duplicator menu under packages and new

Resolve any issues Duplicator highlights. Click the Build button once the scan is successful.

duplicator menu showing scan complete with setup and archive

Step 3: Download Your Package

After the backup is built, select Download Both Files. Download both the backup file and installer.php to your device.

build status download package files with buttons installer, archive, and download both files

Step 4: Create A Database On New Server

Step 5: Upload To New Host

Step 6: Database Creation On Hosting Server

  • Log into your hosting account and go to cPanel.
  • Under Databases, select MySQL Databases.
  • Create a new database. Remember the name.
  • Add a new user and remember the credentials.
  • Add the user to the database and grant full privileges.

Step 7: Run Deployment

  • Go back to the Duplicator wizard and click Run Deployment.
  • Check old and new URLs on the next screen.
  • Click Run Update.
  • Follow any testing suggestions on the final page.

And that’s how to migrate a website with Duplicator. Would you rather see a video tutorial from the Duplicator team on YouTube? Why didn’t you say so!

How To Migrate Your WordPress Website With A Migration Service

This will be a very short section because if you choose this process for migration, all you have to do is ask for the service and swipe your credit card, and they’ll do all the heavy lifting.

Read more about how to migrate your site with DreamHost.

Post-Migration Checklist

Now that you have your site at your new host let’s take a few moments to polish it up with post-migration best practices.

One important step is setting up redirects from the old URLs to the new ones either through redirect plugins or manually editing the .htaccess file.

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’.htaccess’ is a configuration file used by the Apache web server software. The .htaccess file contains directives (instructions) that tell Apache how to behave for a particular website or directory.

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Next, crack open Google Search Console and Analytics to detect any traffic inconsistencies or issues that may arise. We recommend informing Google if there is a change in the domain via Search Console by requesting indexing so that your website will appear in search engines.

On the non-technical side, directly after a successful migration is a great time to communicate with your users and site visitors about the switch. You can do this in various ways, like emails, front-page banners, website pop-ups, blog posts, and social media announcements.

Finally, once you have confirmed that your migration was successful, deleting all original files from your old server, including databases and content, is crucial. This helps maintain optimal loading speeds for better SEO rankings and overall user satisfaction.

Common Migration Hurdles And How To Avoid Them

There are two immutable truths in the world of website development:

  1. Anything is possible.
  2. Sometimes, things break.

And as frustrating as they can be, technical issues with website migration are somewhat predictable and generally easy to solve. Here is a short list of the most common challenges and how to troubleshoot and solve them.

Data Loss And Corruption

  • How to prepare: Always fully back up your WordPress site, including the database and files, before starting the migration.
  • How to solve: If data loss or corruption occurs, restore the database backup and reattempt the migration. Use reliable backup plugins or tools for this purpose.

Permalinks Issues

  • How to prepare: Take note of the existing permalink structure on the old site.
  • How to solve: After migration, update the permalink settings in the WordPress dashboard. If issues persist, manually check for .htaccess file permissions or update the rewrite rules.

Media And Image Path Problems

  • How to prepare: Note the location of media files in the old site.
  • How to solve: Update the URLs of media files in the database after migration. Use a search and replace tool or a plugin to update paths in the database. Ensure file permissions are set correctly.

Incompatible Plugins Or Themes

  • How to prepare: Check for plugin and theme compatibility with the WordPress version you’re migrating to.
  • How to solve: Deactivate plugins and themes before migration and reactivate them one by one on the new site, checking for compatibility issues. Update or replace incompatible plugins or themes.

Domain Name And URL Changes

  • How to prepare: Note the existing domain name and URL structure.
  • How to solve: After migration, update the site and home URL in the WordPress settings. If you’re changing the domain, update the database with the new domain using a search and replace tool.

Database Connection Issues

  • How to prepare: Ensure you have the correct database credentials.
  • How to solve: Update the wp-config.php file with the new database details. Check for typos or errors in the configuration file.


  • How to prepare: If your old site used SSL, ensure your new server and domain are configured for SSL.
  • How to solve: Update the domain URL to use “https://” in the WordPress settings. Update any hard-coded step guide links in themes or content to use “https://”. Ensure your SSL certificate is installed and configured correctly on the new server.

Performance And Caching Problems

  • How to prepare: Disable caching plugins before migration.
  • How to solve: After migration, reconfigure caching plugins or clear the cache. Check if any performance-related settings need adjustment on the new server.

Custom Functionality And Technical Issues

  • How to prepare: Document any custom code or functionality on the old site.
  • How to solve: Test custom code on a staging environment before migration. Debug and update code as needed for compatibility with the new WordPress version.

DNS Propagation Delays

  • How to prepare: Understand that DNS record changes may take time to propagate.
  • How to solve: Monitor DNS propagation and be patient. You can use online tools to check the status of DNS propagation.

Hopefully, this list will help you catch any migration problems before they arise. Still, if you don’t, you should be able to use it to solve your issues.

Migrate Your WordPress Site To DreamHost

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial on migrating your WordPress site, but more importantly, we hope you do something with it. Our goal at DreamHost is to empower web admins of all levels to have fast, secure websites that are always up and running.

If you’re ready to migrate your site to DreamHost, simply choose a plan, follow our guide on our Automated Migration Plugin, or use our website migration service. Migrate your site today!

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The post How To Perform A WordPress Migration (Without Breaking Anything) appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

How to Create a WordPress Child Theme Mon, 12 Feb 2024 15:00:09 +0000 When you have specific requirements, selecting a WordPress theme is no easy task. Your choice needs to look the part and provide all the functions you need — Some compromise is almost inevitable. Customizing your chosen theme is one way to get around this issue. However, WordPress themes need to be updated periodically. When the […]

The post How to Create a WordPress Child Theme appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

When you have specific requirements, selecting a WordPress theme is no easy task. Your choice needs to look the part and provide all the functions you need — Some compromise is almost inevitable.

Customizing your chosen theme is one way to get around this issue. However, WordPress themes need to be updated periodically. When the developer of your theme releases a new version, all your customizations could be reset.

The solution?

Create a WordPress child theme that inherits the original theme’s functionality but maintains your styling. Even if you apply a theme update, your customized child theme will remain intact.

In this post, we’re going to take a closer look at WordPress child themes — from why you need one to how to create your own. Let’s dive in!

What Is A Child Theme?

DreamHost Glossary

Child Theme

A ‘child theme’ is a WordPress theme with the same appearance and functionality as its ‘parent theme’. However, you can customize its files separately from its parent theme’s files.

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WordPress allows you to make a lightweight copy of any theme for the sake of customization. The original theme becomes the parent theme, and the copy is known as a child theme.

The child is dependent on the parent, drawing on the functions and design of the original theme. When the parent theme receives an update, so does the child.

But much like a teenager, the child theme does have some independence. When you customize the child theme, the changes are applied on top of the original parent theme. Those additions remain, even when the parent theme is updated or changed in some other way.

It’s also worth noting that customizations to your child theme don’t affect the parent theme. In fact, they are stored separately. This means you have freedom to experiment, without worrying about breaking the underlying code. You can even delete your child theme completely, and it will have no effect on the original parent theme.

Using a child theme makes it easier to maintain and update your site. It will also help you avoid the risk of editing the parent theme directly, which could be overwritten and lost.

Differences Between Child And Parent Themes

DreamHost Glossary

Parent Theme

When working with WordPress child themes, there’s always a parent theme. It’s the theme that the child inherits its style and functionality from. Any changes to the child theme won’t impact the parent’s code.

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There are several technical differences between a parent theme and a child theme. For example, a parent theme folder typically includes:

  • A style.css file that determines the look and feel of your website.
  • A functions.php file that enables you to add features or modify the default behavior of WordPress.
  • Several template files that define how different pages on your site are displayed.

In contrast, a child theme folder only needs two essential files: style.css and functions.php. You will add these files within the /wp-content/themes/ directory.

You can use a child theme to make stylistic changes to your website, such as changing the default color palette, fonts, and layouts.

For example, let’s say you want to change your site’s color scheme. You can do this by creating a new style.css file in the child theme directory and adding the following code:

body {



h1 {

color: #000


We’ve changed the background color and H1 color in the code above. These edits will override the parent theme’s styling and update the colors on your site. You can make as many changes as needed in the child theme’s style.css file.

A child theme inherits everything from the parent theme. This includes all template files, functions, and assets such as images and JavaScript files. If you want to make changes to these elements, you need to copy them into the child theme directory from the parent theme. You can then edit the files.

Why You Should Use A Child Theme

There are several advantages to using a child theme on your WordPress site, including:

  • Protecting theme changes against automatic updates.
  • Adjusting visual elements of your theme.
  • Learning how to edit themes, which is a step toward developing your own theme.

Using a child theme also requires minimal coding experience. In most cases, you only need to add a few lines of code to the style.css file. This makes it easy to get started with a child theme, even if you’re not a theme developer.

If you do want to dive deeper, you can add new elements and functions to your child theme via custom code.

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How To Create A WordPress Child Theme Using A Plugin

Using a plugin is probably the easiest way to create a WordPress child theme. The plugin can walk you through the entire process in simple steps, meaning you don’t need any technical knowledge.

In this tutorial, we’ll be working with the Child Theme Configurator plugin. This user-friendly tool can help you analyze your theme for issues, create a child theme, and edit it to meet your web design layout and style specifications.

Step 1: Download And Install The Child Theme Configurator Plugin

To start, you’ll need to download and install Child Theme Configurator. You can do this by navigating to the plugin’s page and clicking on the Download button:

Child Theme Configurator by Lilaea Media screenshot of download button

Your computer will download the theme files in a ZIP file. Then, navigate to your WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins > Add New to upload the files.

Click on Upload Plugin > Choose File, and select the downloaded folder:

Add plugins "upload plugin" screenshot where you can upload a .zip file

Once the plugin is installed, you’ll just need to activate it. Keep in mind that you’ll also need to choose a WordPress theme from which to make your child theme.

Step 2: Analyze The Parent Theme

Next, navigate to Tools > Child Themes:

wordpress menu showing the nav bar where you can find "child themes" in "tools"

The plugin will walk you through the steps to create a child theme. Simply select CREATE a new Child Theme to get started:

screenshot of the first step: select an action with "create a new child theme" selected

You’ll be prompted to select your parent theme from the dropdown menu. If you have multiple themes on your WordPress site, make sure to choose the one you want to customize:

step 2: select a parent theme showing a search bar which "Twenty Twenty-Four" entered all all four versions of Twenty Teenty displaying as search results

Now hit Analyze to check the parent theme for any potential code issues:

step 2: analyze parent theme

If the plugin finds any compatibility or coding issues, it will list them here. Otherwise, you’ll see a green success message telling you it’s fine to proceed with making the child theme:

screenshot of the analysis page showing a check mark that this theme appears OK to use as a child theme and the relevant code

Once you’ve determined that your parent theme will be suitable for a child theme, you can move on to the next step. (You can also show a raw data analysis or submit support requests to the plugin’s creator from this page.)

Step 3: Name Your Child Theme Directory

Next, you’ll be prompted to create a child theme directory name. This is the name of the folder within your website’s files.

You can name it anything you like as long as it’s unique to your site and contains acceptable characters. We’re using “twentytwentyfour-child” for simplicity’s sake:

You can name child theme anything you like as long as it's unique to your site and contains acceptable characters.

Keep in mind that naming the theme directory is not the same as naming your child theme or adding a theme description. Those steps will come later.

Step 4: Select The Child And Parent Theme Stylesheets

Next, you’ll need to choose the new stylesheet for your child theme. If you select the primary stylesheet (style.css), your custom CSS styles will override the existing theme content.

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Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is an essential coding language used for styling webpages. CSS helps you create beautiful pages by modifying the appearance of various elements, including font style, color, layout, and more.

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This is the default option, and we recommend choosing it if you’re new to child themes:

step 5: select where to save new styles with "primary stylesheet" selected instead of "separate stylesheet"

You’ll now be prompted to choose your parent theme stylesheet handling method. There are various options, but we recommend sticking with Use the WordPress style queue for most use cases:

step 6: select parent theme stylesheet handling with "use the wordpress style queue" selected

As a beginner, it’s better to use the default option until you’re more familiar with how the parent theme handles the stylesheet. The other options aren’t always compatible with all themes.

Step 5: Name Your Child Theme

The next step is to name your child theme and write a description for it.

step 7: customer the child theme name, description, author, version, etc. with respective text boxes in the attributes editor

Child Theme Configurator will pull the default information from your parent theme and display it here. If you’re simply making a child theme for personal use, you can leave the data as-is.

However, if your parent theme will serve as the basis for a new theme you’re developing, you might want to add a brief description and a unique name.

Step 6: Copy The Parent Settings To The Child Theme

The plugin will now ask you to confirm that it can copy the parent theme’s settings to your child theme:

step 8: copy menus, widgets, and other customizer settings from the parents theme to the child theme with the checkbox selected

This step will ensure that your child theme pulls its functionality and appearance from the parent theme. Note that if you’re working with a premium or restricted theme as the parent, you may not be able to perform this step.

Step 7: Create Your New Child Theme And Preview It

The final step is to make your child theme. Click on the Create New Child Theme button and wait for the plugin to do its job:

step 9: click to run the configurator and "create new child theme" button

You should get a notification that your child theme was created successfully:

child theme twenty twenty-four child has been generated successfully

Always preview your child theme before activating it on your website. This step will help you verify that everything is working as it should. Then, hit Activate & Publish to get started with your child theme.

How To Manually Create A WordPress Child Theme

If you’d rather not use a plugin to create your child theme, you can use the manual method. You might prefer this route if you’re already using too many plugins on your website.

Additionally, manually creating a WordPress child theme lets you make all the changes you want at a granular level. Just keep in mind you’ll need an intermediate knowledge of CSS code.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Develop A Plan For Your Changes

First, find a parent theme you like and list the changes you want to make. You can view the developer tools and see the theme’s code to make the correct changes.

To view the developer tools, right-click anywhere on your site while running the theme and select Inspect Element. You’ll then see a page of data that looks something like this:

blue screen of code with "background-color" highlighted in three places

Here, you can search for background colors, font information, margin size, and more. Then, you can make a list of features you’d like to adjust in your child theme.

Step 2: Back Up Your Site

It’s essential to back up your current site before making any changes to avoid losing your settings. You can always revert to this backup if needed. You might also consider utilizing a staging website in case you make critical mistakes.

There are a couple of different ways to back up your site. You can do it manually using a backup plugin, which is probably the easiest method for most people.

Alternatively, you can partner with a WordPress hosting provider that takes care of website backups. Our DreamPress managed hosting plans include automatic and on-demand backups to safeguard your data.

Step 3: Create A Folder For Your Child Theme

You’ll need to create a folder to store your child theme files. To achieve this, first access your files via a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client such as Filezilla and navigate to the themes folder:

files showing where theme files live under wp-content>themes

Here, you can create a new directory for your child theme. Make a new folder that carries the parent theme’s name and add “-child” to the end.

For example, if your parent theme directory is named “twentytwentyfour”, your child theme directory will be called “twentytwentyfour-child”.

Step 4: Make A Stylesheet For Your Child Theme

Now you’ll need to make a new text file and name it “style.css”. This file will form the basis of your child theme. It will need some basic header information, including its name, URL, description, and more:

style sheet with 8 lines showing each written out line of the theme name, URL, description, author, author URL, parent theme, version, and text domain

Now save and add the style.css file to the directory folder you just made.

Step 5: Enqueue The Stylesheets

Next, you’ll need to enqueue the parent and child theme stylesheets.

The enqueue function ensures that your child theme will take its style data from the parent theme. It also allows you to edit the child theme without affecting its parent.

Make a new functions file in your child theme directory and name it “functions.php”. You can then tell your child theme to reference the base theme by adding the following code:


add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_parent_styles' );

function enqueue_parent_styles() {

wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri().'/style.css' );



Save the text file and navigate to your WordPress dashboard to activate the theme.

Step 6: Activate The Child Theme

Finally, it’s time to activate your child theme. You can upload it manually by going to Appearance > Themes > Upload. Then, choose a .zip version of your child theme directory:

wordpress sidebar nav showing you can find themes under appearance

Activate your child theme. It should now be live!

How To Customize Your Child Theme

Once you’ve activated your new child theme, it’s time to take it for a spin. There are several different ways you can customize the design and functionality.

One principle to bear in mind is that WordPress automatically looks for files in the child directory before scanning the parent theme files. This means any stylesheet or template you add to your child theme will take precedence over the same file in the parent folder.

The child-before-parent system gives us loads of options.

Creating Custom Styles

For basic design changes that aren’t covered by the Theme Options panel, you can create your own custom styles. In most cases, you can simply rewrite existing parent styling rules in a new stylesheet.

The best way to find the CSS you want to modify is by using the Inspector Tools in your browser. You can look at the CSS and the HTML behind any webpage by right-clicking on it and selecting Inspect Element.

At the bottom or the right side of your screen, you’ll find the code for the page. Hover your mouse over the code and highlight the HTML in sections:

inspect code showing the various HMTL sections

As you hover, it will also display the CSS rules. You can edit the CSS directly with the developer tools to see how it looks.

inspect page HTML code showing the span class and background color in HTML

In this example, we changed the background color from “#9888fd” to “#9888fe” to see how it would look. The background color will change instantly, but it’s not permanent.

You now need to copy the CSS rule and add it to the style.css file of your child theme like this:

body {

Background-color: #9888fe;


Save these changes in the style.css file and return to your WordPress dashboard to preview the theme. This process might require trial and error, so take your time to perfect the style.

Override Parent Templates

Just as we can create a new stylesheet for custom CSS, it’s possible to override parent templates with new content. This allows you to make wholesale changes to the structure of specific parts of your website — such as the header and navigation menu, the footer, or the single posts template.

Let’s imagine that you want to change the blog post layout in your child theme, so the title of each post appears above the featured image.

This section of your site is controlled by the content.php template file. To start making changes, download a copy of content.php from the parent folder via SFTP.

Next, open the child template in your text editor. You might see something like this:


<!-- Title and other header info here -->

To adjust the layout of your header, you might change the code to read:

<!-- Title and other header info here -->

// Post thumbnail

Finally, save the file and upload it to the child theme folder. Make sure to retain the original name of the file, otherwise WordPress won’t recognize your edited template.

Custom Page Templates

Want something totally different? You can also add brand new templates to your child theme.

The process is exactly like developing templates for a regular theme, except you may also need to create custom header and footer templates. These files need to be referenced in your new custom template — and don’t forget to add some new CSS via the existing child stylesheet.

Creating New PHP Functions

If you want to introduce new features in your child theme, you can create a child functions.php file. This works in tandem with the parent functions file, rather than replacing it.

As such, you don’t need to make a copy of the original file — simply write any additional scripts you want to add on top. The child functions file will run first, followed by the parent version.

Adding a functions file to your child theme opens up a whole range of possibilities. For example, you could:

  • Register new widgets and shortcodes.
  • Add custom post types and taxonomies.
  • Create new theme options.
  • Hook up external stylesheets and JavaScript files.
  • Lay the groundwork for translating and localizing content.
  • Override certain parent theme functions.

You can learn more about creating these functions in our complete guide to functions.php.

Using Theme Hooks

The most efficient way of adding features to your new functions file is by using hooks.

Hooks are part of the core functionality of WordPress. They allow you to alter various parts of your website without having to edit individual templates.

Instead, you simply assign your code to the relevant hook in the functions file. WordPress will then automatically apply this code to matching elements in the parent theme.

In WordPress, hooks come in two varieties:

  • Action Hooks: Used to “hook” custom code into specific parts of your WordPress theme, such as a new widget area or a custom message to be displayed after each blog post.
  • Filter Hooks: Used to modify content generated either by WordPress or a parent theme, before it’s sent to a browser or stored in the database. In terms of child themes, they are most often used to adjust the length of excerpts.

Most hooks only require a small code snippet. For example, here’s the code you would need for adding some content to the footer of your site:

function my_custom_footer_content() {
echo '<div>Custom footer content here</div>';
add_action('wp_footer', 'my_custom_footer_content');

You see that ‘wp_footer’ bit? That’s the hook, and it tells WordPress where this code needs to go. In this case, your custom function should come straight after the footer template — wherever that is invoked within your theme. Neat, huh?

WordPress Child Theme FAQs

We’d like to think this guide has been pretty comprehensive so far. But if you still have questions hanging, we have answers:

Should I activate parent or child theme in WordPress?

There’s a simple rule here: activate the theme you want to use.

If you want to revert to the original design as your active theme, activate the parent. But if you want to enable those glorious customizations, be sure to activate the child theme.

What are the disadvantages of using a child theme?

There aren’t many disadvantages to using a child theme. It’s a little more technical than customizing your site via the Dashboard. To make bigger changes, you will need at least some basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and PHP.

It’s also worth noting that a poorly optimized child theme can slow down your site, and you’re always going to be reliant on the parent theme.

Can a child theme exist without a parent theme?

Nope, a child theme doesn’t work without a parent theme.

The concept of a child theme is inherently dependent on a parent theme. Remember that the parent supplies everything other than the custom styles and templates you add. What’s more, the whole folder structure of your site would be messed up if you removed the parent folder.

If you want to separate out your child design, consider converting it to a standalone theme.

Can you have multiple child themes for one parent theme?

Yes, you can. This means you can craft multiple versions of the same site to suit different audiences. You could even run A/B testing this way.

What are the best WordPress child theme creator plugins?

Along with Child Theme Configurator, which we worked with earlier, check out WP Child Theme Generator and Child Theme Wizard. has its very own experimental child theme plugin, too. It’s called Create Block Theme.

What is the difference between a child theme and a custom theme?

Dependency is probably the biggest difference. A child theme leans on the core files of a parent theme, whereas a custom theme stands alone.

That independence means that theme developers can introduce new core features and more customization. On the flip side, you need to be comfortable with code to create and maintain a custom theme.

It requires way more development time to build a complete theme from scratch, as well.

Protect Your Theme Customizations And Updates

Using a child theme helps you avoid the complications of editing a parent theme directly. A child theme is easy to adjust, enabling you to make sweeping design changes to an existing website. Plus, it isn’t affected by automatic theme updates.

Here’s a quick recap of how to create a child theme manually:

  • Make a plan.
  • Back up your current site.
  • Create a folder for your child theme using an SFTP client.
  • Make a style sheet and upload it to your site.
  • Enqueue the child and parent theme stylesheets.
  • Activate and preview your child theme.
  • Make changes using CSS.

Having a beautiful theme is just one part of running a successful website. You’ll also need a hosting provider that fits your needs. Check out DreamHost’s shared hosting packages for affordable plans that prioritize website performance, with 100% uptime guaranteed!

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The post How to Create a WordPress Child Theme appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

How To Switch From A Classic Theme To WordPress Block Themes Fri, 10 Nov 2023 15:00:28 +0000 If you’re a fan of Legos, then you’ll love WordPress block themes. Starting with version 5.9, WordPress offers full support for block themes. This was a major change for most sites, which were built on what are now known as “classic” themes. But switching from a classic theme to a block-based theme does require a […]

The post How To Switch From A Classic Theme To WordPress Block Themes appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

If you’re a fan of Legos, then you’ll love WordPress block themes.

Starting with version 5.9, WordPress offers full support for block themes. This was a major change for most sites, which were built on what are now known as “classic” themes.

But switching from a classic theme to a block-based theme does require a bit of work.

In this article, we’ll explain how they work and what steps you can take to move from the old style to the new one.

It won’t be quite as fun as putting together a 3,441-piece, 2005 collector’s model Death Star. But we’ll do our best.

What Is A WordPress Block Theme?

Block themes allow users and website admins to customize the layout of their pages and content using editable and reusable blocks of content.

Originally known as “full site editing” (FSE) or “site editing,” these themes add modular, block-based functionality to your theme’s layouts and templates. Similar to how the Gutenberg editor introduced blocks and block templates that can be used within your pages and post content.

But now, you’re able to customize the layout and content on your entire site (including page templates and custom templates) using visual, drag-and-drop style blocks.

Block Editor example

These new visual editing features make it extremely easy to build new page structures or customize any page’s content beyond just what’s inside the page body.

This means you won’t need to rely on developers to customize your theme files or build custom templates to add things beyond words and images to your content. Instead, you’re able to customize the content using the editor.

Individual blocks can be created and designed to fit within a responsive layout and match the color and typography of your website.

In addition, you can create and use shareable block patterns. These are pre-made blocks created by individuals, companies, and WordPress developers.

All together, block themes turn WordPress into a more modular and flexible system. It emulates much of the functionality of other drag-and-drop style website builders made popular by companies like Squarespace and Wix.

Themes built on the block framework generally come with pre-built custom blocks that match the design and style of the website. You can then use those blocks within your site wherever you need them.

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Block Themes Vs. Classic Themes

Classic WordPress themes were built to create consistent styling and design.

Most site areas were editable only by customizing the theme or editing PHP template files directly to add specific functionality to the website.

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HP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open-source scripting language. It’s widely used in web development and can be embedded in HTML. Several popular Content Management Systems (CMS), such as WordPress, are built with PHP.

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Then, most sites had a few standard templates for each type of content. For example, a page template and a post template. Block editors still generally have this same theme structure, but you can very easily create variations or customize each template using the editor.

With the block editor, you have more control over the individual parts of each page or post, and you can build new templates on the fly.

Add Social Icons Block

For instance, you can add a block with social icons or an image gallery to your page templates to have them appear on every page on your website or add them to a single post.

There’s also a style editor that allows you to adjust the block settings and customize the visual elements like color palette and layout. You don’t even have to edit any CSS.

In addition to the added flexibility and control, block themes offer many benefits.

Eliminate Shortcodes And HTML Code Editing

With classic themes, many WordPress users have come to rely on custom ways to add functionality or edit the layout and design of their blog posts and pages.

Shortcodes and custom HTML snippets were often used to override or inject new features that weren’t included in the website’s theme.

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HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is the most fundamental building block of the web and the standard markup language for creating web pages and applications.

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For instance, you may have copy and pasted a long code snippet into every post to add a call to action or insert an opt-in form.

Now, you can simply create a synced pattern (reusable block) for this content. Then, create a custom post template for each relevant CTA. Finally, just select the post template for each post to have the CTA show up.

Unlock Native Page Builder Elements

For many users, a block-based theme will eliminate the need for page builder plugins that have become popular in the WordPress community.

These plugins served as a stop-gap for users who wanted a modular, block-based system for building their website before it was available for most WordPress themes.

These themes are, of course, still popular. Divi, Elementor, Gutenify, and others were pioneers in this space, but now you don’t have to use these specific themes to unlock modular site-building capabilities.

Improve Site Performance

Another big benefit of switching to block themes is an improvement in page load speed and site performance.

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Page Load Time

Page load time is, quite simply, the amount of time it takes for a webpage to load. In more technical terms, it is the time taken to download and display the entire content of a web page. It is usually measured in seconds.

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Many sites relied on third-party plugins or copy and pasting code snippets to get the desired functionality and design for their pages. This often leads to extra scripts and styling being added to the pages. Each of those resources takes time to load and slows down your website.

So, by moving from a classic theme to a block theme, many sites will be able to remove these extra pieces. This will simplify the code on the page and should improve page load speed and performance.

Which, in turn, can boost SEO, improve engagement, and increase conversions.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of improving a site’s ranking in search results. Search results are aggregated based on a number of factors, including a site’s relevance and quality. Optimizing your site for these factors can help boost your rankings.

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Reduce Conflicts, Updates, And Vulnerabilities

With less reliance on third-party plugins, you’ll also experience fewer conflicts or required updates for your WordPress site.

As sites grow more complex, the additional plugins being used can often come to conflict with one another. This can create site-breaking issues like the notorious White Screen of Death. And updating plugins can feel like a total roll of the dice. (“Will this be the one to break my site?!”)

Perhaps even more importantly, less reliance on third-party plugins will also make your website more secure. These tools can often introduce vulnerabilities or exploits to your code. (Especially if you avoid updating them because you’re afraid of breaking something important.)

Should You Switch To A Block Theme?

With all of these benefits in mind, it seems clear that, in most cases, upgrading to a block theme is a smart move.

Most companies and websites should consider switching from a classic theme to a block theme.

It introduces many quality-of-life improvements that make managing your website and your content easier and allows your team to work more efficiently and customize content without dedicated developer time using code-free editing capabilities.

And it’s a valuable step toward improving the performance and security of your website.

When should you not switch?

In short: If you don’t have the time and resources to dedicate to making the change. Altering your WordPress theme, especially if it’s custom-built or heavily customized, requires a significant amount of work.

While your content, media, and other assets will remain intact, the overall design of your website will change to match the new theme.

If you wish to retain the appearance of your current theme or desire a different look altogether, you’ll have to adjust the design accordingly.

On the plus side: Making those edits will be easier because your new theme will be block-based and allow you to edit most of the theme layouts, elements, colors, and styles without editing the code.

Let’s look at the process.

How To Switch To A WP Block Theme

Step 1: Backup Your Website

Any time you make major updates to your website, create a backup.

It’s so important, we’re going to repeat it.

Create a backup. (Seriously.)

If you’re using a managed WordPress hosting service, you should have automatic and manual backup options.

If you’re not, look into a WordPress plugin like BlogVault, UpdraftPlus, or Jetpack Backup to save all of your site’s files and content.

This way, if something goes wrong, you’ll have a way to restore your website.

Step 2: Assess Your Website

The next thing we need to do is get a sense for what will happen when you make the switch.

Changing your theme generally has two immediate effects:

  1. The overall layout, colors, and styles of your website will change.
  2. You’ll lose any custom code or modifications that are added directly into the files or templates of your old theme.

Beyond that, your content and anything that’s been added to the body of your posts and pages should stay the same.

Just Another Theme change

For example, if you’re using a classic theme and customized the layout of your site’s header, those changes will not carry over.

So, what should you do?

Go through each of the pages on your website (or at least all of the unique templates).

Look for any custom content, widgets, banners, graphics, etc, that have been added to the theme files. These will generally appear in the “static” sections like your header, sidebar, or footer.

Take note of each instance you find. It’s possible to add this content back into your site after making the switch.

And don’t worry. Even if you miss something, you can generally change back to your old theme to see what appeared and is now missing on your new site.

Step 3: Choose A Theme

Now it’s time to choose your theme.

What is your desired outcome?

Do you want a theme that closely resembles your existing website design? Or, something that’s radically different? A whole new look.

Whichever direction, you can start by browsing available themes in the WordPress theme directory. (Click “Block Themes” to filter.)

You can also check out our list of the 27 best block themes.

Just keep in mind that the customization options are nearly limitless with all block themes. It’s like when you’re apartment or house hunting. Don’t get hung up on the paint on the walls. You can always repaint. While you still want to look for themes that are close to the general style and design preferences, you’ll be able to modify the theme to fit your needs.

For instance, if you prefer a minimalistic design then you may want to start with a simple theme. Another option is to modify a complex theme to remove some of the content.

Lastly, look at the pre-designed blocks included in the themes.

Many themes will include custom block styles that have already been built and come as available options once you activate. This can be a big timesaver versus having to create additional blocks manually after setting up the new theme.

Pattern Block examples

Explore the “Patterns” section of the theme to see how these blocks are used to create custom sections. Many themes will include examples of patterns for headers, patterns for footers, and other relevant sections or components you may want to use in your website.

Step 4: Install And Activate Theme

Once you’ve settled on a theme, it’s time to install.

You can either download the block theme zip file locally and then upload it. Or, if the theme lives in the WordPress directory, you can install it from your WP Admin.

To do this, go to Appearance > Themes, and click the “Add New” button.

Add New Theme on WP Admin

Then, type the name of the theme in the search box. Find the theme you want to install and hover over it. Click “Install.”

Install New Theme

Now your new theme is installed!

Go back to your Themes page and find the theme. You can activate it right away by clicking “Activate.”

Nerd Note: If you’re still unsure about how your website will look with the new theme, use the “Live Preview” option to see what it will look like. Or, even better, install the theme and follow the next steps on a staging version of your website. This way, the changes won’t be live while you’re updating and customizing your site.

Step 5: Customize The Layout And Design

Once you’ve activated the theme, your website will (probably) look different than before.

Now it’s your time to customize the look with your theme setup. Again, you can recreate the previous design that you used for your site, or you can take it in a totally new direction.

Either way, you can use the full-site block functionality to customize with just a few clicks.

Normally, if your theme can use the Site Editor, it will prompt a new message in the customize.php page, reading “Hurray! Your theme supports site editing with blocks! Tell me more. Use Site Editor.”

If you don’t see this message for whatever reason, from the Themes page, click “Customize” on your new theme.

WordPress Customize Theme

You’ll now see the Editor screen. From here, you can dive into and edit any specific page or post on your site. You can also edit and create new templates or patterns.

Here’s where you’ll want to spend the bulk of your time. Depending on your goals for the new theme, you may want to go through each default template and pattern to customize the content and layout.

In addition to changing the layout and blocks on your site, you can also use the editing options to customize your style settings.

Block Style Settings

Under “Block” settings, you should see a number of styling options. Here you can adjust the design elements like font size, alignment, spacing, and color schemes.

You can also add custom CSS classes for each element under Advanced.

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Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is an essential coding language used for styling webpages. CSS helps you create beautiful pages by modifying the appearance of various elements, including font style, color, layout, and more.

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Step 6: Check For Any Broken Plugins Or Widgets

Not every plugin, widget, or customization will work with block themes.

If your website was using a number of plugins and widgets (which you should have identified in Step 2), then you may need to make some adjustments on the back end.

Block plugins are compatible with block themes, but some older ones may not work.

Say you wanted to add a social widget you used with your old theme. If you don’t see the option to add that specific widget from the block editor, then you probably need to find a new plugin that’s supported.

Find The Perfect Block Theme For Your Website

Now that you know the steps, it’s time for the fun part.

Finding the right block theme for your website, whether it’s a personal blog, company site, or media platform, can be exciting, with so many great options available.

Some of our favorite popular block themes:

  1. Twenty Twenty-Three
  2. GeneratePress
  3. Blockbase
  4. SeedProd
  5. Divi

With the right theme, you’re well on your way to becoming a WordPress blocks master, DreamHost can help!

Happy building!

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The post How To Switch From A Classic Theme To WordPress Block Themes appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

Your Complete Guide to WordPress Full-Site Editing Thu, 02 Nov 2023 14:00:00 +0000 Customizing your WordPress website’s appearance is one of the best ways to control your site’s image and tailor it to your needs. And today, it’s more customizable than ever thanks to a (relatively) new feature set known as Full Site Editing (FSE). The new official name is Site Editor. Of course, this introduction brought with […]

The post Your Complete Guide to WordPress Full-Site Editing appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

Customizing your WordPress website’s appearance is one of the best ways to control your site’s image and tailor it to your needs.

And today, it’s more customizable than ever thanks to a (relatively) new feature set known as Full Site Editing (FSE). The new official name is Site Editor.

Of course, this introduction brought with it a completely new interface to master.

For those who haven’t yet made the switch to using FSE, we’re happy to report the updates are pretty user-friendly and incredibly useful – That’s not to say it won’t take you some time to familiarize yourself with everything.

In this article, we’ll help you do that by taking a closer look at WordPress FSE, including what it entails, why it’s such a big deal, how to make the switch, and how to use it to create or update your site.

What Is Full Site Editing In WordPress?

Full site editing is a feature set in WordPress that includes several tools to make the design process easier for site owners.

Among these tools is the Site Editor, which functions like that of the block editor (aka Gutenberg editor), which was its precursor and with which you may already be familiar.

Using this new Site Editor, you can use drag-and-drop blocks to customize most parts of your site from a single interface, including page templates. This is an upgrade from the former multi-step process that required you to bounce all over WordPress to customize your site and even occasionally write CSS.

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Gutenberg is the name for the Block Editor project in WordPress. A lot of WordPress developers and enthusiasts use the terms Gutenberg Editor and Block Editor interchangeably.

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We’ll soon dig into how you can start using FSE and taking advantage of some of its best components.

But first, some background.

FSE was the second phase of WordPress’ Gutenberg project and was released in WordPress version 5.9 in early 2022.

The first phase was the block editor, which launched with the WordPress 5.0 update in 2018. It introduced the concept of using blocks to design the layout of your blog posts.

Learn more about the Four Phases of Gutenberg in the WordPress Roadmap.

The block editor uses segments called Gutenberg blocks. These blocks refer to units of markup with different functions. With each block, you can insert new elements into your posts, such as paragraphs, headings, images, lists, and videos.

With FSE and an updated block-based theme, Customizer is replaced, and the Site Editor builds upon the block functionality and makes it applicable to your wider site, not just your content. This enables you to customize more aspects of your site’s appearance and layout.

For example, when you’re using FSE, you will be able to use blocks in your site’s template and change its overall layout. Additionally, FSE will enable the application of global styles that you can use to create design rules across multiple pages.

WordPress Blocks

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Why Is Full Site Editing A BFD (Big Freakin’ Deal)?

What’s the deal with it? (Seinfeld, GIF Image)

FSE is an exciting and groundbreaking development for business owners who manage their own WordPress websites.

Here’s why.

Easier For Non-Developers

First and perhaps most importantly of all, with FSE you don’t need coding knowledge or other technical skills considered unique to developers.

General WordPress users can now customize almost anything they want about their sites’ appearances easily and quickly, saving time, effort, and money.

Related: How To Make A Website (Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide)

Better Branding Opportunities

For those who run an online business, the FSE customization options could enable you to change your site to better suit your brand image.

It can also be handy if you ever decide to rebrand with different colors, fonts, or other stylistic elements. With global styles, you will be able to adjust the new branding easily across your entire site. That kind of consistency is key in creating a trustworthy and memorable customer experience.

Fewer Plugins = Higher Security

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WordPress plugins are add-ons that enable you to extend the Content Management System’s (CMS) functionality. You can use plugins for almost everything, from adding e-commerce features to WordPress to implementing page builders or using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools.

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FSE reduces dependency on drag-and-drop page builder plugins. If you use any of these plugins, you may find them unnecessary once you update your WordPress version and theme and can take advantage of the FSE features.

Since outdated plugins are a common entry point for bad actors, having fewer on your website to worry about may help you keep higher security and privacy standards.

Speed Is The Name Of The Game

Themes running FSE tend to move quicker.

Compared to non-block WordPress themes, they’re configured in a more optimal way and are weighed down by less feature bloat, so they’re able to process changes and requests in a speedy manner.

Of course, hosting is still a factor in speed. A cloud-based host with built-in caching like DreamPress for WordPress will help make sure your website moves at the speed of modern expectations.

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Cloud Hosting

Traditional web hosting houses a website on a physical server. On the other hand, ‘cloud hosting’ uses multiple virtual (remote) servers for the same task.

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But why does website speed matter in the first place? If you aren’t sure, we highly recommend reading 12 Reasons Why Your Website Is Slow (And How To Fix Them).

How To Adopt FSE With A WordPress Template Update

First, it’s important to know you can only access all the benefits of FSE if you’re using a block theme.

If you’re not already running one on your business website, read 27 WordPress Block Themes Perfect for Full Site Editing before moving forward.

Once you have your theme picked out with the help of that list, here’s how to add it to your website to take advantage of all that FSE has to offer.

1. Update To WordPress 5.9 (Or Newer)

The most crucial step to utilizing full site editing is updating your WordPress website to make sure it’s operating on at least version 5.9.

From your WordPress admin panel, visit Dashboard > Updates to check on your current version and update as needed. You can also choose to switch to automatic updates here.

We highly recommend always keeping your WordPress updated to the latest version for speed, security, and full functionality — But just in case you haven’t been, go and do that before the next step.

2. Back Up Your WordPress Website

For an existing website, it’s a good idea to back it up before changing the theme. If the new theme creates any issues, this will be crucial for restoring your website.

For a complete walkthrough on how to do this, check out How To Back Up Your WordPress Website.

If you’re worried about doing this on your own, well-managed WordPress hosting providers will provide automated or on-demand website backups to take it off your hands.

3. Install A Block Theme From The WordPress Directory

Time to apply a new block-based theme!

To get started, from your WordPress admin page, visit Dashboard > Appearance > Themes.

Choose Your Theme

Once on the Themes page, use the Add New button at the top of the page.

You should now see a filter bar. Use that to select Block Themes.

Block Themes

Now, you can scroll through all the available block themes and even use the Feature Filter to further narrow your options.

When you’ve chosen a theme, click on it to learn more about its features. When you find one you like, you can use the Install button within that Preview page to install it. Or, back on the Add Themes page, hover over and click the Install button that appears.


To apply it to your website, first go back to the Themes page (Appearance > Themes). Hover over the new theme you installed, and click Activate.

And you’re live!

There are a few ways to install a WordPress theme, so if you want to cover all your bases check out How To Install A WordPress Theme (Tutorial).

There are only a few FSE commercial block theme providers at the moment, but if you want to take a look at one, we recommend Anariel themes.

4. Check If Any Plugins Need Updated Or Reactivated

WordPress plugins are tools that can be used to enhance your WordPress user experience. They can do everything from track your SEO to add new features and beyond.

Plugins need continual updates to function correctly. Otherwise, they may become buggy or even leave you vulnerable to hacking attempts.

So once you’ve switched to a new theme, you need to make sure all the plugins you want to keep are on and up to date.

You can do this by going to your WordPress dashboard and clicking on Plugins > Installed Plugins.

Installed Plugins

Plugins that are deactivated will have an Activate link. Those that need an update should have a message on them with links to learn about the new features and information on updating them. Be sure to heed any compatibility and backup alerts.

5. Open Up Your New Editor

Accessing the FSE features is as simple as visiting Appearance > Editor from your WordPress dashboard.

Appearance > Editor

Once you’re inside, it’s time to talk about several cool things you can do with the new FSE features!

4 Ways To Use Full Site Editing To Improve Your Website

Now that you have a block theme and an updated WordPress instance, we can take a closer look at the most impactful things you can do as a business website owner or operator.

1. Play Around With Templates & Template Parts

In the Site Editor, templates are layouts for pages included with your theme. Think 404 page, blog post page, and so on.

Template parts are pieces of these templates, such as headers, etc.

To view your templates, from within the Site Editor (Dashboard > Appearance > Editor) just visit Templates in the sidebar.

Design Templates

Inside, you’ll find all the templates associated with your theme.

Click on one to pull it up in the editing screen. Here, you can edit, move, add, and delete blocks.

For deep customization, select a block and open the Settings panel using the square button at the top right of your screen.


There is also a Styles panel that can be opened using the circular button in the same area.


With these tools you can change all kinds of things from typography to color palettes to layout.

Don’t forget to use the Save button at the top of your screen to preserve your updates before moving on!

Now for template parts, go back to the main Site Editor screen and visit Patterns.

Depending on your theme, you’ll see elements like your header and footer and maybe sidebars, etc. Click on one to open it up in the editing screen.

Just like before, you can move and edit all the blocks on the screen and click into their settings and styles to further tailor them to your likes and needs.

Back on the Patterns page, use the “Manage all template parts” link to open a page where you can add a new part, name it, and choose where it lives.

2. Customize Consistently With Global Styling

Thanks to WordPress global styles, when you edit an element in a single place using the Styles and Settings features we walked through above, it will apply that new look across your site.

This is a great feature for quickly creating a more consistent design that tells your brand story.

For example, let’s say you want to change the color of your “Buy Now!” button to make it more enticing to customers. With global styling, you can choose that button on any page, customize it, then apply that new customization to every other instance of that button on your website.

If you aren’t already in the middle of editing a template or template part, you can quickly update your website style by choosing Templates or Patterns (for template parts) from the main Site Editor screen.

Choose a template or part and click on it to open the full editing screen. Just like we introduced above, you’ll now see the Settings and Styles button at the top right. Remember that changes made using these will spread to all pages.

If you want to customize specific blocks, visit Styles > Blocks.


Select a block and it’ll open a detailed menu where you can edit spacing, font, and so much more.

3. Further Customize Page Templates With Theme Blocks

With classic WordPress themes, templates determine the placement of specific elements on your pages. For example, they put the post title at the top of the page, and the featured image usually sits underneath the title.

With FSE theme blocks, you can add these elements in any position within your page or post. Theme blocks enable you to control your page layout independent of your theme and its associated templates.

You can access theme blocks by going to Templates from the main Site Editor menu. Open any template and click on it in the editing screen. Now with the full editing screen open, just look at the upper left corner for a plus icon.

When you click that, you should see a panel appear with Blocks and some other options across the top. Select Blocks and scroll down to Theme where you’ll see options like Navigation, Query Loop, Excerpt, and tons more.

Click Blocks

Whatever theme blocks you select here will show up on the page you’re editing. Here you can move them around and use the Settings and Styles panels that we’ve already introduced to update their look and functionality.

Don’t forget to save!

4. Get A Running Start On Design Using Block Patterns

Block patterns are pre-designed groupings of blocks that help you get a head start on your site look and layout. Just add them to your website then customize the content to your liking and you’re good to go.

If you don’t have a design bone in your body or are building in a hurry, this FSE feature is key!

Find patterns by hitting Patterns in the main Site Editor menu.


Here you can view patterns associated with your template (if any are locked, click them then use the three-dot menu to copy them to your patterns), save your own patterns to “My patterns,” and manage your patterns.

To change a pattern, click on it to open the editing screen and proceed to customize using the Settings and Styles panels with which you should feel familiar by now!

The Twenty Twenty-Four theme introduced whole-page patterns that let you assemble pages quickly, speeding up the building process.

Related: Looking For WordPress Info? Check Out Our Archive Of Expert WordPress Tutorials

Get Support With Full Site Editing

Full site editing has the power to totally revolutionize the way you customize your website’s appearance and functionality.

Once you adopt a theme that enables FSE on your business website, even non-technical users will have unprecedented control over design, layout, and more.

And if you’re ready to take the big step toward a more modern website, you’re probably also ready to move to more modern website hosting.

With our DreamPress managed WordPress hosting plans, you get all the tools and support to help you succeed, including automated backups and staging environments for all your experimentation needs.

With DreamHost on your side you don’t have to think about a thing but building your business.

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The post Your Complete Guide to WordPress Full-Site Editing appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

What Is WordPress? Beginner’s Guide To The Most Popular CMS Tue, 15 Aug 2023 14:00:16 +0000 From the blue dress/white dress controversy to the ongoing saga of the pizza rat(s) — hundreds of moments have purported to “break the internet.” However, there’s just one platform upon which a huge percentage of the entire internet is built. As of right now, in 2023, WordPress powers about 43% of all active websites around […]

The post What Is WordPress? Beginner’s Guide To The Most Popular CMS appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

From the blue dress/white dress controversy to the ongoing saga of the pizza rat(s)hundreds of moments have purported to “break the internet.”

However, there’s just one platform upon which a huge percentage of the entire internet is built.

As of right now, in 2023, WordPress powers about 43% of all active websites around the world.

So, if you want to create or have been tasked with managing a successful website and need to find the best solution on the market, WordPress is your best bet.

While there’s no one perfect platform, WordPress comes pretty close. It’s easily adaptable to all types of sites, from simple blogs to booming online stores. The benefits of using WordPress are numerous, and it’s incredibly easy to get started with.

In this article, we’re going to introduce you to WordPress and explain what it’s all about. We’ll discuss some of its history, the tech that makes it tick, the core elements you should know about, and even the basics of how to get a WordPress site up and running for the first time.

Without further ado, let’s get to know the world’s most popular CMS (And yeah, we’ll cover what that means, too!).

An Introduction To WordPress

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WordPress is an open-source Content Management System (CMS). Since it is free and accessible, WordPress is used to power almost any type of website, from blogs to e-commerce businesses.

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WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that you can use to build and manage a website. The first version was created in 2003 by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little as an alternate version of another program called b2/cafelog.

From the very beginning, WordPress was designed as open-source software. We’ll talk about this concept in more depth later, but in a nutshell, it means that WordPress is maintained by a large community of primarily volunteer programmers and designers. As a result, WordPress has remained affordable while growing more powerful over time, even as new features and functionality are added with every new version.

This summer (2023), World Wide Web Technology Surveys looked at millions of websites and found that WordPress was the CMS for 63% of the websites where they could discern what CMS was in play. It’s safe to say that no matter what you want to build, you can likely do it on WordPress.

But before we dive into all the cool features and how to get a WordPress website off the ground, let’s talk about one interesting caveat newcomers ought to know.

There is a difference between and The former (.com) is a hosting solution and site builder from Automattic that enables you to create a limited site online for free, with upgrades at higher pricing tiers. The latter (.org) is open-source software that you can download (totally free) and use to create a custom site, which requires a web hosting service (not free).

Note: This is why you’ll sometimes see referred to as “self-hosted WordPress.”

Since tends to be a more flexible and powerful platform, we’ll be mostly focusing on it throughout the rest of this article. However, note that both platforms possess several of the same core features and can make many similar end products. Even if you find yourself more interested in the simplicity of a site at the end of the day, we promise that reading this guide won’t be for naught.

The difference between and

Psst: If you’re really interested in all the nitty, gritty details, don’t miss our robust guide The Difference Between &

Deepen Your Knowledge: Getting To Know CMS

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Algorithm Update

An algorithm update refers to any changes or upgrades to a pre-existing search engine algorithm. These updates are made to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results and can often result in large ranking fluctuations.

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Content management systems, as a concept, were developed to enable users without a lot of technical savvy to produce, publish, and manage, web content.

For businesses, CMS software grants non-technical people the freedom to execute their content marketing strategies (on the front end) and web developers the freedom from getting mired in content work that takes them away from their technical tasks (on the back end). They also pretty much broke the world of dynamic website building wide open for the masses.

Today, most CMS software makes much of this possible by way of a WYSIWYG (pronounced “wiz-ee-wig”) editor — meaning “what you see is what you get.”

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WYSIWYG is an acronym that stands for ‘what you see is what you get.’ In web design, this typically refers to a web building interface that allows users to edit their website using an interface that instantly shows the end result.

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It’s called this because it displays content much like it will look on the live website, even while it’s still being built. This makes it easy for folks to create blog posts, web pages, and other content-rich elements without knowing coding languages.

WordPress is one kind of CMS software, and there are a great many more out there. There are also different classes of CMS software, from the headless CMS to the much simpler web CMS — which is where our friends over at fall.

While we don’t have the space to go deep into all the nuances of CMS right now if you want to learn more, visit The Comprehensive Guide To Content Management Systems.

Content Management System

When To Use WordPress

While WordPress was originally designed for bloggers, because of its robust capabilities, today it can be used to build a whole host of digital entities.

Not sure a WordPress site will work for you? It probably will if you’re building anything like these various web properties:

  • Marketing website
  • Government website
  • News publishing website
  • Ecommerce store
  • Professional portfolio
  • Forum
  • Online community
  • Blog
  • Job board
  • Educational website
  • Membership website
  • Online marketplace
  • Event website

and beyond.

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Elements That Make WordPress Powerful, Yet Beginner-Friendly

Okay, so what exactly is it about WordPress that makes it such a great choice for spinning up and managing a new website?

I’m so very glad you asked.

Ease Of Use

At first, a CMS like WordPress might seem more intimidating than what you had in mind when the words “website builder” first passed through your head.

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Content Management System (CMS)

A Content Management System (CMS) is a software or application that provides a user-friendly interface for you to design, create, manage, and publish content.

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It’s true that WordPress may have a slightly steeper learning curve due to the plethora of settings and customizable features — so you’ll likely need to put in a little time learning the ropes. However, on the whole, the WordPress user interface is built to be as user-friendly as possible. You don’t need to know any coding to get started, and many of the advanced settings and features are totally optional for building a functional site.

Even 20 years on, WordPress continues to update its editing tools to offer an easy, visual experience similar to most other drag-and-drop website builders on the market. As of 2023, full-site editing and block theme functionality work together to make editing WordPress perhaps the best it’s ever been for non-developers.

As long as you’re willing to invest a very modest amount of time upfront, you’ll find that WordPress is a solid platform for beginners (and one that can keep up as you gain more knowledge and experience).

If you do run into trouble or have any questions though, you’ll also discover that there’s plenty of help available. You can find WordPress tutorials, lots of useful documentation, WordPress community forums, and, of course, WordPress-focused blogs like ours.

Themes And Plugins

Themes and plugins are additional pieces of software that you can download separately and install on your WordPress site. We’ll cover them in tandem, as the best way to use these tools is alongside each other to create the most robust experience.

WordPress themes — of which there are over 11,000 to choose from — enable you to customize the appearance and layout of your site. They sometimes also include useful features. WordPress plugins, on the other hand, add new levels of functionality to your site.

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WordPress plugins are add-ons that enable you to extend the Content Management System’s (CMS) functionality. You can use plugins for almost everything, from adding e-commerce features to WordPress to implementing page builders or using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools.

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Both things let you take the basic WordPress platform and customize it to suit your needs, tastes, and goals. Themes help you make your site look unique, and plugins enable you to add almost any feature you can think of. With over 60,000 free plugins available in the WordPress Plugin Directory, there are plugins that can help you create everything from custom forms, an online storefront, help you share your content with social media, automate tasks, bolster your site’s security, and much more.

You can find WordPress themes and plugins in plenty of places online. However, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, your best bet is to start with the official WordPress theme and plugin directories. Everything in these directories is available for free and has been run through a strict vetting process. Plus, that’s where you’ll find most of the essential plugins that you’ll need to get the most out of your site.

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A WordPress theme is a layout tool that enables you to change the design of your site. A theme is composed of a group of files within a zipped folder that includes page templates, CSS stylesheets, images, and more.

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Open-Source Ideology (Affordable And Powerful!)

As we mentioned earlier, WordPress(.org) is an open-source content management system. This means anyone is free to download and make changes and improvements to the software. But don’t worry, that doesn’t make it the Wild West full of bugs and viruses.

Today, open source is all about collaboration, fast improvements, merit, transparency, and pushing the envelope. In addition, it’s maintained by a thriving, dedicated community of WordPress developers. In other words, open-source WordPress software is probably more powerful than some of the cutting-edge but closed source development software being put out today by huge corporations!

There are a lot of advantages to using open-source software like For example:

  • There are constant improvements, and new functionality is frequently added.
  • The same people who improve the platform are also WordPress users, so there’s a focus on adding flawless, convenient features.
  • You have a huge community to turn to for help and support. Plus, everyone is welcome to contribute to WordPress if you have a great idea.
  • People make lots of add-on software, such as the themes and plugins discussed earlier, so you can extend performance practically endlessly.
  • The platform is completely free to use without sacrificing power.

Come with us as we expand a little on that last point.

Since is open-source, it won’t cost you anything to download the software and build your site. You will have to choose a domain name and a hosting plan, but these elements can be found for a low cost.

If you want, you can also spend money on premium themes and plugins to add new customization options to your site. However, this is optional because of course there are a lot of great, free plugins and themes available.

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Open Source

In software development, open source projects are free for anyone to download, use, modify, and distribute. WordPress is one great example of open-source software, although it’s far from the only one.

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Security Focus

Because is open source and relies heavily on the practice of plugging in tools from third parties, it’s understandable that nefarious forces often target websites built on the platform.

In fact, at the time of this writing, statistics indicate that only 3% of WordPress’ vulnerabilities resulted from the actual core software. The rest of the risk lies in exploits that are discovered in plugins and themes.

That said, security is crucial for any website — and it’s something you want to start thinking about now. This is particularly important if you intend to make money from your site or handle sensitive data and personal information.

Fortunately, WordPress is equipped with not only a security team but also the aforementioned community of skilled developers who are always looking out for, reporting, and fixing bugs. Regular community-led security releases address risks, which is why keeping your site on the latest version of WordPress — and keeping any add-ons up to date — is one of the best things you can do to keep your website secure.

You can secure your WordPress website even further by doing things like opting for managed WordPress hosting, enabling a web application firewall, hardening your file permissions, keeping the number of admin users limited to a small trusted group, and more.

Usage of WordPress CMS Across All Websites

Money-Making Opportunities

WordPress’ roots as a blogging tool make it ideal for small, personal sites. However, today, it’s also perfect for many larger projects — including money-making websites.

The vast number of features and functionality available through both the base platform as well as add-ons make WordPress the smart choice if you want to create a profitable site.

Here are just a few of the ways to make money with your WordPress site:

Whether you’re looking to move your entire business online or just build a lucrative side hustle, WordPress will enable you to do it effectively with some hard work and patience.

Next Step: Get Started With WordPress

Does WordPress sound like the best platform for your needs?

Then let’s not waste any time. Start developing your website on WordPress today!

The steps to setting up your first website are as follows:

  1. Set up a domain that aligns with the purpose of your website. Use a domain checker to find a name that’s available, and then get it registered to make it exclusively yours. The domain registrar you pick is important for several reasons. Check out our guide on choosing the best WordPress domain name to learn all about that.
  2. Select a web hosting provider and package. Hosting makes the content of your website available on the internet, and the right hosting company can even help you set up, run, and secure your website. As a beginner, you may find one that specializes in WordPress the most helpful. Learn more about this important step in Everything You Need to Know About Hosting And Choosing The Right Web Host.
  3. Now, install WordPress! You can install WordPress manually, but be warned this will require interacting with code. Many web hosts have processes that make it quite simple to set up, including a one-click install method. If that’s important to you, keep it in mind when shopping around.
  4. It’s finally customization time. Visit [yourdomain].com/wp-login.php and log in. Unless you want to build from scratch — totally fine, but it will take a bit of poking around! — pick a WordPress theme to get some design and structure in place. From here you can start filling in content and customizing with blocks and plugins.

WordPress has been around for a long time, but it’s only getting better and better. What used to be a humble blogging platform has expanded into a powerful CMS that’s ready to take on any type of website.

Need help using it to set up your dream site? Find out where DreamHost’s website management, design, development, and marketing pros can assist you.

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How To Use WordPress Blocks (+ How To Create Your Own!) Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:00:06 +0000 Would this be a weird place to mention how my wife is holding onto a mint-condition, unopened, limited-edition Lego Star Wars BB-8 kit? Those things are going for like $500! Okay. It would be weird. Got it, loud and clear… But this will all make a bit more sense in a second. In this post, […]

The post How To Use WordPress Blocks (+ How To Create Your Own!) appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

Would this be a weird place to mention how my wife is holding onto a mint-condition, unopened, limited-edition Lego Star Wars BB-8 kit?

Those things are going for like $500!

Okay. It would be weird. Got it, loud and clear… But this will all make a bit more sense in a second.

In this post, we’re going to cover everything you need to know about WordPress blocks. If you’re an old-school WP user like myself, then you probably still think of blocks as “new” WordPress because you began by using the classic editor.

It’s been over five years since WordPress introduced blocks, but they’re still one of the most misunderstood and underutilized CMS features.

WordPress blocks are sort of like Legos —see, I told you it would tie back in — they allow you to build and customize your website in a way that would’ve required hiring a professional website designer and developer just a few short years ago.

And that’s one of the reasons why people love them so much. Once they understand them, that is.

After I explain how they work, there’s no doubt that you’ll love them too.

What Are WordPress Blocks?

Wordpress Blocks

WordPress blocks are, as the name suggests, like stackable building blocks that you can add to pages and posts on your WordPress site.

They were added to WordPress 5.0 along with the inclusion of the Gutenberg editor that most of us are now familiar with. Blocks are now the standard way to customize your WordPress site — and you can use blocks across your entire site, not just within posts.

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Gutenberg is the name for the Block Editor project in WordPress. A lot of WordPress developers and enthusiasts use the terms Gutenberg Editor and Block Editor interchangeably.

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Think about it sort of like a site or page builder. You can click the “+” button to add a block to a page or post and then select from various block options. The current version of WordPress comes with 90+ options out of the box.

Each block is essentially a widget. They can do various things, like embed content from another site or service, add new functionality like calendars or contact forms to the page, or even add specific content with predefined formatting.

Plus, most blocks have customization options that allow you to adjust how they display or function on your site.

The WordPress block editor is a massive upgrade from the classic editor. In the pre-Gutenberg days, WordPress users could only add text and images to a post before having to dive into custom code.

Nerd note: If for some reason, you don’t have access to blocks from the WordPress editor, it could be for one of two reasons: One is that your WordPress installation could be horribly outdated (like years and years old). Secondly, it’s possible that the block editor has been disabled by the Classic Editor plugin. When active on a WordPress site, this plugin reverts you back to the classic editor experience. Check your plugins page from wp-admin to figure out if that’s the case for you.

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What Blocks Does WordPress Already Have?

By default, the block editor offers a huge number of available blocks. You can use these blocks to customize your WordPress theme, allow writers and bloggers to add rich content to their posts, pull in social media content, and so much more.

Let’s look at some of the most popular and helpful default Gutenberg blocks.

Most Common Blocks

Adding any kind of text or image is done using a block. This means that the most common blocks are generally the different styles and types of text or image elements you might add to a page.

Things like:

  • Text Block — Each paragraph you write in the block editor resides in its own text block, but text blocks aren’t limited to paragraphs. Write a little or write a lot.
  • Image Block — For when you want to show as well as tell, throw an image in the mix for some added flair.
  • List Block — Need to write an outline? What about an ordered list? You can do it all with the list block!
  • Image Gallery Block — Sharing vacation photos or product shots never looked so good. 😍
  • Table Block — Create a pricing table or share some spreadsheet data with ease.
  • Pullquote Block — Want to call attention to a particular observation? Inspired by a quote that’s relevant to the post you’re writing? Highlight it with the pullquote block!

Each of these is an element that you can add to your website with the block editor. Then, you can position and style them within the content section of the page.

Embedded Content Blocks

Blocks make it extremely easy to embed outside content and widgets into your WordPress website without having to add a new plugin or third-party addon.

Some of the most popular embed block types for pulling in outside content:

  • Calendly Block
  • Custom HTML Block
  • Twitter Block
  • YouTube Block
  • Testimonials
  • WooCommerce
  • Contact Forms
  • FAQs

Using these block types, you can go beyond the basic text editor and create interactive content that features all kinds of functionality and features.

Specialty Blocks

Here’s where things get really spicy.

Beyond the basics and embedded content, there are also a huge number ofadvanced blocks that you can use for special cases. Like maybe you want to improve your site’s navigation and UX, or to use WordPress as a full-blown site builder.

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On the web, the term ‘navigation’ represents moving from one website or page to another. Navigation is also a common term in web development and design. There’s an emphasis on making it easy for users to find the pages they need.

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Here are a few to check out:

  • Buttons Block
  • Columns Block
  • Group Block
  • Post Carousel Block
  • Post Content Block
  • Query Loop Block
  • Reusable Block
  • Shortcode Block
  • Table of Contents Block

With these blocks, you can pull in custom content directly from the WordPress database or fully customize the layout, spacing, and flow of each page or post on your website.

That’s all great and dandy.

But what if you need a block that doesn’t come with WordPress by default? 

Luckily, blocks are also customizable. Just like widgets, you can add new blocks and even create your own to fit the needs of your website design and template.

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WordPress widgets can add features to your website’s sidebars, footers, or other areas. Some default WordPress widgets are Categories, Tag Cloud, Search, Navigation Menu, Calendar, and Recent Posts.

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How To Create Custom Blocks With A WordPress Plugin

By far, the easiest way to create a custom block is to use a plugin.

The Genesis Custom Blocks plugin makes building and launching your own custom blocks pretty simple. You will need to have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS to create and style the block to fit your needs.

With those basic skills, the plugin takes care of all of the difficult setup and configuration to implement a new block.

Step 1: Install Genesis Block Plugin

First things first: Pop over to the WordPress plugin directory and install the Genesis Custom Block plugin.

(Don’t forget to go to the Plugins tab and activate it.)

Step 2: Add A New Block

Once installed and activated, you should see a new option from the WP admin panel in the left-hand navigation.

Click Custom Blocks > Add New.

Step 3: Customize The Editor Fields

Now, we’re ready to start building the custom block.

The first step will be to set up the fields and customization options that will appear when you’re using the block on your website.

Screenshot showing the Genesis Custom Blocks Plugin setup screen

You can think of this sort of like a mini version of the block editor itself. You’ll add custom fields and data that will either be pre-filled by the block itself or collected by the editor or user who’s adding the block to a page or post.

For example, if you’re building a custom call-to-action (CTA) block, you might add fields like:

  • Headline text
  • Subhead text
  • Button text
  • CTA button URL

Each field will have a label, name, and type. You can even customize the width or add help text to make it easier for additional editors or writers to use.

Step 4: Customize The Markup And CSS

Now that we’ve set up the back end of the block, we need to tell WordPress how to actually display the content that’s being added.

Here’s where any prior HTML or CSS knowledge that you may have will come in handy.

Customize the Markup and CSS

In this next step, you will essentially be writing the block of code that will be dynamically generated from the inputs configured for the block editor.

You can write this in vanilla HTML and CSS.

You can also pull in the variables from the block editor using double brackets and the field name (slug) from the editor. (E.g.,”{{button-text}}”)

Step 5: Add The Block

Once you’ve set up the block using the Genesis plugin, it should appear in the list of available blocks available in the WordPress Gutenberg editor.

Simply click the “+” and then find the new block by its name.

Once added, you should see the Gutenberg block editor screen with the fields and options you configured.

That’s it!

You can now use your custom block, adding it to pages, posts, sidebars, or wherever you need it.

How To Create Custom WordPress Blocks Without A Plugin

If you want to dive in deeper and really learn how to create new blocks from scratch, you’ll need a bit more advanced knowledge.

In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the basic steps for using the create-block tool that will allow you to spin up fully custom blocks without having to use a plugin.

Fair warning: This is an advanced workflow. It will require you to dig into the command line.

You’ll need to understand PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Don’t say we didn’t warn ya!

Step #1: Set Up Node.js, NPM, And Local WordPress Installation

Before we can use create-block, we’ll need to have the right setup and access.

Here are the prerequisites:

You may also want to use nvm (Node version manager) to install or update a compatible version of Node.js

With this setup, we will use NPM’s command “npx” to execute the create-block package directly from its hosted directory in the cloud.

Step #2: Run The create-block Package

Now, the easy step.

From the terminal, navigate to the /wp-content/plugins directory of your website on your local machine.

Then run the create-block package using NPX:

Run the create-block Package

npx @wordpress/create-block {{block-name}}

This package will run through the process of setting up what’s known as the “block scaffolding”. It will register all of the relevant elements, spin up the correct file and directory structure, and generate default code for the entire block to be both editable and usable.

Step #3: Activate The Plugin

The new block itself will take the form of a plugin.

Once the create-block package is complete, you’ll need to pop over to WP admin.

Go to the Plugins page and activate the new plugin that it created, which should have the name of the block that you used in your npx command.

Step #4: Customize The Block Code

You’ll customize the content and functionality of the block within the /src/ folder inside the plugin directory.

Index.js is where you’ll register the block and code the main output:

Customize the Block Code

Notice that the registerBlockType function is set to handle both the block editor inputs (“edit”) and the front-end display (“save”).

This is just scratching the surface of building a functional block.

You’ll likely want to dig into the complete documentation for writing functional blocks using the WordPress Block API.

Once you have the basics down, you can pull in additional dependencies, tap into outside data sources, and just about anything else your heart desires.

Step #5: Add The Block From The Gutenberg Editor

With the activated plugin, you can add your block to any page or post from the Gutenberg editor.

Access it by using the “+” button or “/” command, just like any other block.

The Sky’s The Limit

Alright, we went from basics to advanced with this one, but the good news is that now you’re unstoppable.

Between the default block options, the Genesis plugin, and the ability to build your very own from-scratch blocks — there’s nothing that you can’t do!

And because blocks are so incredibly powerful and flexible, there’s just about nothing you can’t build. Your WordPress site now has nearly infinite functionality, and you can make the site, app, or project of your dreams.

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Your Complete Introduction to WordPress Plugins Mon, 03 Jul 2023 14:00:00 +0000 Building a straightforward, effective website is absolutely achievable with WordPress’s basic features – but what happens when your online aspirations extend beyond a starter blog or small portfolio? This is when the power of WordPress plugins really comes to the fore. Plugins are extensions that can broaden the functionality of your WordPress website in almost […]

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Building a straightforward, effective website is absolutely achievable with WordPress’s basic features – but what happens when your online aspirations extend beyond a starter blog or small portfolio? This is when the power of WordPress plugins really comes to the fore.

Plugins are extensions that can broaden the functionality of your WordPress website in almost any area. Many are free, and they are incredibly easy to install.

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What is WordPress?

WordPress is an open-source Content Management System (CMS). Since it is free and accessible, WordPress is used to power almost any type of website, from blogs to e-commerce businesses.

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If you’re hearing about plugins for the first time or you’re unsure how to use them, we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’re going to take a closer look at what WordPress plugins can offer and how to use them.

What are WordPress Plugins?

In short, a plugin is an add-on for your WordPress site — a small piece of third-party software you can install to add new features and functionality.

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What is a Plugin?

WordPress plugins are add-ons that enable you to extend the Content Management System’s (CMS) functionality. You can use plugins for almost everything, from adding e-commerce features to WordPress to implementing page builders or using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools.

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No matter which aspect of your site you would like to upgrade, there’s probably a plugin out there that can help. You can find plugins to speed up your site, optimize security, and help your site rank higher in search engines. Page builder plugins allow you to create custom layouts without code, and form plugins make it easier for visitors to make contact.

Other options enable you to add specific features to your site, such as custom post types, an ecommerce storefront, or a user forum. Some even help with basic maintenance tasks, like cleaning up broken links.

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Why You Should be Using Plugins

To understand why plugins are so vital, let’s imagine a scenario.

Say you just bought a new iPhone. Thanks to iOS, you can make calls, send messages, check your emails, listen to podcasts, and even track your health without installing any new apps!

However, chances are that the built-in features of iOS won’t cover everything you want to achieve. At some point, you’re likely to install some third-party apps, like Instagram or Google Maps.

If WordPress is the operating system of your website, plugins are the apps. While the underlying platform handles all the basic functionality, these add-ons provide the features you need for handling specific tasks or managing parts of your site.

Since thousands of plugins are available and most are free to install, adding some to your WordPress site is a no-brainer.

How to Pick the Right Plugins for Your WordPress Website

So, where should you start? Well, a few plugins come highly recommended as a starter kit for any new WordPress site.

Beyond these, you need to pinpoint what you want to achieve with your site and find the right plugins to fulfill those needs. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide:

1) Identify Your Needs

As a first step, consider what is missing from your website.

If you want to sell products online, you might need an ecommerce plugin. If you want to build your email marketing list, consider adding a newsletter sign-up form. Perhaps the back end of your website is missing something, like a sitemap directing search engines toward your content.

Not sure what you need? Check out our beginner’s guide to building your own WordPress site for some inspiration.

As a side note, it’s worth mentioning that a quality hosting plan eliminates the need for certain plugins. For example, DreamHost’s managed WordPress hosting service takes care of optimizing your site’s speed and performance without the need to install add-ons.

2) Search for a Solution

Once you have a shopping list of needs, the next step is to hunt down the right plugins to fill those gaps.

The best place to start is by searching the WordPress Plugin Directory. This is essentially a huge online warehouse stacked high with plugins. In fact, it’s where the vast majority of plugins are hosted.

Featured Plug-ins

You can access the Plugin Directory via and download plugins onto your device, which can then be uploaded to your site.

However, we recommend logging in to your WordPress Dashboard and navigating to Plugins > Add New. Here, you can install new plugins straight from the Directory. We’ll talk more about this later.

There are a few WordPress plugins that do not appear in the Directory. These are almost all premium plugins, where you will need to pay either a one-time price or a subscription fee for access. These are generally hosted on the site of the plugin provider, and some offer valuable advanced features.

A note of caution: you might come across a free or heavily discounted version of premium plugins through unofficial channels. While these may seem appealing, we recommend avoiding them at all costs. They have often been heavily modified and can put your site at risk of being infected with malware and spam.

If you don’t have the budget for the official premium versions, it’s totally okay if you stick with the regular free WordPress plugins. With over 60,000 of them, there’s sure to be one that does what you need.

3) Check the Details

While all plugins in the official Plugin Directory are free to install and compatible with some version of WordPress, it’s still worth checking the details.

For a start, you should figure out whether a plugin actually covers everything you need. You can do this by clicking on the name of any plugin in the Directory search results.

Here, you will find a complete description of the plugin, including a full list of features. Study this carefully to decide whether the plugin does everything you need, and look out for any mention of “pro” or “premium” features — you will have to pay to unlock these.

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On the right, there is a small table that displays some key information about the plugin. The most important areas to look for here are WordPress version and PHP version. Both need to be aligned with your WordPress website; otherwise, some features might break.

Wordpress Verison

Last updated displays when the most recent version was released. This is a crucial part of site security, as plugins that are not actively maintained can leave your site open to attacks. Meanwhile, a large number of Active installations can be evidence of a higher-quality plugin.

Below this data, you can check out user ratings and reviews. WordPress ratings work on a star system, with one being the lowest and five being the highest. You can also access reviews by clicking on See all. It’s a good idea to check what other users think since not all plugins work as perfectly as they claim.

WordPress ratings work on a star system, with one being the lowest and five being the highest

Below the reviews, you will find the Support section. A high number of resolved issues is a positive sign, as it indicates that the developers are responsive. Reading through some support questions can also give you an idea of potential challenges you may face when using the software.

Support section on a WordPress Plugin page

Right at the bottom of the page, the Screenshots section gives you a preview of the plugin’s user interface (UI), and the FAQ section can reveal common issues.

4) Download and Test 

If everything looks good, you can download and test the plugin on your site. There is a complete tutorial on how to install plugins later in this guide.

Even if you’re comfortable with the process, we encourage you to consult each plugin’s installation instructions before downloading, because it may contain important information to help you avoid software-specific issues.

After you’ve set up the plugin, you can start testing its performance. An important issue is how it impacts your site’s speed. To test this, we recommend using a tool such as GTmetrix.


Alternatively, you might use a staging site to determine the usability and front-end functionality of your chosen plugin.

Testing is vital because it only takes one poorly coded plugin to take down your entire website.

How to Install WordPress Plugins

Not sure how to install WordPress plugins? There are essentially three different approaches. Let’s take a look at them now:

1) Install a Plugin From the Official Directory

If you have decided on a plugin from the official WordPress Plugin Directory, you’re in luck. Installing free plugins from this source couldn’t be easier — and you can do so without leaving your dashboard.

To get started, log in to your website and navigate to the Plugins tab:

How to Install WordPress Plugins

Here, you can see all the plugins you have currently installed (if any). Click on Add New, and you’ll be taken to a searchable version of the Directory. Simply type in the name of the plugin you want. If you haven’t chosen one yet, you can use the various search options to explore everything that’s available.

When you find the right plugin, hit the Install Now button:

Install plugin

WordPress will spend a few moments performing the installation, and then you’ll see a blue Activate button appear. Click on that, and the plugin will be ready to use!

Depending on the plugin you’ve chosen, you may be prompted to configure a few settings or run through a setup wizard.

2) Upload a Plugin Through the Dashboard

If you’ve purchased a premium plugin or downloaded one from an offsite location, you’ll need to use a slightly different method than the above.

All you’ll need is the .zip archive containing the plugin’s files saved to your computer. This should have been provided to you when you bought the plugin. If you aren’t sure where to find it, you should contact the plugin’s developer for help.

Once you have access to the plugin, log in to your site and head to the Plugins tab. As before, click on Add New. This time, however, you’ll want to select Upload Plugin on the next page:

Upload Plug-in

Click on the Choose File button, find the zipped plugin folder on your computer and select it (you don’t need to extract the files), then click on Install Now. Give WordPress a few moments to work its magic, and you should see a success message.

Hit the Activate Plugin button, and you’re all set! The plugin should now appear on your list in the Plugins tab.

3) Use FTP to Install the Plugin Directly

If you have a plugin’s .zip file saved on your computer, you can also install it using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). FTP enables you to access your site’s files and databases directly so that you can make changes to them by hand.

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File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a connection that you can use to transfer files over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/Internet Protocol (IP). You can use FTP to connect to a server you own and interact with its files.

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For those who are comfortable working with FTP, this can be a quicker way to install multiple plugins. However, even if you’ve never used FTP before, you might want to consider this method. It’s a perfect way to start learning how to work with your website’s files. It’s also a useful alternative if you run into any errors when installing a plugin through the dashboard.

The first thing you’ll want to do is download an FTP tool. We recommend FileZilla, which is free and easy to use. Then you’ll set it up and connect to your web host. This is a good time to make a backup of your site if you haven’t already. FTP enables you to make permanent changes to your website, so it’s important to be careful and have a readily available way to reverse any mistakes.

Once you have FileZilla open and connected, it should look something like this:


In the top right quadrant, you’ll see your website’s home directory (it will typically be named after the site’s domain). Within this folder, navigate to wp-content > plugins:

FileZilla WordPress Content Plug-ins

This is where you’ll need to place the files for your new plugin. Unzip them first, then copy and paste them into the plugins folder. Alternatively, you can find the files on your computer using the two left-hand quadrants of FileZilla, and drag them over (again– after they’ve been unzipped).

That’s all you need to do to install your new plugin. However, you will still need to visit your site to activate it. Navigate to the Plugins tab from your dashboard, and find the plugin you just installed in the list. Once you click on Activate, you’re all done!

What are the Best WordPress Plugins?

If you’re ready to start exploring the world of WordPress plugins, you might be wondering whether there are some must-have options.

The truth is that there are way too many great plugins to fit in this post. You could try these articles for inspiration:

But if you want some idea of where to begin your search, let’s take a look at the standout plugins in each category.

Key Types of WordPress Plugins

While there are thousands of niche options, the majority of popular plugins fit into one of the following groups:

WordPress SEO Plugins

These plugins help you to optimize your website for search engines like Google. The category includes tools for improving your content and plugins that build XML sitemaps and schema files.

Examples include Yoast SEO, All in One SEO, WP Meta SEO, and Schema.

Prefer us to handle SEO for you? Check out our SEO Toolkit.

Ecommerce Plugins

If you want to set up an ecommerce store or take payments for a service, you’re going to need an online store plugin. Some of these plugins are designed specifically for digital products, such as online courses.

Examples include WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Payment Button for PayPal, and Easy Digital Downloads.

Our specialized WooCommerce hosting makes it super easy to set up shop online.

Promotional Plugins

From pop-up forms and interactive quizzes to social media share buttons, this category of plugins helps you with lead generation and audience building. Certain marketing plugins can even hook into your CRM.

Examples include Sumo, OptinMonster, Gravitec (Web Push Notification), MC4W (MailChimp for WordPress).

Contact Form Builder Plugins

Want to help your visitors get in touch or encourage submissions? These plugins allow you to create a user-friendly form with total customizability when it comes to looks and layout.

Examples include Contact Form 7, WPForms, and Ninja Forms.

Contact Form Builder Plugins

Slider Plugins

These plugins allow you to add an eye-catching slider or carousel anywhere on your site. Responsive design is a really important feature here, because it means your slider will look good on all devices.

Examples include RoyalSlider, and Soliloquy.

Widget and Shortcode Plugins

Widget plugins allow you to add something extra to the sidebar, header, or footer of your WordPress site. Shortcode plugins open up similar options elsewhere.

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A WordPress sidebar is an area of the page separate from the main content. It is usually on the left or right side of the page. Here you can add various widgets and advertisements.

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Examples include Social Icons Widget & Block by WPZOOM, and the SiteOrigin Widget Bundle.

Page Builder Plugins

If you want to go beyond the basic template of your WordPress theme, website builder plugins can help. It’s possible to transform the user experience of your website using these tools, and some allow you to create custom landing pages.

Examples include Elementor, and Beaver Builder.

When you host your WordPress site with DreamHost, you can also use our powerful website builder.

Custom Code Plugins

While drag-and-drop tools are great, custom code plugins allow you to make your own changes using a little CSS or JavaScript. These tools should be used with caution, but they can be very useful in the right hands.

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JavaScript is a flexible programming language that makes websites more engaging and interactive. It teams up with HTML and CSS to improve how users experience websites and apps.

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Examples include CodeKit and WP Custom Code.

Analytics Plugins

Want to track who is visiting your site and see how many conversions you’re making in real-time? Analytics plugins can help. Some can also track social sharing.

Examples include GA Google Analytics and MonsterInsights.

GA Google Analytics

Security Plugins

Keeping your WordPress site secure is incredibly important. Some plugins can reduce the chance of becoming a website security horror story, and cut down on spam as well. It’s a good idea to protect your site with a firewall, too.

Examples of security plugins include Cloudflare, All-In-One Security (AIOS), and Wordfence.

Optimization and Admin Plugins

This catch-all category covers a huge range of tools, including some real gems. Lazy loading and caching plugins can reduce load times, and backup plugins help you create a copy of your entire site. Image optimization tools are essential for bloggers, and automation tools can keep your database tidy.

Examples include Jetpack, WP Super Cache, WP Rocket, and UpdraftPlus.

Remember to visit our comprehensive list of top WordPress plugins to dive deeper into all of the categories mentioned above and more.

The WordPress Plugin Directory Awaits

Plugins are fantastic resources that enable you to build your site into anything you want it to be. No matter what feature or functionality you’re looking for, chances are there’s a plugin that can make it happen.

Even better, installing plugins on your WordPress site couldn’t be easier. A quick reminder:

  1. Identify and prioritize what you need from a plugin.
  2. Search for your options in legitimate, quality marketplaces.
  3. Review the available information on each plugin’s page.
  4. Download and test the plugin.

Even with the perfect plugins, putting together a website can be challenging. Let us do the heavy lifting with our DreamPress managed WordPress hosting!

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Leave migrating your site, installing WordPress, managing security and updates, and optimizing server performance to us. Now you can focus on what matters most: growing your website.

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The post Your Complete Introduction to WordPress Plugins appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

18 Pro Tips for Choosing the Perfect WordPress Theme Fri, 19 May 2023 14:00:45 +0000 There’s no shortage of website builders in 2023 for those looking for a robust and powerful CMS. But somehow,, an open-source content management system built in 2003, still takes the cake when it comes to customizability. There’s a simple reason for this: Community. WordPress has managed to tap into the international web design and […]

The post 18 Pro Tips for Choosing the Perfect WordPress Theme appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.

There’s no shortage of website builders in 2023 for those looking for a robust and powerful CMS. But somehow,, an open-source content management system built in 2003, still takes the cake when it comes to customizability.

There’s a simple reason for this: Community.

WordPress has managed to tap into the international web design and development community at a scale that no other platform comes close to.

Over the last two decades, this community has contributed tens of thousands of themes, plugins, and other assets to the platform, giving it new ways to customize the look, feel, and functionality of your website or blog.

Customization is an essential part of the WordPress experience, with themes playing a huge role. So let’s take a look at some top tips and tricks to help you choose the perfect theme for WordPress.

How to Install a WordPress Theme

Once you have your website up and running on WordPress — complete with its own domain and hosting — installing a theme is actually very simple.

Just access your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the Theme > Appearance tab. Once there, select the Add New button at the top of the page.

WordPress will then allow you to upload the .zip file that you received after purchasing your theme or download whichever WP theme from the that you chose. When the theme is in place, all you have to do is go to the Themes tab and hit the Activate button, and your new theme is ready to go.

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#1 What Is Your Website’s Purpose?

“Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.”

Tyrion Lannister was clearly on to something here. While he wasn’t talking about WordPress websites specifically, it’s clear that aligning yourself on the purpose and reason behind your website can be just as important.

Just ask yourself these two very important questions before you do anything else:

  • What’s the point of my website? (Example: Personal blog, ecommerce store, bragging rights, small business, or educational nonprofit.)
  • Who is my intended audience? (Example: Accounting professionals, vintage toy collectors, or kombucha enthusiasts.)

#2 Prioritize Performance and Speed

If there’s one thing people hate, it’s a slow website. There are a lot of factors that can affect your site’s speed, but the theme you pick will play a significant role. Some themes are better optimized than others, so they tend to be faster across the board.

It can be hard to gauge a theme’s level of optimization without taking it for a test drive, but you can look at existing reviews and run a speed test (via WebPageTest or GTmetrix) on the theme’s demo website to get a quick idea.

#3 Look through Competitor Websites

In many industries, you’ll find that websites tend to share very similar styles. If your audience expects a specific aesthetic, you’ll need to consider whether you want to provide what they’re looking for or try to give them something unexpected.

If you’re all out of inspiration, check out Awwwards and Lapa.Ninja for some award-winning websites specific to your industry and space.

But it’s not enough just to look at these websites. Examine their design aesthetic and look for patterns in their visual style. For example, here are some things to be on the lookout for:

  • Color schemes
  • Typography choice
  • Graphic design
  • Visual hierarchy
  • Important functionality

#4 Check for SEO Friendliness

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is key to your website performing well in search results. The quality and consistency of your content and the optimization of your metadata affect your page ranking.

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Metadata refers to ‘data about other data’. It is information within files that explains what type of file you’re dealing with. Common examples of metadata include file size, modification dates, who created the file, and more.

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Why does rank matter? Well, the higher your website falls on the search engine results page, the more people will visit your website.

And you guessed it: your theme matters when it comes to SEO. WordPress sites that perform quickly, are responsive (see above), and are built with clean code are great for SEO.

#5 Ascertain Ease of Use

A user-friendly backend allows you to manage and update your website content more efficiently. This saves time and lets you focus on other aspects of your business or project.

While you may want to buy that fancy-looking multipurpose WordPress theme with a live customizer built in, it’s much better to look for something simple and functional if you are new to WordPress. Keep it simple, smarty! Make sure that your theme is complimentary to your level of expertise and comfort with WordPress.

#6 Confirm Relevant Plugin Support

Plugin compatibility issues can manifest in many ways. If you are picky about the theme and plugins you use, these problems should be few and far between. That being said, if you have specific plugins in mind for powering key functionality on your website, it’s worth checking to ensure your top theme options are compatible.

For example, WooCommerce is the number one plugin for implementing ecommerce functionality. As such, WooCommerce theme integration is a key consideration if you want to start an online store.

A few other popular WordPress plugins and features that you might want to consider include:

  • Elementor
  • MemberPress
  • BuddyPress
  • LifterLMS
5 Ways to Customize WordPress Themes

#7 Look for Customization Options

Usually, the first thing you’ll notice about a theme is what it looks like — if it fits your idea of what you want for your website. In most cases, you’ll need to make some changes to any theme you choose in order to get it looking just right.

Let’s say you’ve done your research and found a theme that’s 90 percent perfect. For instance, you like the layout of the pages, how the menus function, and the overall theme design, but the fonts aren’t quite what you had in mind.

Fear not, it still might be a good choice for your website. One of the great things about WordPress sites is that they are incredibly customizable, especially when you use plugins. Check out our guide to customizing a WordPress theme to get started!

#8 Analyze Reviews and Ratings

A theme’s reviews and ratings are a valuable indicator of what to expect. When it comes to popular themes, you’d be surprised at how many user ratings you can find.

All themes in’s Theme Directory are ranked from one to five stars and feature customer reviews. Look for themes that speak to your site’s purpose and aesthetic ideal, then read the reviews to see what people are saying.

#9 Confirm Regular Developer Support

If you run into any issues with your theme, it’s always nice to know that you can turn to its developers for advice on how to solve it. Ideally, your theme’s developers should provide you with multiple support channels, actively trying to help their user base.

But support isn’t limited to customer service. WordPress is a platform that undergoes regular updates, some of which massively change the functionality of the core platform. Themes need to be updated on a regular basis to keep up with these changes (things like the new page builder and block editor!)

#10 Check for Multilingual Functionality

There are a lot of tools you can use to translate your WordPress pages and create a multilingual website. However, for this to work, you’ll want to use a theme that’s translation ready. Try and look for compatibility with the following plugins to get started:

  • TranslatePress
  • Polylang
  • WPML
  • Weglot
  • MultilingualPress

Given that English is used by only 26% of global internet users, multilingual support is a feature that’s worth investing in.

#11 Prioritize Accessible Design Practices

WordPress websites that prioritize accessibility are a win-win for everyone involved. Look for themes built to create a user-friendly experience for people with disabilities, keeping in mind things like color contrast, typography choice, and visual hierarchy.

DreamHost Glossary


Typography is a process of arranging a typeface in variations of font, size, and spacing. This involves making text’s appearance, style, and arrangement readable and visually pleasing.

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A lot of these things can be adjusted when customizing your theme, but it still helps to have a good starting point. Also remember to test your chosen theme for compatibility with screen readers and keyboard navigation, since integrating these features into a theme that doesn’t already support it can require a lot of effort.

#12 Search for Ecommerce Support

WooCommerce is the most feature-complete WP plugin for ecommerce websites. Looking for themes that specifically support WooCommerce is a good way to ensure ecommerce compatibility for your website.

You should be looking for dedicated inner pages and templates to seamlessly showcase your products. Even if your theme doesn’t mention WooCommerce specifically, check to ensure that the theme’s demo website contains ample examples of ecommerce content like a shopping cart and checkout page.

Search for Ecommerce Support

#13 Check Pre-Built Template Variety

Pre-built templates and block patterns provide ready-to-use designs for various page layouts, such as the home page, landing pages, blog pages, or contact pages. This can save you significant time and effort when setting up your website, as you won’t need to create these layout options from scratch.

When evaluating a new theme for your website, look for the number of pre-built templates and block patterns available within the demo content. Then, prioritize themes with a good collection of templates that match both the layout and the aesthetic you’re looking for.

#14 Stick to Reputable Sources

Themes from reputable sources are less likely to contain malicious code, security vulnerabilities, or hidden backdoors that could compromise your website’s safety. Reputable theme developers also invest more time and effort into creating high-quality themes that adhere to design and coding best practices.

Here are a few examples of reputed websites for purchasing and downloading themes for your WordPress:

  • WordPress Theme Directory: The repository offers a wide selection of free WordPress themes that adhere to strict quality and security guidelines.
  • StudioPress: Known for their drag-and-drop Genesis Framework, StudioPress offers a range of SEO-friendly themes with professional designs and great customizability.
  • Elegant Themes: The creators of the popular Divi theme, Elegant Themes provides a collection of well-designed and feature-rich themes backed by excellent customer support professionals and a solid refund policy.

#15 Evaluate Affordability and Pricing

When it comes to WordPress themes, one of the most critical decisions you need to make is whether to go with a free or a premium option.

Premium themes tend to pack in a lot more functionality to justify their price tags. But, really does offer a plethora of great themes in its directory. WordPress volunteers do an excellent job of vetting these themes, which are submitted by third-party developers, to make sure that the code is up to, well, code.

To get started, do a search to find free themes that match your site’s criteria and then check out their demos to get a sense of how the theme would look with your content.

But if you are going to invest in a paid theme, marketplaces like StudioPress and Elegant Themes offer excellent options. Just be sure to read through the developer’s refund policy and know what level of support you can expect before you go and make your purchase decision. On that note…

#16 Double-Check the Refund Policy

If you’re going to invest in a premium theme, it’s important to check the refund policy of purchase to ensure that you have sufficient time to decide on its quality. Lots of themes offer a 30-day no questions asked refund policy — so that you have plenty of time to test things and contact support should you encounter issues.

The same goes for theme builders, too. Many of them offer a free trial or have a return policy in place for handling dissatisfied customers. Just be on the lookout for this when reading through their features and terms.

#17 Take a Mobile-First Approach

Responsive design is a must-have feature for most bloggers and website owners, but the mobile-first approach takes it one step further. By designing your WordPress theme for mobile devices first, you can ensure that the devices with the trickiest design requirements, with a huge variety of screen choices and hardware options, get the most attention from your design team.

While not all industries necessitate a mobile-first approach, it’s still a great feature to be on the lookout for to ensure that mobile users have the best user experience possible when accessing your site.

#18 Ensure Modern Browser Compatibility

Although most people use the same popular browsers — such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari — they’re far from the only options. There are dozens of browsers you can choose from, and not all of them render content and images in the same way.

Good developers know this, and ensure that their themes play nicely with most browsers by following established best practices for coding and design.

Global Internet Browser Market Share from Jan 2012-2023

Why Is it So Important to Choose the Best WordPress Theme?

If you have any friends who use WordPress (the numbers say you probably do), ask them how long they’ve been using their current theme. In most cases, the answer will number in years.

Changing your WordPress theme can be tricky, as it will radically alter the appearance and even the functionality of your site. That’s why it’s better to make a great choice the first time around and stick with it as long as possible.

Themes are one of the key features that make WordPress an amazing platform. You have literally thousands of themes that you can choose from. Neve, OceanWP, and Astra are some great examples to look into, if you don’t know where to start.

This is not a decision to be taken lightly. Your choice of WordPress theme will impact your website’s SEO, visitor experience, conversion rates, and much more.

Are you ready to start using your new theme? You’ll first need to pick a WordPress hosting service that plays well with the platform’s unique requirements. Fortunately, we have plenty of plans for WordPress users to choose from!

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The post 18 Pro Tips for Choosing the Perfect WordPress Theme appeared first on Website Guides, Tips & Knowledge.
